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Isabella Contreri Méndez

English. Big Job.

3ro “A” Laboratorio Clínico T/V

She heard the wood crack, shifting her gaze to the guy that just got to there. He
smiled, looking around searching for a reason for her to be at the crow’s nest,
instead of being with San at the sickbay sleeping. She didn’t flinch, even with the
slight fear of being busted by the Royal Navy, once more, or being confronted by
anyone there.
- You should be sleeping, Hae. – Blankly, she only tapped her side signaling him to
take a seat, thing if she was in her not shocked state, would profusely deny.
He just sighed, taking the space by her left, getting down with a low growl out of
pain. The wound in his arm was only bandaged, with the mix of rosemary and
herbs that she placed there earlier. Her gaze was again up in the night sky. She
was sure that night was, by far, chillier than the many she passed in that ship.
The sea waves were calm, rocking the whole ship like a small hum back and forth,
like a lullaby trying to calm her nerves and adrenaline that have been in her
mechanism for the last four days.
- I just can’t sleep, Woo. – It was her turn to sigh. She peeked the foremast, seeing
the moon and stars just kilometers away, out of her reach. – And being in the
sickbay doesn’t makes it any better.
Retracting her knees close to her chest, she placed her chin upon them. A lot of
things crossed her mind at an unimaginable speed, making her feel dizzy.
Most part of them, where memories. How she woke up being held hostage of the
Royal Navy, without something to remember about her life. How in the middle of
the attack, she just rushed and hid in the supplies room, almost crushed by a
barrel, until Seongwha and Mingi found her, the days she passed tied up to the
main mast, infection in a cut and a swollen ankle, until she passed out, and gave
her an opportunity in the Zeeta. Her training on how to use the muskets, swords
and daggers, knowing her way in the isles like Tortuga, Tiany and many others.
Her relationship with the others getting more and more close. But three days ago,
they just found out she was a female, thing she feared, to the point that she hid it
so well, that she almost believed it. And it was gone within seconds and the cut of
a sword. And that night, night times she loved, now are making her hate them. The
stars felt like they were mocking her, reminding how much time she had to just say
She also hated herself, because she knew telling them sooner, would had change
absolutely nothing. They were her family. Joong, the captain, would continue to
protect her at any cost, she was his tripulation, she was Zeeta. Hwa, the cook,
would continue to teach her basic chef skills to help feed all of the ship. San, the
healer, adopting her as his apprentice, and keeping her secret until the end. Min,
the quartermaster, checking upon you just to redeem his treatment, and feeling like
Isabella Contreri Méndez
English. Big Job.
3ro “A” Laboratorio Clínico T/V

an older brother to her. Yeo, the navigator, trying to search the reason of her
amnesia, and almost risking his life for her. Joh and Yuno, the two battle masters,
spending time to help her and her defense. And Woo, now by her side, the gunner
just bringing her the peace she needed. All of them never betrayed her, and yet,
she grew fonder of them with a secret warded. Fearing that now that is revealed,
she would just be hated on. The sea was her mother, but those guys, were her
family and memories, and she would absolutely die for them, and never hesitate to
give herself in for their wellbeing.
- You know Joong would never give up on you. – His hand reached for her head,
making it rest upon his broad shoulder. – You are part of Zeeta, you are family. He
will forgive you.
- Just as such you do? – The gunner was taken aback. He, in fact, haven’t forgave
her in a totality, knowing she knew how his fear for women was clearly big, but he
would never betray that friendship. – Do you, deeply, forgive me for lying to you,
and the whole ship, Woo?
His other hand, travelled to hold hers, and hid it in his coat pocket. His hand,
bigger than hers, engulfed it, trying to transmit that he supported her, no matter
- I do, Hae, and I know everyone also does. So, don’t worry. – He looked at her, an
eyebrow raised, using their unique form of language with each other.
“Stop overthinking it”
She gave a squish in his hand.
“I’ll do”
- Just admit the mainmast is better than the mizzenmast. – She laughed loudly,
shaking her head.
- Never going to give you satisfaction, Woo, nor Yuno. The foremast is better.
She released his grip from her hand, running to the ropes to descend at the main
- Hae! That isn’t fair. Come back here! – He followed right after, his loud laugh
resonating across the ship and the sea underneath.

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