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July 15

John 15

If the world hates you, understand that it hated me before it hated you. Xx If they persecuted me,
they will also persecute you.

Lately, I have been formulating too many questions inside my head. From the time I woke up to sleep,
including in betweens. My brain constantly confuses me, bothers me, and hurts me. My thoughts
were painful, my heart is bleeding for a long time trying to understand and question how the world,
how the people close to me chose to break me.

Yet it was true, yet it was right. If the world hated Jesus, who am I to be saved from these hateful,
painful, persecutions? We’ll go through it, no one’s exempted. Who am I not to be hurt? Who am I to
be loved by everybody? Who am I not to be hated for?

The world will hate you, the world will break you but the power to control how you respond lies with
you, it’s in your hands. If the world cancels you, let it be. LET IT BE. As long as you follow God’s words
and Jesus you will find your peace.

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