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1) Update file Version

2) Do renumbering as per red highlighted shape. In X-direction beam no. Start from
1001,1002,1003…and so on. Same do in Z-direction. I gave as an Example.

3) Update Geometry According GAD plan of lift portion. Remove surface model from selected
beam because this is the opening portion of lift. And make a surface on the other side of lift
as per GAD. Also, model surface on top of lift.

4) Model landing beam as per below photo. Remove 2.5m height top geometry at water tank
5) Define one support and Assign at each column end instead of giving 63 individual supports.

6) Redefine Specification as below photo. And same as support gave only two indications Start
MZ and End MZ instead of too many.

7) Why there is extra notation in editor file without applying load below? Check editor file
before submission.
8) Apply slab load on terrace
9) Write load case 5 as 1.5(D.L+L.L)
10) definition of property, support, load, specifications, and design command should be indicate
as required not in too much time.

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