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Amazing Creatures

I think animals are essential for this Earth. For example, thanks to the work of the bees,
agriculture can succeed. They do this thing called ¨pollination, that means that they keep the
plants and crops alive. Even though they are over 16,000 known species of bees, the
honeybees are the ones considered the most important pollinators. And of course, their honey
is delicious.

A while ago, I read an article that expressed that without the bees, humanity, and the
ecosystem itself would disappear not long after.

There are even more beautiful and wonderful creatures that God has created. Another
example would be the Birds. There is one specific species called Imperial-Ducula Oceanica, is
one of the largest birds in the Palau Archipielago; is also one of the main seed dispersers
across the entire island chain.

Lastly, I want to mention he beavers they can help prevent erosion and reduce flooding after
heavy precipitations. Beavers can also combat the climate change

How amazing is that! I could not think of a world without these incredible animals. They are
indeed amazing cratures.

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