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Cursed Chapel •

This chapel has been built on ancient burial mounds, which is not
going to sit well with the ancient evil spirits that reside there.
An Introduction • A cult has started to take over a small village, the chapel is being
used for evil rituals. The god of the chapel is not happy and sends

he village is empty, not a soul to be found. a prophetic dream to a player character.
Investigating a few buildings you see nothing unto- • The local Nobles have been feeding the local peasants to a vam-
ward. No signs of violence or anything that would pire for years, it’s kind of a tradition at this point. Some villagers
indicate where the villagers have gone. Standing in have got upset and collected a bounty for the vampire and maybe
the village square you look around perplexed. A bell some of the Nobles as well :)
begins to ring out, a clear sound that echoes across the
pastoral landscape. A church bell, used as a call to prayer, or in times of
danger a warning signal. Variants
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Following the sound, you make your way along a dirt road, past
fields, and rolling hills sprinkled with copses of pine and deciduous
trees. Ahead, among the trees, you catch a glimpse of a stone spire
and the top of a slate-tiled roof. Moving closer a grey stone building
is revealed, a chapel surrounded by grass and gravestones. Its leaded
glass windows are dark and in places cracked with age. From inside
you can hear a sound, an ominous chanting, the words unintelli-
gible. Walking up the path to the chapel’s entrance you push the
wooden doors open as quietly as possible and make your way inside.

The inside of the chapel is shadowy, lit by windows covered in years

of grime. The small amount of light that spills through is sickly and
tinted yellow. The walls are roughly hewn stone, with columns that
reach up to an arched ceiling with exposed rafters. The flagstone
floor is worn and filled with rows of wooden pews. The first few
rows of which are filled with shadowy figures wearing dark robes,
heads bowed in prayer. A priest stands in the pulpit, his head also
bowed, but as you step into the chapel his head lifts slowly. His
eyes are bloodshot and wild, his face gaunt. It’s then you notice the
shadow standing behind him, an undefined shape of mist and dark-
ness. Swaying unsteadily the priest lifts a hand and points towards
you, letting out a wail of anguish, the shadow behind him mirrors
his movements. The congregation turns as one, their sickly pale
faces slack and lifeless, humanoid shadows rise up behind each one.
The chapel doors slam shut, the interior continues to darken as the
chanting gets louder.

Notes and Tips

• 40x30 grid map - Chapel.
• 70x30 grid map - Chapel + Graveyard.
• There are two versions of this map, just the Chapel and also the
Chapel plus Graveyard.
• The interior could be played as dim light to create some fun
surprises for the players
• Use the extended map as a tiered encounter. You could even add
to this map with my Family Mausoleum map.
• The flagstones or carpets could be lifted up to reveal an entrance
to a tomb, or maybe during a combat encounter the floor is bro-
ken revealing the entrance. My Family Mausoleum map would
work for this.
• The spiral staircase could give access to some crypts or head up to
a bell tower (I may create a small patch for that room but honest-
ly it’s so small I’m not sure it’s very useful).

Cursed Chapel

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