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Universidad Tecnológica de


Docente: Elsa Norma Rodriguez Gonzalez

Grupo: IPOI
Sección: C

Materia: Inglés VII

Unidad: 1. Diplomatic situations

Tema: Writing Evaluation

Integrantes del equipo:

 Núñez Pérez Jesús Arturo

 Neira Rivera José Eduardo
 Ramos Estrada Fernanda
 Tovar Bautista Lizbeth Griselda
Arturo: Hi guys, why are you so worried?
Fernanda: Hello! Because we are studying for the all the exams of the next week
Arturo: Oh yes, next week, are you already studying?
Fernanda: Yes, I’m going to study first for math and then for physics, and what do you do for
Arturo: It is complicated to be studying for the exam and to be studying in the other subjects
Neira: Let´s see how I will do in the math exam. It's very difficult for me to understand but I think I
can pass the class.
Lizbeth: I am studying for math class and I’m worried because with two exams
Neira: Two exams in one day? what´s the other subject that we will present besides math?
Fernanda: If I'm not wrong, we’ll have the metrology exam? After the review of past activity
Arturo: Metrology? I do not understand metrology it is very difficult for me to study it. Anyone
having the same problem?
Neira: Damn, so now I´ll have to start studying for the metrology exam.
Fernanda: It’s a subject of more practice, the activities are more for the laboratories. I won’t be in
the laboratory section after a long long time.
Lizbeth: Thanks for reminding me, I will study for the metrology exam, which is worth two points.
Fernanda: Really?! I am forgetting of the two points of the subject, thanks for you Liz
Arturo: Guys also don't forget the physics presentation next week
Fernanda: Oh yes, I won’t forget the presentation, is a good opportunity for all if we want have a
good qualification.
Arturo: This presentation is a headache. He wants her almost perfect, oh what a stress.
Lizbeth: Are we going to give the presentation on Monday?
Fernanda: It Won’t be for the Monday. is for Thursday or Tuesday?
Arturo: Thursday? really? then there is more time finish it.

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