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Essay page 39.

How can schools and universities help to ensure that students do not su er from
stress during exam periods?

In every society testing the knowledge and abilities of its citizens and, in this case, the students is
fundamental and mandatory. However, is it really worth putting the mental health of millions of
students on the line? In this essay I am going to discuss two di erent ways to minimise the stress
levels by highlighting their key features.

To begin with, the rst method is for the schools and universities to provide a structured revision
timetable prior to exams. It is common knowledge that most people need to schedule their
studies and revisions in order to be able to organise themselves properly, especially those that
have a harder time organising their studies and easily get discouraged when they nd themselves
in front of a three month long study program.

On the other hand, perhaps other students may feel burdened by the lack of freedom when given
a tight schedule to follow.

Secondly, schools should acknowledge that there is more to life than school and exams and to do
that they must give students time to relax and undertake leisure activities.

The human mind is not built to continuously work and memorise information, it is inhuman to think
that students should study 5 hours every day from 6th grade to the day they receive a Doctorate
degree, and in exam season it only gets worse.

In conclusion, it is my belief that allowing students to have some time o to pursue their own
leisure activities is the most important method for schools to adopt and vital for their students’
health and for their academic success especially when it comes to preventing burnout due to


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