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El hockey se juega en una pista de hielo diseñada para ello, llamada Rink, el cual empezó a

mediados del siglo 19.

Cada equipo debe de contar con 20 jugadores (2 arqueros y 18 patinadores) No hay límite de
sustituciones y se pueden efectuar en plena acción de juego o durante un paro.

Se otorga un punto a cada jugador por un gol anotado o asistencia realizada. El número total
de goles más asistencias equivale al número total de puntos. En algunas ligas europeas, el gol
cuenta como dos puntos y la asistencia como un punto.

El hockey no es muy común en el Perú dado, que se juega sobre hielo y en el Perú el ambiente
es cálido

M: Hi guys, do you know how to play Hockey?

A: Hi Martin. No, it’s not very common here in our country.

O: Yes, it’s not very common. How do you play it?

M: Well, it’s played in an ice rink, where you have a team of 10 players.

A: It’s like soccer? But on ice, you can’t play this here in Piura. You can’t prevent ice from

O: That’s why there are some special machines to keep the ice cool. Right?

M: That’s correct, there are special rinks for that kind of sport. It’s expensive to maintain.

O: In Piura we had one time an ice rink for ice skating, but it closed.

A: I remember that! So, keep explaining the rules.

M: The other team has to score goals in the other team arch. They play with a puck, its like a

A: Instead of a ball, it’s played with a disc? Thats weird. How do you move it?

O: The players move the puck with a stick. It’s not a regular stick, it’s a L shape stick special for
moving and shooting the puck.

A: I see why this sport isn’t very common in here. I’ll stay with soccer, much easier to

M: Yes, in the theory it seems very complex, but if you play it you’ll see that it’s not very
difficult to understand.

O: Like everything else, with practice you can be the best player.

A: That’s true, sorry guys I have to go now. Bye Martin, bye Orlando.

O: Bye Alexa, I have to go too. Take care Martin.

M: Bye guys, nice to see you.

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