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Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnico Profesional

Ingles Básico 1

Examen Final Modulo 4

(Food, appearance, health, past events, activities, abilities, request, life and plans)

Look and complete with I like/ I don´t Like

Wite the correct name for the folowing fruits and Vegetables
Match the following cooking verbs

Look the picture and complete the following Human Body

Complete the following excercise WITH There was / There were
1- There_________ too many men for the work.
2- There _________ no work for him to do.
3- There __________ several good reasons for this practice
4- There __________ two forms at this small table.
5- There __________no women or children in the place.

Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
1- The young man_________ (take)out his wallet and (pay)_________ the bill.
2- When Jose ___________ (break) his arm, the doctor__________ (give) him two
weeks off work.
3- I_________ (think) I________ (know) my irregular verbs, but now I'm not so sure!
4- Tolstoy_____(write) some great novels, but he never______ (win) a Nobel Prize.
5- hen they____(hear) the fire alarm, everybody________ (run) out of the building.

Can For ability (Use Can or Can’t)

1- '______you swim'? 'Yes, I _______'
2- I'm sorry I ______ help you today, I'm really busy.
3- Please ______ you buy some milk on your way home?
4- I ________ ride a bike but I __________ drive a car.
5- I just ________ manage to wake up on time, I'm always late.

Talking About The Future (will/ Going to)

Put in ‘will’ or ‘be going to’:
1. A: We don’t have any bread. B: I know. I __________________ get some from the shop.
2. A: We don’t have any bread. B: Really? I __________________ get some from the shop
3. A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase? B: I __________________ visit my mother
in Scotland next month.
4. A: I’m really cold. B: I __________________ turn the heating on.
5. A: Are you going to John’s party tonight? B: Yes. Are you going too? I
__________________ give you a lift.

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