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Câu 1: The number of monkeys is … the number of bananas

A. equal to
B. incomparable
C. less than
D. greater than
Câu 2: The number of monkeys is … the number of bananas

A. equal to
B. incomparable
C. less than
D. more than
Câu 3: The number of monkeys is … the number of bananas

A. equal to
B. incomparable
C. less than
D. greater than
Câu 4: The number of monkeys is … the number of bananas

A. equal to
B. incomparable
C. less than
D. greater than
Câu 5: The number of monkeys is … the number of bananas

A. equal to
B. incomparable
C. less than
D. greater than
Câu 6: How many circles are there?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3
Câu 7: Choose the plus sign:
A. >
B. <
C. =
D. +
E. -
Câu 8: Choose the minus sign:
A. >
B. <
C. =
D. +
E. -
Câu 9: Choose the equal sign:
A. >
B. <
C. =
D. +
E. -
Câu 10: Choose the “less-than mark’’:
A. >
B. <
C. =
D. +
E. -
Câu 11: Choose the “more-than mark’’:
A. >
B. <
C. =
D. +
E. -
Câu 12: Which one is the watermelon?



Câu 13: What is this?

A. a pencil
B. a pen
C. crayons
D. pencils
Câu 14: What is this?

A. crab
B. shrimp
C. fish
D. shark
Câu 15: What is this?

A. rabbit
B. dog
C. rubber
D. cat
Câu 16: Choose the answer to fill the box:

A. >
B. <
C. =
D. +
E. -

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