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Regular Classroom Modifications for ELL Students


___ Extend time requirements ___ Use individual/small group instruction
___ Omit assignments ___ Use specialized curriculum
___ Other: __________________________ ___ Simplify language
___ Tape lectures for playback
ENVIRONMENT: ___ Demonstrate concepts
___ Assign preferential seating ___ Use manipulatives
___ Assign peer buddy ___ Emphasize critical information
___ Other: __________________________ ___ Use graphic organizers
___ Pre-teach vocabulary
REINFORCEMENT AND FOLLOW THROUGH: ___ Other: ________________________________
___ Use positive reinforcement
___ Use concrete reinforcement MATERIALS:
___ Check often for understanding/review ___ Provide taped textbooks
___ Arrange for peer tutoring ___ Highlight textbooks/study guides
___ Plan cooperative learning experiences ___ Use supplementary materials
___ Provide language experience ___ Give assistance in note taking
___ Give immediate feedback ___ Type handwritten teacher materials
___ Have student repeat directions ___ Use bilingual dictionaries, language learner
___ Make/use vocabulary files dictionaries and electronic translators
___ Teach study skills ___ Use adapted/modified textbooks
___ Use study guides to organize materials ___ Allow use of computer/word processor
___ Repeat/review/drill ___ Other: _______________________________
___ Other: __________________________
ASSIGNMENTS: ___ Allow students to answer orally
___ Lower reading level ___ Use multiple-choice format
___ Give directions in small, distinct steps ___ Read test to student
___ Allow copying from paper/book ___ Modify format
___ Use written backup for oral directions ___ Write a different test
___ Lower difficulty level ___ Shorten test length
___ Shorten assignment ___ Require only selected test items
___ Read directions to students ___ Create alternative assessment
___ Give oral clues or prompts ___ Other: _________________________________
___ Record or type assignments
___ Adapt worksheets, packets GRADING:
___ Use alternate assignments ___ Modify grading system: ____________
___ Other: __________________________ ________________________________
___ Modify weights of course components
___ Modify course objectives/outcomes

ELL Instructor: ______________________________________________

Administrator: _______________________________________________

Classroom Teacher: ___________________________________________

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