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Our Power to Change the World Is Limited to 24 Hours Only

CRAMPS Reloaded
Monday June, 20 2022 Issue #02

Golden Highway


Infrastructure Breakdowns… PROPERTY FORUM

Middle Figure by JRA

THE CHAIRMAN’S PLEA Municipality employees possess very weak
and poor discipline and professional approach
to problem solving. During repairs there’s no
To Naturena Residents!
supervisory authority to overseer to the
Top Priority List of issues affecting this
execution and quality control during and after GHAZ’LAM MZILAGATHA
the job is completed.
suburb in particular, NATURENA
Instead, when workers are done; they leave
A. City Power – Cable Theft Syndicates everything as is. Unleveled and untidy, to the JRA: Johannesburg Road Agency
B. City Parks – Uncut Grass & Park extent of ignoring to patch leaking holes,
C. JRA – Potholes in every street while the pipe is still dripping. The Joburg Road Agency under the City of
D. Joburg Water – Street Water Leaks
Joburg is another culprit responsible for not
POOR WORKMANSHIP repairing our roads, as expected. So, far little
Poor service delivery in South Africa seems to The work executed by Joburg Water feedback and progress has not been forth-
be an inherited bad work ethics; adopted by contractors have a lot to be desired. One coming to address most of our reported
municipality employees, contractors and wonders if these workers were picked from potholes, in Naturena.
government workers to promote political the streets of unskilled labourers to fill a time
power struggles and complacency. sheet and pretend, they are doing us rate Apparently, this department has a similar
payers a favour. delayed response, if not poor attendance of
It is unfortunate that power struggle games are
issues affecting potholes to affected streets of
done at the expense of the nation and affected Residents demand professional workmanship Vesting and Malta and Natuur.
rates payers and home owners of the city, from our local authority and municipality
suburbs and Black Townships workers. Workers and contractors don’t Again, I think this also, is due to poor City
understand that our liability to these services, planning. Allocation or resources, and bad
ROAD LEAKING PIPES pays them salaries and fringe benefits. management to leadership irresponsibility to
Collapse of the local infrastructure is part of
address our plight with a sense of urgency.
bad management of City Power’s unattended Residents demand accountability from the city
leaking water pipes and bad road repairs. and commitment from councilors to execute
Roads in Naturena starting with Vesting Street their mandate with due diligence and respect
at number #1 takes more than two months for our liberties as citizens of this suburb.
before a problem is attended by these
departments. If this is not poor planning and JOBURG WATER & CITY POWER
execution of duties, I don’t know what is! UNSCRUPULOUS EMPLOYEES &
However, the most current and pressing issues
affecting this suburb is – “Poor We warn these entities and their employees that,
Workmanship” after every other issue has “if they do not heed to our humble request and
been attended to. City Power, does not patch calls, to attend and mend these holes and water
up the area to leave it tidy and leveled so, that pipes”; There will be legal repercussions of
the street is kept free from humps, soil erosion misconduct in violating residents’ rights by the Leaking Pipe at: No.1 Vesting Street Naturena since
and muddy dripping holes. City. No doubt this liability will be extended to April 18, 2021. The leak was never resolved. Joburg
individual employees, for foul play. Water employees came dug and closed the hole. Water
is stealing leaking and defacing our street with filth.

Page 1 Joburg South Soweto News & Views

Monday June 20, 2022 NATURENA STRIKES BACK Issue #01

Petition To SUE!
for poor service

Residents of Naturena region G Ward 119

have the right to sue the City of Johannesburg
for poor service delivery. The only way to go
about this legal process is to mobilize
signatures from residents to sign this kind of

It is within the rights of residents to compile

every other issue of discontent relating to
infrastructure decay, that such a move can be

City Power’s cable theft protest The best way and only means to start the
process, is by documenting every possible
misconduct of affected departments on
matters not attended to from logging calls with
Above: Tyre burning by residents of Naturena ward Shack dwellers around Naturena are not the city.
119 region G. Illegal cable connection by Devland listed as tax payers and do not have the
squatter camps instigated this strike and road blocks This move empowers residents, to possess
city’s account bill to validate illegal
records of what each and every complaint was
connections. This comes as no surprise as
MACINA’S EYE WITNESS each Devland shack dweller have DSTV
about. Legal issues in most cases require proof
of such reporting to make our case relevant to
connected to their shacks.
stand trial and implicate contractors including
To this day there is no legal ramification for individual employees.
City of Johannesburg is experiencing poor illegal connection. It is therefore,
service delivery challenges of cable theft, by unacceptable for both COJ and City Power
local and neighbouring shack dwellers of to continue supply of this connection if
Devland, south of Johannesburg. perpetrators are not brought to book.

Naturena tax payers were constantly at the As a result, service delivery in has become
mercy of electricity outages. City Power’s an irritable dilemma to resolve without a
Naturena power grid is always overloaded, fight. The city and its councilors are tight
because of cable theft and illegal connection. leaped because of poor leadership skills and
Whiles response from authorities to deal unchallenged work ethics on the part of both
with restoration took longer than expected. the employer, contractors and the city’s
It was obvious that residents becoming
annoyed and jittery to hold on to their It remains to be seen if the mayor will be Tuesday 14, 2022 Naturena residents took their cable
silence and frustration. Outages became a able to honestly clean and spend the city’s theft and electricity outages problems to the streets.
Residents were fad up in the way City Power deals with
daily occurrence. Residents stroked back. renewal budget to a successful endeavor. these constant irritating problems.


You’re invited to our FREE August advertising drive
While NHOP Forum charges us to book and
advertise on their website, it is expensive to Please send all referred responses directly to
promote (1) One person instead of (5) Five. my WhatsApp: (064 279 1921) and follow
these instructions
More is much cheaper. So, I need your help
and a favour from you. • Join our BTG WhatsApp Group
Hello, this is CRAMPS volunteers of you’ll receive the invite link
Naturena Home Owners Property Forum There is no cost to do this for us. But just a • Submit the information you need of
advertising Sponsorship, by Mr. Macina. the flyer/advert and (include).
simple cooperation to find at least 3-5 other
We are negotiating with N.H.O.P Forum to • Name of your business, Services
help us promote Small Black Businesses in Small Businesses who can benefit from this
good deed! (CAUSE). you offer, Website address if
surrounding Townships & Suburbs to available.
advertise on their websites in order to boost All I need from you is to invite 3 to 5 of
• Cell phone number, Physical
SMME customers after COVID-19. these businesses to also benefit from this address, if possible.
online advertising sponsorship. This way I'll • Price of the product or service
We need support and courtesy to help us be able to help reach out to those who are
find these, small business in Naturena and actions.
surrounding townships for this purpose. Do
less fortunate than you and I. • View more here:
your part help us- help others!

Page 2 Joburg South Soweto News & Views

Monday June 20, 2022 LEADERSHIP BANKRUPCY Issue #01

The city is not doing us a favour! City Power/Rand Water: Eikenhof burst pipe that was
damaged by cable thieves trying to access the grid
behind Naturena. It took more than 10 days to get the
attention of officials.

EDITORIAL COMMENT It should be remembered that our country’s

rise from despair before 1994, our aspirations
and the soul of our nation was unified to
conquer the evils of Apartheid. To raise the bar of our spiritual
consciousness; in the realization of what we
A Government official without It should be about capabilities of our officials need, is to lead with God by your side. To
accountability is like hiring a blind man and councilors to deliver exceptional quality instill a new sense of satisfaction, purpose and
to drive a car that won't reach its desired services without political meddling, greed and direction to the people we serve, is a calling.
destination because the driver is blind. selfishness, rather to do the right thing. By adding value and unquestionable quality to
the work we do and deliver to these
Our democracy is about fixing our broken To help all communities in need of their customers, i.e., residents and communities is
moral “barometer conscience”, after 1994. To support, i.e., residents! Offer unconditional honurable.
correct errors created by CODESA leaders attention without exploitation or prejudice.
and managers who failed to lead by example. Yet, deliver and carry their mandate to our Provided we do this without promoting
They run the country by treating citizen as communities with confidence. Display indulgence to self-righteousness of party-
imbeciles, instead of kings and not "ATM" exceptional knowledge, creative problems political power games; to delay economic
cash-cows. Our taxes pay their salaries. solving and technical skills with competency transformation, service delivery and progress.
index not to justify a political position to
It should be about rebuilding our country regress our political milestones against Live and "Let Live" in keeping a smile of
equally for legal citizens to be inclusive Apartheid. hope on faces of those who are more
beneficiaries of democracy. To be enjoyed by deserving to our talents and offerings.
all who put their blood, sweat and tears in It should be about recognizing and expressing
earning their living within legal means. our deep creative God given talents and Brighten the trials and tribulations of broken
abilities, to serve. Follow their voice of spirits; of individual's and people who are
To flourish and to benefit anyone who adds reason and intuition succinctly. To struggling to find their feet in prosperity and
value to our economic growth, safety, and indiscriminately empower our citizens happy-homes. So that; they too can glow like
development in a responsible way. through expertise we all fought to enjoy shining stars they were born to become. By:
within this democracy. Isaac Khonjelwayo

Write A Book
Motivation To Write or Speak Your Mind Perhaps the most reasonable excuse to write
Is a Right and Not a Privilege a book or tell your story; is to learn a new
skill by letting and channeling your anger or
Before you die… I think every individual who has an opinion or frustration into penning down your story.
a story to tell can become a trained author and
BCR: By Isaac Khonjelwayo or a professional writer. As the saying goes Apart from the above excuse, it is the best
“practice makes perfect” the more you write way to share your opinion with the world.
the better you become.

The motivation to express an opinion or tell a

A majority of us will never make an attempt story will vary from person to person
to tell their story while alive and ticking; depending on their urge, will power and
simply because they think writing a book personal drive to let it come to the fore front
needs a special talent or a magic wand to of public knowledge. This urge and drive can
warrant receiving an accolade. be inspired by an attempt to preserve or
express the following ideals, namely.
Those that are born with any special skills
to write and tell outstanding stories or 1. Leave A Legacy Behind Your Name.
display impeccable reporting ability for 2. Tell The Real Story of Your Life’s
writing articles without exerting an effort Purpose.
are one in a million. 3. Teach The World Something You Know Authors Workshop: This is one of the workshops in
That They Don’t. mastering how to create and write your own book
within 10 months MS Word Advance Courses

Page 3 Joburg South Soweto News & Views

Monday June 20, 2022 ARTS & CULTURE Issue #01

Naturena has untapped talent that has never been exposed to local residents including the City of Joburg. This artist has been doing it behind closed doors. Here’s Exhibition

The latest breaking news

The time I spend with them as strangers in my company turned to be
an eye opening yet, profound experience. Each one of these kids had
an ambition while most of them have dropped out of school. Finding a
Youth untapped skills & talent… decent job in South Africa under this government is not going to be
easy, considering we are competing with highly skilled foreigners.


By: Mr. I. Khonjelwayo Our sons and daughters will be stuck between a rock and a hard place,
if they don’t change their attitudes to discover a new perspective on
How much more can we ignore our youth in Naturena and pretend life. It is a known fact that hustling for a professional good career
jobs will fall from the sky? Walk around the neighbourhood, and prospect – starts with offering your free time to gain new skills,
don’t be shocked to meet a group of guys hanging around the corner without a “PAY”. Experience can only be acquired by gaining
smoking ganja. knowledge from NGO’s and non-profit making organizations to access
unknown opportunities.

What would be the cause of our To my surprise these Naturena

youth hanging about and smoking youths aspire to become successful
marijuana and other habit-forming soccer players, musicians and rap
substances? The answer is not Where Is the Future for Local Youth artists, Information Technology
farfetched, yet easy to know. Development Programs? entrepreneurs etc. The question I’d
like to know from you fathers,
Naturena suburb does not have a mothers, sisters and brother is; (How
recreational facility. Why is this? much time do you spend with them
There might be several reasons why to know them better?) – “What they
our children are lost in a world of want from Life?”
delusion and helplessness. Do we
have people who care to seek and It is difficult to help someone whose
take a lead to initiate these ambition in life is undirected
programs? towards a specific outcome. Our
children need to be taught “life
Well, government will not come to skills”. To navigate through
our rescue until we all take treacherous potholes of life, is not an
responsibilty to become proactive easy journey. Guidance and
problem-solving residents, of this coaching will only happen when
community. Naturena establishes a Youth
Development Center.

I was driving around on a Sunday morning when I noticed these young Waiting for Government to initiate cultural programs is not one of their
dudes at a corner about, 11:30 a.m. doing absolutely nothing. The priorities. Resident must also play a role in making local youths find
truth of the matter is that “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle themselves on a path to a better future. These young guys need
lips are his mouthpiece. – Proverbs 16:27”. If we do not initiate inspiration, fire and passion to know their ultimate purpose in life.
community youth development programs, to keep our children out of
trouble; we will end up breeding potential criminals or addicts. School leaving without matriculation, should not deter any child from
pursuing their dreams or goals. No one can find their purpose in life, if
Surprisingly after having a chat with them, little did I realize how they cannot visualize their dreams or aspirations to seek success.
talented and gifted most of them are. They need guidance, direction Everything good and long-lasting comes with learning a new skill,
moral support and motivation to keep and realize their true potential. sacrifice & hard work. So! A life-skills coach is indispensable.

Page 4 Joburg South Soweto News & Views

Monday June 20, 2022 NATURENA 1ST STRIKE Issue #01

Petition To SUE!
for poor service

Residents of Naturena region G Ward 119

have the right to sue the City of Johannesburg
for poor service delivery. The only way to go
about this legal process is to mobilize
signatures from residents to sign this kind of

It is within the rights of residents to compile

every other issue and discontent relating to
infrastructure decay, that such a move can be

City Power’s Cable Theft Strike The best way and only means to start the
process, is by documenting every possible
misconduct by affected departments on
matters not attended to from logging calls with
Above: Tyre burning by residents of Naturena ward the city.
Shack dwellers around Naturena are not
119 region G. Illegal cable connection by Devland listed as tax payers and do not have the
squatter camps instigated this strike and road blocks This move empowers residents, to possess
city’s account bill to validate illegal
records of what each and every complaint was
connections. This comes as no surprise as
CRAMPS each Devland shack dweller have DSTV
about. Legal issues in most cases require proof
of such reporting to make our case relevant to
connected to their shacks. stand trial and implicate contractors including
To this day there is no legal ramification for
City of Johannesburg is experiencing poor illegal connection. It is therefore,
service delivery challenges of illegal cable unacceptable for both COJ and City Power
theft, by local and neighbouring shack to continue supplier of this connection if
dwellers of Devland. perpetrators are not brought to book.

Naturena tax payers were constantly at the Service delivery in Naturena has become a
mercy of electricity outages. City Power big challenge for the city and its councilors,
Naturena grid system is always overload purely because of poor leadership skills or
because of delayed responses from work ethics on the part of both the
authorities to deal with illegal connections. employer, contractors and city employees.

It was obvious that residents became It remains to be seen if the mayor will be
frustrated and angry over daily electricity cut able to honestly clean and spend the city’s
offs even when Eskom load shedding renewal budget to a successful endeavor. Tuesday 14, 2022 Naturena residents took their
became unnecessary. cable theft and electricity outages problems to
the streets. Residents were fad up in the way City
Power deals with these constant irritating


It Requires New Hustling Aptitudes to Conquer Our Fears
DILEMMA YOUTH DON’T HUSTLE ENOUGH! • Investing in a personal development
skills or courses to compete locally
This talent that every person possesses in or internationally will require more
different forms, is our greatest asset. It than just a matric certificate or an
should be used as a full-time tool, for self- engineering degree to rise above
potential future challenges.
reliance, not to depend on anyone to
• Soft-skills are needed too, because
experience life to the fullest.
Other reasons for unemployment, could they complement technical skills.
simply be; poor creative hustling ability and This creates a balance of needs in
To tap into this amazing potential energy and the creation and development of
proper skills to rise above these challenges.
Challenge is good and it is a measure of to alter our destiny for every other products, through effective
divine intervention to test and shape our unemployed person or inactive citizen. We communication to deliver better
resilience for capacity to bring out the best must understand that "Life" was not meant to market share internationally.
in all of us. be a "walk-in-the-park".
The world is changing at a pace where
Until everyone can begin to tap into this Otherwise, what will be the purpose of old education systems are becoming
creative unlimited force of life, to be the motivation to dream - if everything was redundant and will not accommodate us
best God wants us to be! Few, if any will easy? Here are the reasons why it is into the future where new technologies
not reach their full potential to realize their important to decrease the high percentage of will require us to cope.
goals. Hustling is not for the faint-hearted. unemployment in South Africa.
BCR Radio Blog – Read more here

Page 5 Joburg South Soweto News & Views

Monday June 20, 2022 OBSERVING BYLAWS Issue #01

Citizens and residents of our communities and townships must learn to take care of our infrastructure and the provinces valuable resources. Also learn to obey bylaws.

Informal Trading Bylaws Let’s continue with By-Laws. "City" means the City of
Johannesburg; "Council" means:
Current number of Bylaws are 27 (a) the Municipal Council of the City, which exercises its legislative
and executive authority; or
THE IMPORTANCE TO OBSERVE BYLAWS. (b) its successor in title; or
(c) a structure or person exercising a delegated power or carrying out
an instruction. Where any power in these by-laws has been delegated
or subdelegated, or an instruction given, as contemplated in section 59
Let us look at the City of Johannesburg Notice 328 Metropolitan of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32
Municipality Informal Trading By-laws. This section or article will of 2000) ("the Municipal Systems Act}; or
not try to explain the entire Notice 328 of the By-Law, but simply (d) a service provider fulfilling a responsibility under these by-laws,
provide a synopsis of what it means. It is an overview to give the assigned to it in terms of section 81(2) of the Municipal Systems Act
reader and opportunity to understand boundaries from where the city or any other law, as the case may be.;
provides operating limits for businesses and traders. "Designated Area'' means

PURPOSE OF BY-LAW an area Prescribed by the Council in

terms of this By-Law, subject to the
A The City recognizes the objective LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICE 328 CITY OF
Act, as the area in which Informal
of its existence in terms of the JOHANNFSBURG METROPOLITAN
Constitution. which includes.
(i) to promote social and economic "Foodstuff' means any article or
development. substance, except a drug as defined.
(ii) to promote a safe and healthy in the Drugs and Drug Trafficking
environment, and Act, 1992 [Act No. 140 of 1992],
(iii) municipal planning, trading ordinarily eaten or drunk by persons
regulations, licensing and control of
or purporting to be suitable or
undertakings that sell food to the
manufactured or sold for human
public, markets, public places,
municipal roads and street trading. consumption and includes any part
or ingredient of any such article or
Below will be the explanation of the substance or any substance used or
By-law definition as per this Notice intended or destined to be used as a
328. This notice must be part or ingredient of any such article
understood clearly and not or substance, as defined in section 1
misrepresented by ignorant people of the Foodstuff Cosmetics and
who want to take irresponsible
Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54
control and mislead the public by
what it means. I’ll start with of ·1972"Garden" ·or "Park"
various definition that must be means a garden or park to which the
followed and observed. public has a right of access:

Item No.1 Definitions It is in the interest of the public and traders to know and take the
trouble to understand these By-Laws and to obey them at all costs.
In this By-Law, words used in the masculine gender. Include the There will be consequences to individuals who ignore or break these
feminine, the singular includes the plural and vice versa and unless the laws. Legal implications include a “fine” or “jail term”.
context otherwise indicates.
Definition of Goods & what it means:
"The Act" means the Businesses Act, 1991 (Act No~ 71 of 1991) "Goods" means any movable property and includes a living thing;
and includes the regulations promulgated thereunder; Under
''Impoundment Cost” means:
"Authorized Official" means –
All those costs incurred by the City in respect of impounding and
(a) an official of the Council who has been authorized by it to storing of impounded Goods or Property and, where applicable,
administer. implement and enforce the provisions of this by-law; costs incurred in respect of disposal of impounded Goods;
(b) a traffic officer appointed in terms of Section 3A of the National "lnformal Trader" means a person who engages in Informal
Road Traffic Act, 1996 [Act No. 93 of 1996]; Trading; "Informal Trading means the selling of goods and/or services
(c) a member of the police service, as defined in terms of section 1 of by an Informal Trader in the Designated Area, which includes, without
the South African Police Service Act.1995 [Act No. 68 of 1995]; or
any limitation, the forms of trading more fully set out in Section 3;
(d) a peace officer, contemplated in terms of Section 334 of the
Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 [Act No. 51 of 1977]; "Intersection" means an intersection as defined in the regulations
promulgated in terms of the Traffic Act;
It is in the interest of the public, small businesses and traders and "Kerb line” means, as defined in Section 1 of the Traffic. ACT the
informal traders; to know and to take the trouble to understand boundary between the Shoulder and the Verge or, in the absence of a
these By-Laws and to obey them at all costs. There will be Shoulder. the part between the edge of the Roadway and the Verge;
consequences to individuals who ignore or break these laws. "Linear Market" means a Designated Area located in a pedestrians
As South African communities and small business people, we need to environment.
take responsibilty and account of what it means to run and operate a "Litter'' includes any receptacle, container or other matter, which has
City like Johannesburg or a Township like Soweto. As local citizens, been discarded, abandoned or left behind by an Informal Trader or by
we must support the initiative by the City of Johannesburg to offer his or her customers.
better services to its residents and citizens without compromising its
standards. This way a promise to delivery prosperity and jobs for all I will end this section of by-laws and will continue with it, in our
can be realized. next publication to try and educate our readers, why it is important
to know and read these regulations and laws.
A majority of people have taken for granted these opportunities as if
they fall from the sky. For example, if we do not pay our rates and The City of Johannesburg is going to introduce Strick by-law
taxes and business permits; how can the city build a better city to enforcement checks and balances to punish any person or people who
make it possible for small traders to operate? We want to attract do not abide and obey these laws.
international tourism and good investments to create jobs. So, we’ll
need everyone including foreigners to cooperate with authorities.
Page 6 Joburg South Soweto News & Views
Monday June 20, 2022 PROTECT INFRASTRUCTURE Issue #01

Why It Is Vital to PAY


Paying rates and taxes is not a moral issue any

more than drinking water and turning your
lights on is a moral issue -to survive in the
concrete jungle.

Imagine people who have established

themselves with discomfort in rural areas
without electricity, decent sanitation and
water delivery into their houses. How can we
call this comfortable if they paid rates & taxes

regularly, yet such services were nonexistent?

City life and rural life are not the same. In

metropolitan areas life is too expensive, and

Kudos CPF Cable THEFT Stop…

demands cash liquidity and hard work to live
comfortably. To do so, one must pay for
availability of such services.

The Editors of this publication would like to thank the Perhaps a special day where we can know Life cannot be lives on assumptions that,
Naturena CPF for tracking down and tracing criminals them, be introduced to them and pay tribute government and municipalities will give
who were connecting electricity cable in Naturena.
to the hard work and the sacrifices they do everyone free services. Yes! People can
for their community. receive Free Food parcel and Education. But,
BADGE OF HONOR tap water, sanitation and electricity comes at a
I know I’m treading on a political pathway, price.
that will create a hullaballoo, among
residents who do not appreciate the It was a Big Lie for politicians to promise
Naturena CPF members of the community volunteer work that goes into protecting people free services. Nelson Mandela and his
must be highly commended to the job well lives. ANC duped our people into thinking
done. Their efforts to track down cable theft everything in life is free. I do not work for
thieves, is commendable. Residents of These guys at this point in time in our Joburg City nor do I advocate or preach the
Naturena were victims of illegal cable theft suburb indispensable. Due to the kind of Gospel of doomsday. Where people and voters
from squatter camps community in Devland. work they do. First and foremost, they’ve I made to believe life is free.
volunteered to put their lives at risk for us.
It took these brave men and women to take If that was the case, how would these services
action and investigate, why electricity It remains to be seen if the mayor will be we paid to the public sector. How would you
outages were affecting our connections in able to honestly clean and spend the city’s pay contractors and suppliers of these
this suburb. Due to their untiring efforts and renewal budget to a successful endeavor. commodities?
bravery, as a community- we need to honour
them and offer them tokens of appreciation A token of appreciation like a Badge of South Africa owes money to the IMF and
for the work they do in the suburb. Honour can go a long way to boost their China for certain debts related to National
moral while the community- sleeps Infrastructure Development Projects. How
I fail to understand, why we couldn’t take peacefully at night. We had an altercation will they pay this debt if we do not pay rates?
the time and make an effort, find it in our with City Power, before this matter was
hearts, to honour them. completely resolved. By: Macina & Friends Plea

NATURENA “Property Listing & Jobs”

Did you know – You can list & sell your property on our
First things first. Naturena suburb is part of
Region (G) and falls under Ward 119. What Please send all referred responses directly to
does this mean? this WhatsApp: 064 279 1921 and follow
these instructions
If you are resident of Naturena and have It means this suburb is part of the Old
subscribed to our Forum, by now you • Join our BTG WhatsApp Group
Naturena, new extension, 11, 15, 19 and 26. improve your marketing efforts.
should access important services the
website is offering to the readers. But also incorporates, Freedom Park, • Post and sell more merchandise
(Siyaya) & Dark City. Devland Ext 27, 31, through their network.
Naturena Homeowners Property Forum, is 30 & 35, Bushkoppies and Van Valley. • Join important community
more than just a website. It is a dynamic conversations to curb crime.
information portal where people can find According to City of Johannesburg • Access local and international
amazing staff. eBooks information portal.
demarcation of these areas, it means each
• Know which technology and
Local citizens and Jozi South people can ward has its own councilor and management communication will help us.
book community events, post and sell team to help us address local municipality • View more here:
property, rent out property. Post a job issues and problems. Yet, few people are
opportunity for job seekers and employers. using this facility to communicate.

Page 7 Joburg South Soweto News & Views

Monday June 20, 2022 REPORT SUBURB ISSUES Issue #01

Perpetual Joburg Water Leaks at
#.1 Vesting Street, has become an
unreasonable request to fathom. As
if residents are asking for Jesus
Christ to give us manna from
heaven. Reporting water leaks to
Joburg Water is like trying to “pull
tooth out of a fairy”.

It is a very unpleasant and bad

experience to make that call.
Rather when problems are logged
and reported via the (011) 375-
5555, and a reference number is
given. It is as if the call Centre
wants to avoid you by issuing this
reference number, so that you can
go away.

Apparently, you’ll never hear from

anyone again until you become
insane. Long awaited calls and a
reference number take months to
happen timeously. Yet, follow up of
repairs take years if not ignored

How Long Should Poor Service Delivery Be Tolerated?

issues on these pictures were reported in April, 2021 and only now, attended to after several calls and complaints were lodged.
Repairs Follow up: On the 26th June at about 11:00 a.m. a truck stopped by at the leaking pipe. Two African women wearing
uniforms pulled out two spades to close a leaking hole with soil and mud. It took them less than 10 minutes and they drove
away. By the way four days earlier a truck with two male workers stopped. These guys did not fix the leaking pipe. Instead they piled more ground
soil, to stop the leaks from dripping down the road. As I write this report now the problem is still not resolved yet! Today is the 7/07/2022.

“We need to create a clean, healthy and safe environment for our children to live and play in,” said Cllr Gololo.

CLEANLINESS LET’S KEEP OUR Cllr Gololo praised Regional Director

NEIGHBOURHOOD CLEAN Abigail Ndlovu for leading the initiative
from the front. “This is the reason I decided
Is Next To Godliness A clean environment attracts good people to actively participate in the campaign
and potential tourism and investments. instead of just telling residents to keep their
The Citizen Relationship and Urban environment clean,” said Cllr Gololo.
Management (CRUM) in Region A
RESIDENTS AT IVORY PARK always encourages residents to keep their
DECLARES WAR ON LITTER! environment clean and not allow it to
become a breeding ground for rodents and
What is holding Naturena Community for diseases.
Doing the Same Thing?
The residents were assisted by a number of
More than 100 residents of Ivory Park, City of Johannesburg entities – including
north of Johannesburg, on Tuesday April 11 the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA),
rolled up their sleeves to rid vast swathes of Johannesburg City Parks & Zoo (JCPZ),
the township of litter threatening their Johannesburg Metro Police Department
environment and making their (JMPD) and Pikitup – as well as members
neighbourhood an eyesore. of the Community Workers' Programme
(CWP) and the Extended Public Works
Programme (EPWP). She said the best way to get community participation
was to get personally involved and lead by example.

Rights as Residents & their superiors. The city should keep complaints, that legal action can be taken
Citizens Have Been and maintain services on a monthly against employees, managers and the
Taken for Granted. It is basis, not when they’re broken. Without Joburg Water. These suggestions will
time that residents make a move to take us as ratepayers, the City of Joburg become an effective long-term alternative
the municipality and its workers to would never be able to receive money to deal with unprecedented power
account. from the treasury. struggles within political parties, and
poor service deliver issues.
The only and perhaps best way to go Residents of Naturena have the
about this process, is to keep recording opportunity to take matters affecting By following this process diligently and
and documenting these service delivery poor services delivery by the city, strategically, there will come a time to act
problems on paper in order to prepare seriously. It is through reporting and on these matters rendered by this
legal action against these workers and documenting or penning down these department and its employees.

Page 8 Joburg South Soweto News & Views

Page 8

Monday June 20, 2022 BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING Issue #.01

This is how YOU

increase SALES with.
By: Isaac Khonjelwayo

If you’re selling insurance or cars as an

example, I will use. This is what you must
decide. How many clients do you want to
attract to your products or service?

Assume you want to close 10 deals a month,

based on the example I’ve just given. It means
you need to expose your service to a minimum
of 1,000 potential clients/prospects.


How do you translate this into a sale? Well!
You need to distribute at least 1,000 flyers or
leaflets to get 10% responses of these clients.

Advertising? These 10 are considered qualified prospects,

ready to deal with you. These buyers were
qualified in your needs analysis before the
client signs up the deal or buys the product.

Starting a business is easy for some and C. What Are the Five Types of
difficult for others. But making it successful Advertising?
is very cumbersome and complicated if you
do not know how. That’s Why You Need ADVERTISING TYPES:
Us! Newspaper advertising can expose your
company to a wide range of customers.
GROWING YOUR BUSINESS. Advertising in a specialized magazine
allows you to reach your target audience
quickly and easily, Radio, Television,
Directories, Outdoor and public
A. How Do You Explain Advertising? transportation.
An advertisement (also known as an
advert or ad) is the promotion of a Online web ads, direct mail-order,
product, brand, or service to a target catalogues, and leaflets.
audience in order to generate interest,
engagement, and sales. Adverts come in D. What Is the Main Purpose of
a different form, ranging from text to Advertising?
interactive apps, and have evolved to Advertising has three main purposes: to
become an important feature of the video inform, persuade, and remind.
marketplace. Informative advertising raises brand,
product, service, and idea awareness. It
publicizes new products and programs
B. What Are The 4 Types of and can educate people on the features
Advertising? and benefits of new and established
Display Adverts products.
Advertising on mobile devices.
Native advertising is a type of
advertising that is unique too. Choose A Simple Medium & Budget To
Activate Your Prospecting Plan.

This principle states that if you speak to 10

HOW TO USE ADVERTISING people a day, you’ll sell one product. Why?
AS A PROSPECTING TOOL. The answer is logical, that a customer was
about ready to buy your service. Other NOW GET STARTED WITH OUR
There’s a marketing principle that we utilize customers have different priorities and are SUPPORT TO REACH MORE CLIENTS.
to increase prospects using different types of not ready to buy what you sell.
advertising mechanisms like the example Our advertising program is very unique in that
Let’s assume that, you choose to use
“C” above. we distribute our magazine and newspaper to
Leaflets or Flyers to kick-start your over 5,000 readers. We do this door-to-door.
This principle is very easy to understand. prospecting program. This is how you In fact, by distribution 5,000 professional
The purpose of the approach is to target a should do it. The response from prospecting colour flyers we anticipate your product to get
specific area of your market to increase your is estimated to be about 10% of people you exposure to at least 10% responses from these
prospects. Prospects are potential buyers speak to who’re willing and, are ready to targeted campaigns.
who are ready to buy your products or buy.
services. What is 10% of 5,000? It will be 500 potential
• So, if you want to sell 2 products a day, prospects. Therefore, from these 500 you must
It Works Like This: i.e., selling insurance. You’ll need to qualify clients who are ready to buy.
speak to about 20 people to get (2) Assuming at between 5% and 10%. This
If you talk to ten (10) people a day you’ll get sales. Two is 10% of 20. means you’ll sell an average of between 25
at least (1) qualified potential sale. This • Basically, selling is a numbers game. and 50 customers every time or month you
means that the sale you make had just, about But marketing is a way to crunch these launch each promotion. This is why you need
one person willing to buy. It also depends on numbers in order to increase your to talk to us. Get more info about this – Click
what you’re selling. prospects. How? Here!
Monday June 20, 2022 BUSINESS MAGAZINE Issue #01


Business Magazine Flyer Promo! SMME billboard business marketing is the best
way to give local enterprises wider exposure to
grow & find clients outside of the areas they
operate in. The future of local SME growth is
slowly becoming our Internet Solutions.


BUSINESS TRENDS TSS has Billboard Special Services you want
to buy to advertise your business on their SPRINGBOARD INTO THE FUTURE
Internet platforms. They have different ad
By: Isaac Khonjelwayo packages to give your business Google TSS has discounted their advertising rate card
exposure to a wider market. to accommodate small budget promotions.
Importance of Advertising Your Business This move helps Hustlers to place ads on their
On a Monthly Basis To Generate Constant WHAT IS A BILLBOARD SMME Magazine as the launch-pad. This is supported
Sales. PROMOTION DRIVE? by introducing their 7 International Podcast
radio platforms. To help your businesses make
Advertising is a very important component of A billboard small business promotion drive, is inroads into this large pool of online shoppers.
any business, big or small. First of all, think a marketing strategy to assist ailing
of advertising like the "the Petrol" of your businesses access and to tap into a large Because, this process is strategic and
business. - If you want to travel long- online “Internet” market. Find prospects and deliberated. They also recommend the King of
distances, you must fill-up the tank to go an easily give your business fast exposure. SEO i.e., Google Search Engine Optimization.
extra mile. Every time the petrol gauge goes This tool is commonly known as Google
empty you must fill-up. The online market, is a large unique pull of Business Front Store. It lets Google index your
clients who are searching for products and business on the Internet within 24 hours of its
The same is true with any business. To go an services in areas and locality where they do launch. People are able to find you on searches.
extra mile, you need to place advertisements not reside. This market is a sleeping gold
of your business in different medias. These mine. Real buyers are seeking to find your Which Billboard Springboard Packages
platforms can be "Offline-or-Online". services, special skills or products. Can help You Find Clients Fast? CLICK

From a newspaper to a flyer, to a business HOW TSS BILLBOARD CAN HELP YOU Well, my take on this question is that, there is
card, banner advert, website ads, social media TAP INTO THE INTERNET MARKET! no short-cut to success. It takes a little while to
etc. This way you reach out to potential grow mielies after planting the seeds. It grows
customers about your business existence in TSS billboard plan is very simple, but when you nourish and water it with love daily.
the market place. Announce you're in effective in utilizing a combination of The same is true with business. Packages 1 &
business. (This is what advertising does). marketing tools, to give marketers exposure. 3 are my best recommendations.

Local Graduates and Our Youth Need to

At about 05:45 a.m. this guy was already up
Hustle Like Foreigners to Survive! and about in the winter cold of Soweto.
Kliptown Freedom Square grounds, was
Dumisani the hustler… In short- ANC have proved to the public and very cold and the ques were long. I liked his
the World that their time is over and up! This attitude. Like any respectable citizen who
Visit this website – Click Here means, Jesus Christ can descend to save the avoids criminal activity of stealing cables.
country from further calamity, unexpected He showed courtesy and took me to the
turmoil and disgrace to call ourselves a drivers’ eye testing clinic nearby & came
"Rainbow-Nation". back to que on my behalf. He rocks.

This story is of Dumisani and his "Crew" at This is what Dumisani did for me after my
Soweto. He hustles at Kliptown Freedom struggle to secure an online booking to renew
Square Centre, with a few friends. They’re my driver’s license. This was in June of 2020.
victims of the "Poor State of ANC He was very kind and able to assist me do the
Leadership Maladjustment” and corruption. following things during my frustrations. I was
desperate to get my booking on The NTIS
Whereas, the looting of July 2021, violence system. NTIS had glitches that failed to work
and thuggery by residents around S.A. was and operate efficiently. Dumisani helped me.
a deep flow in the capacity of ANC to Did I do enough to ensure appreciation for
account for their leadership. Let alone, take his effort and contribution in saving my
responsibility to assert their governance and miserable state of hysteria? Yes! More than I
stand to rectify a bad situation. had ever, anticipated.
Dumisani has inspired the Macina’s Credo.
He was patient enough to wait for me

Page 10 Joburg South Soweto News & Views

Monday June 20, 2022 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Issue #.01
Light Women Clothing Place Your Advert:
Call 064 262 8492
Hi my name is Dumisani. I work at
Kliptown licensing department. I
help motorist que and survive on

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Monday June 20, 2022 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Issue #.01

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