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Trabajo Práctico - HISTORIA Medieval
APELLIDO/S G o r g a L o p e z P e r e z
NOMBRE/S V i c t o r i A M i l e C a n d e l a
CONTENIDOS: MEDIEVAL LIFE. The norman conquest
Objectives:  Interpret documents, and other forms of evidence, in their historical context. Articulate a persuasive and well-
structured historical argument. Employ multiple forms of evidence in arguments. Differentiate between historiographical theories
and debates.


Critical thinking, initiative
and creativity
Information analysis and


Milena Lopez Soto, Candela Perez y Victoria Gorga
People of middle ages
1- What did you have for breakfast today?
Argentina: I had mate and toasts with butter and sugar over it.
England: For breakfast I had black tea with macarons. 
France: I had orange juice with french toasts and half of a croissant. 
 For breakfast I had a special meal, I ate bread with eggs and bacon. 
2- What did you choose to wear? What did you wear yesterday?
I wore a fancy cream dress with an undertunic made of linen. Today my husband, John, wore
a short costume with a long tunic. Yesterday I wore a loose dress to do the cleaning and John
used a long ankle length costume.
3- What are your plans for the day? What did you need to accomplish today?
I'm going to the market to buy salt and textile because a new merchant came today, and in
the evening a private postman is going to send my letter to an old friend, that I haven't seen in
a long time.  
4- What will you be having for lunch or dinner today?
I'll be having salmon with honey for lunch, which is a secret recipe from my grandmother, and
for dinner some tuna with pepper and bread as a sandwich.
5- What will you do for fun or to relax today?
I'm going to a circus of some new acrobats monkeys with a friend in the morning and later
she invited me to play chess. It's my favourite board game!
6- What events are coming up that are particularly important to you?
On friday is my older son's birthday, and my other son just graduated from school. We are
having a big banquet with family friends. I rented a minstren to entertain guests.  
7- Who are the most important people around you?
The most important people around me are my children, my husband and our soldiers who
protects us. 
8- What are you proudest of? 
I'm proud of having descendants who wear our surnames and all the fights my family won. 
9- What are your biggest worries?
My biggest worry is that the black death will arrive in our town and affect my family.
10- If you had one wish, what would it be?
It would be that my daughters get the chance to make their own decisions. 

The Normans
1- Describe what you see in sources 1-3. Is it different from source 4?
In sources 1 and 3 we can see merchants or sailors disembarking their boats, some horses
and goods. In source 2 there are some boats sailing somewhere. But in source 4 there is a
scene of an invasion, and we know that because there are men with weapons and armors.
2- Why was the Norman invasion successful? 
The Norman invasion was successful because the England army was exhausted, the Norman
army was superbly fit and well equipped and William was a great leader and strategist. Even
the wind was on William's side.
3-In you view, was any factor more important than the others in ensuring the invasion?
Yes, the most important factor is that William was sure about attacking because he saw a
God’s sign on his dream, which granted victory in battle. On the other hand William was
furious because Harold broke his oath and took the throne betraying him.
4- Explain three key points of Norman control
 They had a strong army with advanced tools to force citizens to submit him.
 William got rid of kingdoms or cities that were against him by burning and killing all the
 William was a good strategist who always tried to conquer new lands, also, building
castles helped to establish control. 
5-Was William’s castle-building programme a sign of strength or weakness?  William
castle-building was a strength sign because they controlled the countryside surrounding them,
they were a visible reminder of the lands they had conquered.

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