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Technology Incubator:

A New Way for Creating Technology Based Economy

By Amr Ali seifoddin
PhD candidate of industrial engineering
The emergence oI new technologies and the increasing globalization oI R and D and
investment have signiIicantly changed the nature and scope oI industrial competitiveness. Countries
are moving Iurther into knowledge-based economic development. oI which technological venturing
is a key Iactor Ior international comparative advantage in industry. Knowledge and technological
capabilities are becoming increasingly crucial Ior national development in order Ior countries to
respond eIIectively to emerging challenges and opportunities.
Strengthening and promoting technology ventures through incubation programs Ior new
technology-based enterprises is necessary Ior them to survive in a competitive society. Technology
venturing through incubator activities is an important tool Ior the commercialization oI R and D
outputs and the transIer oI technology. Compared to the old 'big is beautiIul industrial order. the
new thinking sees 'small and 'entrepreneurial as better. especially in terms oI contribution to
technological innovation. economic growth. employment and social equity.
Since the 1980s. technology incubators have become an important Iocus oI technology and
innovation policies in North America. Europe and. more recently. Japan. largely due to the growing
importance oI small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the aggregate level. small
technology-based firms are signiIicant creators oI employment. Iacilitate structural change and
stimulate economic growth. About 93per cent oI high -technology Iirms in the United States have
less than 500employees and 70per ce nt have less than 20employees . In 1991. small high
technology companies (those with less than 500employees ) provided 25per cent oI the iobs in
high-technology industries (US. SBA. 1997). Not all new technology-based Iirms are large creators
oI iobs. with such Iirms in the United States showing higher rates oI iob creation than similar Iirms
in Europe (European Commission. 1996). While the reasons Ior diIIerent rates oI perIormance may
vary (e.g. access to capital. university links. competence centres). it is widely acknowledged that the
creation and growth oI technology-based Iirms can be inhibited by lack oI Iinance. management
skills. technology and access to markets.
First business incubator established in USA in 1959. Nowadays there are over 4000busi ness
incubator in operation throughout world. From a handIul oI Iacilities (40) identiIied by the National
Business Incubation Association (NBIA) in its 1984Quarterly Roster oI incubator. there are now
800members in the US alone . There are also hundreds oI the newer' Ior proIit' incubator set up
either as standalone ventures or consortia led by maior accountancy practice. management
consultancies. venture capital providers or maior Iirms that dominate the high-tech world.
Incubator deIined as:
Incubator (noun) apparatus providing warmth Ior hatching eggs. rearing premature babies. or
developing bacteria.
OxIord Dictionary. OxIord University Press
An environment and program with certain important characteristics: it oIIers a Iull array oI
business assistance services tailored to the client companies; it has an incubator manager on site
who co-ordinates staII and outside proIessionals and organizations to deliver those services; it
graduates companies out oI the program (through not always out oI the incubator Iacility) once they
meet the program goals.
The National Business Incubation Association (NBIA). Athens. Ohio
Technology incubators are a speciIic type oI business incubator: property-based ventures
which provide a range oI services to entrepreneurs and start-ups.
Despite its brevity. the OxIord dictionary deIinition oI an incubator captures rather more oI
the essence oI the subiect than that provided by the organization that has set itselI up as the premier
' trade association' Ior those in the incubator business. However. neither deIinition gives the Iull
picture oI the array oI services. motivation and Iacilities provided by business incubators.
Objectives of business and technology incubators
Technology incubators have Iour main obiectives: 1) economic development; 2) technology
commercialization; 3) property venture/real estate development; and 4) entrepreneurship. Job
creation is a main underlying purpose oI incubator support Ior new business Iormation. especially
oI technology-based Iirms. Incubators can also play an important role in strengthening co-operation
between public and private actors in regional economic development. They have an outreach role.
Iostering entrepreneurship and training in the local community. Moreover. incubators have a
svmbolic role in that they allow governments to demonstrate their eIIorts to address problems oI
regional development and unemployment.
Economic development
Incubators are a tool Ior promoting new businesses. especially technology-based Iirms. A
mainunderlying goal oI support Ior new business Iormation is iob creation. The Georgia Advanced
Technologv Development Centre (ATDC). created in the United States in 1980. emerged as a part
oI a state policy to diversiIy the industrial base to new technology sectors in the Iace oI Ioreign
competition. Technology and business incubators. as in Germany. also play an important role in
strengthening co-operation between regional public and private actors in regional development.
Incubators also have a svmbolic goal in that they allow governments to show a visible example oI
their eIIorts to address regional development and employment concerns. This is important at a time
when governments can no longer aIIord to provide costly support to large declining industries and
when globalization has rendered such direct supports largely ineIIective.
Beyond general economic development. incubators are a tool Ior addressing specific or unique
economic challenges. In Japan. regional development policies in support oI incubators and related
initiatives are driven by a desire to increase the concentration oI knowledge and industry around the
maior metropolitan areas. In Israel. technology incubators were developed as an instrument to help
integrate highly qualiIied immigrants Irom the Iormer Soviet Union. In Germany. the ADT network
oI technology and business incubation centres quickly became a tool Ior promoting a new way oI
doing business in the eastern L.nder and as a means oI helping the reuniIication process. Finally.
incubators play a role in inIrastructure building. both in physical and immaterial terms. In Italy. the
BICs have targeted areas without spontaneous clusters and where the lack oI inIrastructure impedes
the growth oI small Iirms.
Technology commercialization
In the context oI university-based incubators. there is a perception that most universities have
technology which needs to be commercialized and that universities. with help Irom industry. can
accomplish this. On the one hand. university research results are rarely immediately commercially
viable while the short-term demands oI industry may comprise longer term goals oI university
research. Universities may also preIer. Ior both economic and technological reasons. to work with
larger industrial Iirms rather than SMEs. For Iirms. proximity to industrial R&D is oIten more
important than university linkages. Studies oI Iirms located in UK science parks have Iound only
marginal impacts on turnover and iob perIormance when compared to similar Iirms located outside
the park. Surveys oI Iirms in technology incubators suggest what is most important is not access to
university research but increased credibility. prestige. access to a pool oI highly qualiIied university
graduates. access to databases and libraries and greater creditworthiness in the eyes oI investors and
Approximately halI oI the estimated 4 000Iirms that have emerged Irom German technology
and business incubation centres since 1990 to 1996 are university -spin-oIIs. Besides the
commercialization oI research results the German example showed that a main goal oI technology
incubators is the diIIusion oI know-how to SMEs. not only Irom universities but also Irom applied
research centres.
Property venture/real estate development
Technology and business incubators are also lucrative property-based ventures. The example
oI the Italian Business Innovation Centres (BICs) illustrated the importance oI this on the supply
side. On the demand side. Iirms may also wish to relocate in incubators because oI the tangible and
intangible beneIits involved.
Promoting entrepreneurship through incubators is another obiective oI public support.
Entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as a critical element in the process oI innovation and
the creation oI technology-based Iirms. Entrepreneurs. however. are not a homogenous group nor
are the Iounders oI technology-based Iirms necessarily individuals with advanced science degrees.
There is. however. evidence that the proportion oI Iounders with science PhDs has increased in
recent years.
Incubators. in particular those located in universities. can act as a laboratory Ior
commercializing the ideas oI academics and provide a 'training ground Ior entrepreneurs.
Incubators oIten have an outreach role. Iostering training in areas such as inIormation technology
skills in the local labor market. Finally. through the building oI networks with surrounding Iormal
and inIormal investors. incubators can help strengthen the link between capital and entrepreneurs.
It is recognized that entrepreneurs Iace numerous challenges in starting a business. including
substantial entry costs. high-Iixed costs. lack oI access to equity capital. insuIIicient technical and
market inIormation. and weak management skills. The start-up phase oI a small business is
associated with considerable uncertainty. and new businesses oIten have cash Ilow problems during
this period. Support Ior business incubators is also provided on the basis oI (regional) economic
development obiectives: stimulating iob creation and industrial restructuring.
Figure 1 presents a schematic presentation oI technology incubation as a vehicle Ior linking
technology. entrepreneurs. small and large Iirms and sources oI capital.
Rationale for public support
A main iustiIication Ior public support to business incubators is based on market failure
which results in disincentives to Iirm creation. Entrepreneurs Iace signiIicant obstacles to starting a
business. e.g. high -Iixed and entry costs. lack oI access to equity capital. insuIIicient technical and
market inIormation. and weak management skills. The start-up phase oI a small business is
associated with considerable uncertainty and new businesses oIten have cash Ilow problems during
this period. The existence oI bottlenecks in the post start-up phase. in particular later-stage
Iinancing. weak management and marketing have been associated with the very high Iailure rate oI
new Iirms. another iustiIication Ior nurturing new Iirms in incubators. Support Ior business
incubators is also provided on the basis oI (regional) economic development obiectives: stimulating
iob creation and industrial restructuring. More recently. business incubators are supported as part oI
socio-economic policies to help under-represented groups in business development (e.g. youth.
women. minority groups).
In the case oI technology incubators. support may be iustiIied on the basis that market or
systemic Iailures impede the commercialization and diIIusion oI technology by new Iirms. The
greater uncertainty associated with technology increases the risks inherent to new business start-
ups; incubator services help reduce this uncertainty. thereby increasing the chances Ior survival. On
balance. evidence on survival rates oI technology-based Iirms suggest such Iirms are in Iact a lower
risk. but the problem may be one oI perception among investors and reIlect diIIerent levels oI
experience in assessing risky proiects (European Commission. 1996). Technology incubators are
also supported as a means oI increasing returns Irom public R&D spending by promoting its
commercialization and diIIusion.
Incubator services
Technology incubators provide a range oI services to entrepreneurs and start-ups including
physical inIrastructure (oIIice space. laboratories). management support (business planning.
training. marketing). technical support (researchers. data bases). access to Iinancing (venture capital
Iunds. business angel networks). legal assistance (licensing. intellectual property) and networking
(with other incubators and government services). Business incubators don't provide speciIic
technical supports. Figure 2 presents the technology incubator services.
Figure 2 technology incubators enable service
Using (technology) business incubators have advantages Ior incubator tenants. tenants
employees. incubator investor and community where incubator is located:
Advantages to Tenants
Business networking
Physical Iacilities
Shared services
Below-market rental rates
Flexible leases
Employee training
Initial minimal capital outlay
Shorter learning curve
Problems solved Iaster
Resource library
Advantages to tenant employees
Use oI shared oIIice equipment (Iax machine. copier machine. computer.
Use oI lunch/break room Iacilities
Telephone coverage support
Receptionist/secretarial assistance/support
Opportunity to watch a small business grow/develop (see it built Irom the
bottom up)
Opportunity to interact with a wide variety oI businesses/people
Accessibility to shared goods/services with other tenants
Not having to perIorm ianitorial/maintenance services
Working with personable support personnel who care about the success oI
each company and its employees
Location (including near proximity oI maior shipping company)
Warm and Iriendly atmosphere/climate
Networking with other businesses
Seeing decision made at the ground level. and being part oI the decision-
making process
Clean and bright Iacilities
Advantages to incubator investors (state/federal organizations)
Job creation
Job diversity
Economic development
Economic innovation
Fills gaps in local economy
Tax base expansion
Enhanced community image
Advantages to community where incubator is located
Job creation
Economic development
Economic diversity
Economic innovation
Retain home-grown talent in
Creation oI viable local
Tax base expansion
Investment opportunities
Revitalization oI deteriorated
Stimulation oI real estate
Enhanced community image
Creation oI marketing outlets Ior
community products and services
Fills gaps in local economy
In new and knowledge based economy. Knowledge and technological capabilities are
becoming increasingly crucial Ior national development. Using technology incubator and incubation
system is a practical way Ior creating knowledge and technology based Iirm. Technology incubator
can strength and promote technology ventures. Technology venturing through incubator activities is
an important tool Ior the commercialization oI R and D outputs and the transIer oI technology.
2. Agence Nationale Pour La Creation Et Le Developpement Des Entreprises. (ANCE) (1997).
3. Colin barrow . (2001) .incubators. Johan wily & sons Ltd.

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