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To be aware of the light revolving around you,

You need to enlighten your own soul;
Amidst the darkness,amidst the sorrows,
Ecstasy is what from life one borrows!
Just split all chaos and try to initiate,
Don’t think for it,simply retaliate!
And if you find an obstacle,try hard to get through,
U’ll definitely conquer,learn to move on!
Have you ever thought,
Where would it flow?
If you surpass them,
It would just make them blow!
As of for now,
There’s no way to heal;
But for sure my dear,
One day,u’ll overcome this fear!
After all its life,so time to turn on your brain;
It doesn’t pause,but runs like a train!
You have to be strict,harsh with yourself to be the Best,
Its all that matters,Just forget the Rest!!

Priyanka Agarwal

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