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Design of foundations for bins, silos and hoppers

Conference Paper · March 1985


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John C. Small
The University of Sydney


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.C. SMAI,I., B.Sc'(Eng-), Ph.D., M. f .E.AusE. , I,ecturer
.I t Univers lEy r:f SYdrreY
Deslgn of FourrdaElons for Blns, Sl.1os and IIoppers.

SITMMARY A revlew of some of the nethods may be used to deslgn foundatlons for silos, blns or
hoppers ls presented. FoundaLlon types exanlned are pad footlngsr raft foundaltona and plled rafta.

T TNTRODUC TON f rue cont l nttrrm.

Anrrl.yste of the fotrndatlon behavlortr of Ctvll An l.rnproved nrechod of arralysls therefore ls Eo treat sfruct.ures l.s ofEel carrted ouE by the so l1 .'tri an elas c tc conE I nur:m. Varlous leve 1s of
f Lraf ly consldertng the sErucLures atone, attd assltrn- sophlstlcatlon nny be ernployed ln the modelllng of
tng some type of f txtty f or: the f otrntJat torr. The the elasrl c-. sol l; lL may be EreaLed as a homogeneous
Bf ruc lrrral f orces thus determlned, are then appl ted tralf space, Lpe and Brown (L972) , a unl f orm l.ayer of
bo ttre eot.l ln order to cornpuEe foundat-ton def lect- ftntte depth, (Brown (1969)), a layer {n which Lhe
lons. T.n many caseB thls may he suf f 1c t enE, ltt:wever modulus increases wlth depth (Hatn and Lee (1980))
ln others l-his slrnpltflcatl-on nLay learl fo $erlotls or a cross-anlsoEropic Layered materlal (Fraser and
error l.rt the predlct-lon af strucEuraI Jrerformancet Wardlr: (1974)).
as nrr all r:wance ts made f or ttre l.nte rac L lon of sol 1
and atructure. Russ tan engLneers rnatle early use of thls technlque
In deslgnlng raft forrndatlons (Zemochkln, and
In the case of sllos, btns ancl hoppers the soll- Slnttsyn ( 1947 ) , (1962)) . They assurned that the
struc ture tnt-eract lon ls of trnportarlce. Comparlsons contact sEresses whlclr exlsE between the rafE and
of the observed def lecElons of sevr:r;tl sl1o bl-ocks the soll could be represented by unl-form blocks of
wlth t[eoretl.eal prerllcttons (l'{i.tche1 I 1984) show presBrrre. Ttre def lectl,orr
'the of the raf t and the so11
that the sltos are behavlng netbher: lrr a (lompleltlly was cal.culated under actlon of each block of
flexlbte nor a complet.el.y rtgtd nvlnnerr but some- un lf orm pressure, atrd by uslng the f act that ttre
where lnterrnedIate between Ehe [wo extremes. tL 1s dlsplaceruent trf the raff and soll should be the same
Iherefore necessary Eo take accounL of- the flextbt.l- (ff ltft-off does not occur) ttre reactlon dlstrlbut-
tty 9f the sCructure when carrylng orrg any analysts. Ir>n cou1d be deterrnlned. Since compuEers were not
avaIlabLe to these engineersr computatlon was
Many dtfferent meElrods have been ernployed l.n the ca r r i.ed orrE us lng char t s whlch had prevlously been
flel<1 of Soll l'techanlcs ln the past when examlnlng prepared.
LnteracElon problems. Many of these methoCs may be
apptted tr: trlrrs and sllos and so tt ts at)proprlate An lrnproved mettrod of analysls f or: raf t f oundatlons
th;rt Bome of [lre technlques whlch trave been used are hras used by Brown ( 1969 ) , ln whlch Lhe contac E

Bummartsed ttere. scresses were not treated as blocks of unlform pres-

sllres but represented by a serl eS of mathematlcal
f unr:ttons. Ttrls a-llowed for greater irccuracy wlth
2 SOt[",-S'1'RUCTURII INTF.RACTION less computatlon. Ilhis meEhod has also been used by
Booke r an<1 Sma 11 ( 1 983 ) f or tite analy s ls of ltqr-rld
Methods of arralyslng sotl-sEructure l"nteraetlon storage tanks constructed on hornogeneous solls and
problems carl be broadly classlf l.ed lr"tto o{}e or rnore by Rowe, Booker and Smalt (f982) for tanks on non-
of the followtng cafegorles: analyCtcal, ftnlte tromoge neoLrs so i1 .

dlffer{tn(-'e, botrntlitry ple'rnent or finLt-e e'lement'

Recent developmcrrtE has concentratcd on the latter The ttrsL sol.trElons obtalned for rafts whlch used
Lwr: metltocls, sllce tftey allclw alalysts nf prt:rhlems f ln i. f e elemc.nE tectrrriqrres r.rere those presenf ed by
where borrnclary condtLtons, geomefry or so[1 propert- Chetrng, and Zlenklewlcz ( 1965) . They used a f lnLte
l.eis are complex. They have also hccome poptrlar element formulaElon for tfte sgrucEure (raft or tank)
her:ause of Lhe avallabt l{.ty of htgh sper:C computers whLle the sotl rias treated a$ elEher a sertes of
whtctr ean solrre ttre resulf anE seLs of equattons. sprlngs or as a conflnuttm. Contact stresses
we re t rea becl aS eqtrlvalent f orces aE nodal pol.nts of

I'he s I mpl est way to take ,gome accotlnL of l'he de f orrn- ttre flnlte elemerrt mestr; an lrnproved method was used
atton <lf the sot I ls to assume tltat lts dlsplacement by svec and Gladwell ( 1973) whlch lnvolved usl-ng a
ls proportlonal fo ttre f r:ree app Il.ed. T]rls results polynorntal to describe the varlatlon ln contacE
Ln a tttrrkler anatysls, wtrlch l"n ef fecf treaEs tlre stress beneath the r:af t. The f tnlte etement tech-
eoll as a serles oF sprirlgs. This approach has been nlque was srrbsequtently extended by hlardle and Fraser
( 1974 ) and applted to raf ts on layered cross-
Llsed lly Lee an<l l'larrlson (19i0) to analyse structur-
al hetravlour and by Levl nson ( 1972) to anal-yse tfte antsoEroplc soil' This work was Lncorporated ln the
behavlour of llqrrld storage tanks. Thi.s approach' compurer progrnm FOCALS (Wardle and Fraser (1975)).
wht 1e af f or:dl ng a very sl.mple rTleans oF anal.yslst Thls program rnay be used Eo ana lyse structure-
negtects Etre lnteracf- lon of one sprlng wLth anottter, raft-sotl systems, ln cases where the soll ls a

and therefclre does not Ereat Ehe foundaElon as a layered anlsoEroPlc naterlal.
.I .C. SMAI,I,
Deslgn of Foundatlons for Blrrs, Sllos and Hoppers.

Vartorrs types oF structure-foundaE lon-so11 comblnat- where F1 = the vercical force at poslLlon I
tons have been examJned by varlous authors. These k1 = the subgrade reactlon at posltlon I
lnr:lude structural f rarnes on pad foottngs, raf Es wt = Ehe verflcal dlsplacemenC aE posltlon
(str:tp) and slngle pl.les (Poulos (1975)) arrd
structrrre-rafL-sol1 comblnatlons, llaln arrd Lee
(L()7 4) .

If boLh the sotl as wel.l as ttre sfructure are re-

presenLed by flnl.te elemenL dlscreblz,r:ltlon, Ehen Struc I'ure
even grea Eer scclpe for analysls rnay be a<:hlevecl .
Sml th (1970) rrsed such Cectrnlrlues to dernonstF;rte how
a f lextble cl rcular plate restl"ng on a soll layer
could be analysed. Spr inq s

llse of flnlee elements for tlre sotl aJ.lows lrrcluslon

oF non-llne;lr analysl.s of tlle soil or locorporatlon Flgtrre 1a Sl-mple Wlnkler Foundatlon
of- soll propcr[[es whtch vary spatla1"l.y. Tlre soll
may be consldered as vtsc<le1.astl.e, p1;lst1.c, of to be
c.or'tsoIldatlng un<ler tlre appll.ed 1oads. One exarnple We could oF course write slmllar equatLons for Ehe
of Ihe use of such nunerlcal. mettrocls J.s l.n r:arth- trorlzonEal dlsplacemenEs lf so desl-red.
quake deslgn (Chrlstlan and IIall (1982)). Ishlhara
and Yamada (1982) a1so lookerl aL srrch problems, If for the sLructure rre rnay \{rlte a set of sttffness
tlrel,r maln lnteresL belng ln the sloslrlng of fluid equa r l"ons
I n lanks. Suctr a problern l.nvolvr:s loadi.ngs wlrich
are asymmetrtc, ancl ftrese are dealt wtttr by maktng KA= L (2)
the assurnptlon that the loa.d{.ngs on the Lank vary as
a coslne funcEton arnund the t;rnk p+:rlmel-rrr. '[hls
as$iumptton al lows redrrcttort of the ttrree dlrnenslt:nal wtrere K ls the sftffness maErlx of the sLructure
problern to orre of Ewo dLmenslons anrl greatly slrnp- 0 ts the dtsplacemenE veccor for Ehe structure
Itftes the analysls. (Lysmer et al (1,975)). ,L Ls ttre f orce vector
Forrndatlons may he more compl.ex than slrnpl-e srlrface
pad or rafE foundatt,rns and nr,:ly lnvolve plles or then we nay strnply comblrre eqrrat tons (1 ) and (2 ) .
pl le groups ln comblnarlon wlth the raft or pad
fooIlng. An approxlmate method of deal.lng wi.r]r Suppose the vector O conEained the elements as shown
plled raft forrndatlons has beeirr rL-pq)rled by Davl"s below
arrd Poulos (L972) ancl resul,ts for pLled strip foot-
l ngs trave l-reen obtalned by Brown anrl \,'ll.esrrer ( l-965). gT - (tr1 ,w1 ,olru2rw2ro2.,. )
Ana I ysl s rtf ve rt lcal ly loarled pl led ril f t s of ;rny
glverr BtLffness has beert carrl.ed orrt hy llaln and I,c'e
(1978) uslng ttre flnice element mer-hod frlr the rafE where u r w, 0 are. t.he displacements ln the
and Ehe I nterracE lon meth<ld (Mat tes artd Poulos horlzontal. vr:rt1.ea1 dtr:ectlon and Ehe rc,tatlons at
( J 97I ) ) for the pt les. Brown et at ( lq 75 ) lutvc vartous pr;1nt,s on ttre structure, The foundat Ion
sltown, usLng alfernate rncLhods, th,,tt tlre approar:h of reac clorts may slrnply be tncluded by addlng the term
llaln and Lee ls falr:1v reliable. k1 of equatlon (1 ) to the approprtaEe dlagonal
term of Etre sttf f ness matrlx K (term 3i-l ).
Al of ttre mcrthods summart.sed above ltave s()ne
l Solutlon of the reslrlttng seE of equatLons nay then
a pp I on to the des I gn of f orrndat Ions f or bI ns
L Ica t be carrled or:t (see Flg. lb).
and s[1os, arrd Lhe method chr:sen deperrds rrl\or) ttre
degree of soptrlstle.atlr:n requtrerl. A'l tltrlrll'.11 tltr:rr-t
a re many exarnp Ies of ana lys ts f or: tlre d l" f f rlrertt Structural
forrndartorr types, solrrtlons for blns, s[l.rls ;lnd
tanks are fatrly rare. As we1t, loadi'rgs on sr:clt U1 fl
gl,rrrctures are qr-rlte often Asymrnetrlc, maklng w1

analysls nx)re dLfflcul.c, anrl Ltrr.:refore rnr)st av:ri1- 01 e

able solutlons are for the symmetrlc toadlng c..1s€.

J. t InEroduct lon

Some of the bas l.e rnef-hods wlrtch rny be us<rd to c;rrry

OrrE a Sotl-sfructure l.nteractlon anal.-Vsts lnay now hcr Figure 1b Sprlng Sttffness added to
exarnl ned. For slmpl l"ct.ty 1E wt 1t be€d that -Structural Sttffness Matrlx
the sotl and strrtcLrrre are betravlng I n atl elast lc
manner. The extenslon t.o non-llneirr behavtcur ts a
l.l tf le more cornplex and wt 11 not tx: dealt wl th ltere.
3.3 Dlrect Merhod
3.2 t^ll nkler For.rndaL 1r:n
Wtth tl]{s approach ttre eqtraElon governlng the
Irr thl-s case we trr:at the forrndaILr)n as, behavlorrr of the strucEure may be wrttten
of sprf-ngs (see Flg. la)" As flle rll:;pI.:rqplrent ls
dl"rectly proporttonal to the applted fctrce we may E = Eo + [sr"i]g* (3)
Ft, r ki*t (1) wlrere .8 = vector of supporr reactlons ( I'e. column
loads )
,J . (i. sl{ALL 'l

Des lgn of ForrndaE lons for Blns, Sllos and lloppers.

EO :!3 vecfor of rl.gld supporE reactlons we rlay directly add equati.ons (6),(2) to obcaln the
fl.nal. set of equatlons to be solved. The matrlx
Ittl-t musL be adcled to K in the posltlons
0* :' vecLor of support deflectlons corresponding to the support deflecttons.

IS,ll ts a structural matrlx rela[1ng addttlonal 3.5 Influence method

eolumn reacttona to supporE deFLecttons.
Uslng tlrJ-s merhod $/e obtaln Lhe Lnfttrence matrix for
To obcal n t-he rrecEor fo the structure w,ruld need to the soil Iflr .J as glven ln Eq. [+ . We Lhen obtain a
be analysed se[rar;rIely from Elre soll wlrtr the flext.btlicy relarlonshl.p for the structure,
srrpporte,dty flxed. The resultlng reactlone aE however ln order to do thls the structure needs to be
the supports would f orrn tlre vecEor F6. By lnspect lon flxeci or plnned ln some way Eo prevenE translatlon
of eqrratlon 3 lt nny be seen that JSUI f* an lnf1u- and rotaLlon.
ence maErl.x whose r:olrrmns wotrld he cornpr)sed of the
force.q caused at r:;tch of the flxecl sr-rpport Jxrsl.ttorrs lluppose f or: slmpttcl cy we look at compatabtltcy of
due to a rrntt. def tect l.<ln al one oIher sr"rppr-lrt Jrr:st[- vertlcal cli.splacemenE between st ructure and soll
ton. To obca I n a cr:1."umn of ISnt ] the r:e Fo re 4n analys- onl.y, for a rwo dlmenslonal sEructure.
fs of t,he sfructure may be carrted or:t wlth one of
f"he fLxtttes rel.eased. The di.splacernrrnt (,rr roEar If thls ls done we may wrlCe
lon) at ltre rel.eased srrpporL ancl the sr-rpport reacE-
lons may be f ound, and Ehen sca led by Etre sArne amount A*
}. =l-rprl^4.-..-!o-[+RA+h,,lr+6
L "^JStf I" ' RA ' t4'v (7)
StfUCg UCt'
so thar the d Lsp l;rcernenL ls unlty. The scaled react- "qO
l nns woulrl then f ornn a cotumn ln f Su I .
where ry
6* ls Ehe deflectlon vector aE support
General l.y as there wtll. be slx cornponerrts of rei.rct lon pos i t tons
at each- support ( rhree f orces an<l l-lrree rnornents) the frul Btrucl: ls Lhe flexlbtllty
lnfluence matrlx
mat-rlx lsMl wtl-1 be a 6n by 6n rnatrlx tf hre are cleal- for the plnned structure
tng wlrh n cupports. Tf we deal wlth verEical forces
on1y, the slze of Ehe rnatrtx ls consl<ler;rbl-y reduced A = (1rlrlr.,.1)T
t-o one of slee n by n.
b = (dlrd2rdJrr.Orr)t
For t.he foundatton lre rnay wrlte
and d1 is the horlzontal distance of the support
br, s lrorl . f $) frorn ttre ptnned positl-on.
A l s t-he f ranslatton of the sCructure
wlrere b.* , t, are as def l ned above (, is tlre rotatlon of the structure about the
posttlon of plnnlng
and If U.] ls the rnat r tx of tnf luence f actors f or the 0*
ry qo_ Ls the vector of deflecELons for the plnned
eo1. t. struc.trrre under act.lon of the applted loads
( t. e. loads other: than strpport reactlons )
Tlre f lexibl-llty maIrlx for ttre soLl 1s a m;rtrl.r whlch
relates the srrppor:I reirctions ap6rllecl to tlrer Forrndat- We rftry comhlne equat tons (4 ) and (7 ) noElng that
lon (whl.ctr are opposl"te 1n t.o ttvrse applled ro O*scrgct = [*soit to obtaln
ttre sLrucEure) to tlre srrpporE def Lectlorls.fn gener;rl
ttrere wl l.l he I moment. artd 3 f orce cornponents [r'ul
L rsoll F = lrul
^J L rstruct .-F+aA+
tu N bo+6 (s)
cauBe 3 rr>tatIon and 3 dtsplacernent cornponcnts lrr t]re -qo
sol l. The crll.rrmns of the rnatri x I fM .| wi l.l be cornpos-
ed of Ehe de f lect Ionri prorJuced al al l- srrppo rt. pos t t - A further two equatlons, the equatlons of equtlt-
Ir:n,g drre Lo a unlt reacF,ion appl l"er-l at". t:ach strpport brl trm, are rreeded bef ore a solubloo may be obtalned.
posltton ln turn. An exarnple of how thl.s may be done If the total verLlcal load applled to the structure
1g gtven ln Sectlon 3.6. ls P'fCrt ttren

Comblntng equatlons (3) and (4) rr:srrlts 1n the aT .e = Pro., (ea)

fol.lowlng equatton for ftre whole sysrern
sM.FM] F = Io (5) For rnoment equlllbrlum we would have

(I ls a untc maLrlx) uTr=M aPP

ryru (eb)

By solvtrrg equatlon (5) we nay obtaln the forces at wlrere lt"pp I s ttre moment of the applled loads about
eac.l'r of t he supporE pos t L I.ons . the srrpport post lon.
A comblna[.|.orr of equatlons (8), (9a), (9b) results ln
3.1+ [nver:slr:n of Sotl Flexlbll.ltv Matrix
Arr al.t ernn te mr:tlrod of anatys I s ls to f I rst ly
esrahlJsh the fl"extbl-1tr.y relatlonslrlp for tlrr.r soil lrul
L rsolt +[rul
r. rstruct -a
-bru F
eqrraLl.on (4) and ttren to inverf. tlrl.s nrtrtx J.€.
E !r lroll"lrro* (6)

I.f we m,'ly wrLte tlre sttIfness relattonshIp for the -broo

Btruccure (as gtven ln liq. 2)
K0. (10)
Deslgn of Foundatlons f or Blns , Sl1os and lloPPers .

'Ihe above equat I ons ruay now be so I ved f or the srrpporE trt ItZ Itt - ... I1^n
react [<lns E, the translaC{.on A, and the rot-at Iqrr rf
wl ot-
of ltre strr.lcture. Defl.ectlons attcl forr-'es tn tlre w2 P2
gtrtrcture may now he obtalned by applleatlort of fhese
f grces ( rogetlter wtth any oEher apptted loads) Uo the I,t3 p3 (12a)
ptnned structure- o a

a a

roI p

Any of Ehe above me t hgds may be use<l to arr;r l.ysc the

hehavlour of a raf t on an el.ast tc. soll and arl example
t s now glven of how the ana lys ls rney be carr i.ed out or 0rr = lru]sott ! ( r2b)
rrsl ng me;hod (d ) . As we now haver a contl.nuous f or.rnd-
af lon 1.f l.S more converllerrt to t/Ork ln terrns of This equat lon 1s Etre equlvalent of equaElon (4), but
pressures raEtler than forceS. Suppose wc apPrOxJmate for a crlntlnuous foundaElon. Slmllarly we may
tlre contact stress betwecn Ehe raft artd the soII as analyse Ehe raft (plnned) and obr-aln its tnfluence
shown ln Flg. 2 by a serles of untform pressure matrlx IttU]struct by applylrrg untE pressures over
blocks, and for sl mpltctty only look aE verE lcal each area ln turn and noE lng the def lect l-ons at each
dtsplacement compatabilltY' of the other areas.
The deflectlon of the structure may now be wrl-EEen ag
Y SEfUCt = [rul^].,..^*.-p,*aA*bO+g.O+0.*_.
L-'^JStfrrCt' E &'Y >iY o qO

where the effects of the rotatLons about Ehe x axLs

{ , :lnd abotrt the y axi s 0 are now l.rrcl uded . If the
structure 1s plnrre<l at the corner x=y=0 (see flgure
3) tlren the def lnltton of the vecLors *, b, c are:

Unrform stress A = (1, 1, ... t)T

btor:k P,
b (11 , Y2, YE ... yn )T (12d)

(xL x2, X? ... *rr)t

Flgure 2 Block Represenfatlr:n of ContacI Sfress

By Ehe use of elas f l.c t-lreory we may e;r 1cr-rl aEe ttre ,"
cleftectton o-f say the ccrrrtral polnE of r:ach of the
l.oaded areas. Suppose we apply a rrntt unl.forrn sfress
over area J and t.hls produces def lee-t lorts I t J'
12 1, If I i o . In i aE each of L5e cen6 ra.1. polnts
,/,/ ;i"'""
,' -,
of 'the ottrer areas". We can ttren say Elrat tf a stress ,/_," _
of p{ ls acLlng there, Etre def lectlons at al. l- ottrer
pos I E'tons wt11 be pJ t.[rnes as large becrtttse of Elre
assumptlon of a llnearly elasftc sotl. For a sl.ngl.r:
sCress block pl hre could wrlEe therefore (for n
such btocks ouerill)

ttJ I Lo aded
'ar e a'
tr"J I


pJ (ll)


I nJ
Flgure 3 Unlform Loadlng over a Rectangular Reglon

Now l-f we conB lder al I c'.onEacL stress blocks Plr P2

. . . Pn We Can rnake use of. superposltlon of the
solutlons, hcnce We wltl also have two equattons of moment,
Deslgn of FoundaElons for Bins, Sl los ancl lloppe rs .

gtt = M* ( r3a) Q.(l-v ')

lJ = ttJ (16)
ao tt,
wlrere p 3 (Atyt, AZyZ, ... Arryrr)T
*l r = ls the vertlcal dlsplacement at poslElon
anrl Mx ls the applted rnomenL about the x-axl s t due to a unlform load aE posltlon
j, wl'rere Ehe toLal load on area j ls
and glven by a: = RraObo

T a0, b0 are the lengths of the sldes of the loaded

x p - "y ( r3b)
reg lon

(Aixl, A2*2 . '. An*n)T (13c) vs-. Es are El-re Polsson t s ratlo and elasrlc modulus of
wlrere L ' the sotl
f,. ls a coefflclent whlch depends on the aspect
and l'ty ls ctre appll ed momenl- about the y axl-s . rJ ratto of the loaded area. b
The equatlon of verttcal force becornes
Accord ng to Cheung and Zienklewl,cz ( 1965 ) f or

displacernenEs outside the loaded area an approxlmate

gTp - Pro,r (t3d) me Lhod ru'ry be used Eo obta lrr the coef f lc lent fl .
A pol.nt load of rlurgnltrrde Qi placed at poslElon J
may be used Eo determtne the teflecElons aE poslElon
where g r (At , A2 ... A-)T
{. Ttre appr:oxl.maElon ls not used t.f t = Jr i-e. to
cal.errlate the deflectlon aL the centre of Etre loaded
rt Ical a rea. Vr3g;' 1l-ttle error ls lnEroduced by uslng this
and nr', Ls Etre cotat uppl l.ed ve 1-oad
rne thod .

Comblnlng eqrrattons (l2b), (l2c), (13er), (13b) Values of ttre coefflclent may be wrlEcen
( l3c), ( 13d) gtves tlre f lnal set of equarlorrs ro be
so l.vecl ( f hese are anirlogous to those of equaf tons f0) (f) wlthln the loaded area
ao bo

T. 4 4=2 \=2 d Ede

I ror]s,rr r* [ru Jsrrucr N
-b P 6tr
^qo 'iJ =:bs o
I oI /G2 + e2) (17)

-9. 000 -p^ TO't ( 1f) outstde the loaded area

-oT -II x r = lr-{*i "i-}z + {Yt-Yi

t } z-1-t/21
L 'lJ llt ao I "o'
r I

( the dlstances xl , Yt etc ar:e shown oll Figure 3b)

-I T
Valr:es of f i i have been eva luated f or varLous
rattos of bo/do (see ftgure 3a)

uo /ao 2/
2/3 1 2 3 4 5
The above set of. eqrrattons ts nt; longer symmcLrlc, |4.26't
howevr:r by maklng al.1 of ttre areas ,\t 6.1rt;rl, the tJJ lo'' 3.525 2.406 L.867 I .543 L.322
equaEtons iluly be madr: SynmeErlc. Anotlterr approach [s
to calerrlaEe ttre ave rage vert lcal de f Lecl I ons over
each area t'€.
Val-ues of ft.i at various dl-stances may be crrmputed
rrtur - "lf", dx dy (15) trrg ( l7 { t I. A conparlson of ttre exact and
approxl mate values are gtve.n below:

By applylng the lntegraEton of eqrratton (15) to

eqqatlons (12b), (12c) we rnay obraln a syrnmerrlc x/ag Exact ffJ Approx ftj
I 1 .038 I 000
h aLAST I C DtiFORMAT ION 0F (lRotrND ARIIA DUn T0 2 .0.505 0 500
4 0.251 0 250
Ttre response of the foundatlon [o untforrn loadtrrg 5 0.200 0 200
over a rec-tangrrtar area Ls reqrrt rerl if the mc:thod of 6 0,L67 0 L67
approxlmaEtng Etre confact sLress ils unl Iorm blocks of 7 0.143 0 143
pre6sure ts used, of wltere lsolated pad f oot lngs are
to be analysed.
For a trnlformly loaded reglort on the As can be scen ln the above table rhe solutlon uslng
surf ace of a deep elast lc sol-1 layer the dI splacernent the appr0xlrnat ion quickly approaches that of the
rnay be wrtf ten as exact solutlon.
,1 .C. SMALT.
Deslgn of FoundatLons for Blns, Stlos and lloppers,

5 RLASTIC PROPERTIES OF' SOT.LS More sophlstlcated analys1s lnvolvlng horlzonta1

loadlngs, or layers of sotl of ftnLte depth would
If ela,srf.c theory 1s to be used for an Interacttve requtre Ehe use of computer programs to compute ttre
foundaElon destgnr V81ues of thrr elasltc pararneEers lnfluence matrlx for the soLl.
fr;r Lhe sol.l are needed. Typlcal values of elasElc
motirrlt for some selected solls are gtven lrr tlre t;rble
br.low. Tlrey strould be used as a guf,de orrty and are
no suhstltr.rte for valrres deterrnlned elrher on stEe or
1n the laboratory,

Type of. Sot 1 Modulus E (kPa)


Ver:y sofL clay 300 3000

Sof E c lay 2000 ,1000
Medlrrm clay /+5(10 9000
llard cl.ay 7000 20000
Sandy clay 300()0 42500
Sl Lr 2000 2fJ000
SlI ty sand 5000 20000
Loor;e sand 10000 25()00
Dense sand 500()0 100000
Dense saud and gravel 80000 200000 Pad footing
Looee sand and gravel 50000 140000
(Af rer Bowles L97 7 >

Figure 4 Indlvidual Pad Foorlngs

Typical values of ttre Polssouts ratlo of vari.ous
sot ls are gtven ln the followlng table.

6 .?- Raf t Foundat lon

Type of So11 Polssclnts ratlo Qulre often the foundatton may be a r:aft foundatton,
an example of wtrlch ls shown ln Figure 5. A f u11
analysls bccomes more cornplex here, however approxl-
ma te sol.ut I ons may be qulckly obrained by asstrmlng
Clnyr edLurated 0.4 0.5 that the loads from Ehe structure are eqtral.1y applled
Clay, unsaturated 0.1 0.3 to each support (vertlcal ly). The raf t may then be
Sandy clay 0 .2 0.3 analysed ttre resrrlts of Brown (1978) for polnt
Sl lr 0 .3 0. 35 loads applLed to a sttff square raft on a deep
Sand (dense) 4.2 a,4 e las t tc. so [ 1 layer .

Af ter Br:wles (1,977 )

(^llth clays, care should be taken to rl Istingrrlsh

berween [he DRALNtiD ancl UNDRAINAD br:hirvlorrr rtf. blre
so l l . f f t'he c lay ls s;lturaEed and loadr:d raprld ly
1f wl. l,I behave In an undra lned rr-*]nne r. Ttre modu lus
of. the cl.ay must be deterrnlned trnder condl r- lons of nc) I r:tunn

dralnage. Usually Poissonts ratlr: ls taken as.rc =

0.5 for: ttrese condlrtons. A differenL va1'-re of
modul rrs and Pol.sson t s ra t to need to be rrsed J n the
dra lned case , whlch wl ll exis E a l.nng t lnre erf ter
loarll-ng tras ceased and al.1 pore pressures I n the clay
have dl sslpated.

Foundatlon Lypes rnay virry wldely for di f f erenL types

of blns, sllos and hoppers. Sorne ,:f tlre maln typr's
are summar: l sed here wlth conmerrf on the procedur(] s cnuld be used tn destgn.

6.1 Indtvl.drrat Pad FooElngs

The sl.mplest form of foundatlon l.s an tsolated pa'l

f ooE lng as shr:wn ln Flgure 4 . Thls type of
for-rndatlon may be anal.ysed uslrrg any of the
InLeractton rnethods of. sectlrrn 3. Ttre flexlhtlLry FLgure 5 Raft Foundatlon
lnf l.rrence rnal-rlx for the soll m;ry br: slrnpt-y r:onprrt.ed
(tf the soll. l.s unll'ornn) uslng equati.orrs 17 or tlre
tabulated values of ttre coef Flcient f iJ, 1f
verrlcal loadtngs only are consldertrd.
Deslgn of Foundatlons f or Blns, Sllos and lloppers '

Pos1tl.ons etE colrrmn loatls are shown ln Ftgrrr:e (t. tf i

cornblrraILons of ttrese loadlng patterns 1s requlred, li
sol'rtlclns rmy be $r.rtr.rsr-lmposerl . Ilr:sr.rlr-s f or rnoment I
li ti
i, li 'Fl
1a /

reaultants bendlng mornent per untt ilil\


( l.e. .lengf h) .).-

M*, Ify and M*y are shown ln Flgures 7 ,8 and 9 1

ii \')
'rtl I,
respectl.vely. The moment resultants are expressed ln \

te rrns of P, the k:ad app lled to one rluarter of Ehe EI, .t

f. ll I

.,:e'-.., \
rt) -----,


/ ie''.,\ \'
Ir .?.)
tl or \ t\\t
' 9l ,4
I l'',. J \
iit4-\,ti /1 / Klir \ ii 3f

1l l{ 6tl;' "/l liri')ll I 'ri'1


\lrtrr:l ,

j t:l





Figure 7 Dis t ribuL lon of vlx/P for square raft

Ftgrrre 6 Loadlng cases constdert'd

Differentlal sr:LLlement w of the riltL re.latJ"ve to the

corner ts slrown in Flgr-rre 10. Ilr:re e 1s the half
1-ength of t^lre r:lfE, D ls lts flexrrr;r1. rigLdi.t"y (D =
ErE't /tZ(L-v' 1)), Er ls t-he raf c mo<lulr,r;, and
vr lrs Polssonts raElo. The rafE ls of Elrtckrress

As mentl.oned prevtously tlre resul ts are fresented f or

a falrly Btlff rafc. Obvl.ously rafrs wtrlch are m()re
f lexJ ble wl1l undergo larger rll f FercnElal
settlements. A clreck on the sElffrrerss r:t Ehe raft
may be rnade by evaluartng the quant tty K where

K ' Etss "4
Ftgure B DlstrtbuLton of Mv/P for square raft
wlrere E, v are tfre rnodulrrs and Pr:l sson's rarlo of T
the sol 1
I ts Ihe moment of lnt-rrl"a of tlte r.rfr
crosB sectJon = atJ/(., 6.3 Clr:ctrlar .rn-Cround Silos

For valrres of K grearer than 0.1 tire restttts may Arratysls oF lndtv{.dtrat ct rculirr tanks constructed on
be rrsed wl-th ltrrle err<lr. the groun'.1 h,:ts been c;rrrled out by Booker and Smal1
( 1984 ). The tank ls showrr schernatlcally ln Figure
tl wlth the varLous comporrents ldentlfted. The
trr tlr*:: ra f t tr"r
Srrch rles I grr rnethods enable ttre molnents symtrols used are those lt.sted below:
be coruputed, ancl hence the des lgn of tlre raFL,
Beeause of the assr-lmptLon of symmetrIcaL loadIrrg, no Ep, ll*, t, Elre modult of the base plaEe, wall
dlf f erentlal settlements wtl t be ltred ict-ed bctween antl so [ 1
the col.rrntn supports. Srrch a problem woul.d require a v,\^I v are the Poissonts rattos of Ehe tank and sotl
full Irrteractl.on an:ll.ysls to assess t.he q:ffecIs on S

Etre shell oF the bln. Eplt,t are the thlckrress of Ehe base plate and wall
.r.c. st'{ALL
Deslgn of Forrndattons f or Btns, Sllos and lloppers.

:J a ls tlre r;l<llrrs of Ehe tank

,t' d ls the depttr of the Eank
Resrrlts lrave heen obtatned for: tanks contalnlng
llqulds, wtrlch meit{ls that the walls are subjected tcr
loads whLch vary ltnearly wlth depEh. The depEh of
fluld is assurned to be the full depth of the tank.
A clrcr.rlar sllo full. of gr:anular rnatertal or a powder
whtch ts flowlng wl11 not apply a load whtch ls
*" lncreastng llnearly wlth depth Eo the walls. This
I may eas{ ly be taken lnto account ln the analysis tf
the dis tri but ton ls known. llowever f or matertal
whlch ts aE resr, and ls removed by Feed mechanlsms
rather tlran f low, the 1lnear pressure dls E r:lbutlon
may be used. Thls would be the case for an on ground
i .- se' I

Resul E s us 1rrg the analyt I c method of Booker and small

[ r'u
.., ( l9B4) were obralned ustng the propertles given below

I i ','s1
Depth d
I \ r, .t:,: 9.0
1,2-', lr'u,
a m

i( t/\i,{r i

Ttrickness of base and

wal[s 360 mm

El.asttc modulus of
base and walls = L .l+ x 101+ Mpa

Elastlc modulus of soil = 20 MPa


Polssorl s raL io of lank 0.0

Polssonts raEio of sol 1 = 0.4

F lgtrre 9 Dlstribut l on of l{xy /P f or square ra f t Unl,E wE of f luld = 9,81 kN/r3

E*, V*




'l;l '
f*'t ,t

i +-:-


ii li'
I j , 1{:(r l


|,.I I

n9: ih

r it'j
Jl't l{q'i ttt+__
Sor I

Flgure 11 Schemaclc dlagram of tank

on deep soll layer

12 (") shows the conEacE stress across the base

Flgure 10 Dlstrlbutlon of wtl/Pa2 fo, s(luare r:aft of the tank. The result ls also compared wlttr that
of a flnLte element soll-sLrucIrrre lnteractton
analysts, ln whlch the two meshes shown ln Flgs 13(a)
Deslgn of Fotrndatl-ons f or Btns, St los and IIoPPers.

1O clamcnts
90 11 nodes
,--A,pphed flutd
q (kFo) 70 preSSure
I 1O5 nod_cs
60 I

Sheor frcc
r (m) Fo"rr triongulor
clcmcnts par ractorEla
Contoct Strcss (c)
t' [?< tuqrr,r'lgrd
Frrrrta elarnenL o Frrx/ rrrcslt
A coorsc rncsh (o) Coorsa Mosh

A (mm) A

oo triongulor
elcrnents pcr rcctorglc

r (m)
Drf farent rol r;l.?^^flection of Bose (o)

Flgrrre L2 Cr-rnLact stress arrd d l" f f er:ent lal Flnlte elemenE meshes used
seLtlernent for clrcular tank

Woter Level
and 13(b) were used. It rnay be seen tlrat the resul.c
of lhe f I nlte elernent analys l.s depert'ls u[)otl ttre
flneneBs of Ehe rnestr used. The ftne mr-'sh Flg 13(b)
prodtrces a mrrch rnore accurate resrrlt Ehan tlre coarser
mesh of Ftgure 13(a).

A1l methods of analysls show that theoretlcally the

conracL sfress dlstr{-brrtfon acros$ the hal;e of tltr,'
tarrk hecorueg very large at tlre ottler r;trllus r = 9 tn.
In practl-ce fhe sotl af. the et'lge woulcl yLeld and tlre
contacE sCresses would redtstrtbute.
o -4o -Bo
The dlfferent,lal. rjr:Flectton A of thr': b.rt;,: p[;rle ls
ehown In Flgrrre 1.2(b). A bowl sltaprrd clef[tl<":LLort .4O l'/R ( k Nmr/m )
proflle r€:$ulEs, however ttre edge oF [he h;lse 1s
reFtrrlcred f rom robatlon try Ehe wall, and ftrls
resrr LIs l.n a large tnonerlL at tlre edgr: - 'll[i 5 ts shourtl
l n Flgrrre Lh(a) wtrere tlre r:adt;t1. motnt'nt resrrlrarrt Woter Le,vel ---[_
l4R ts plor red f.or the wal l and []re b;lsr.: of t.he ---
tank. I c twy be seen that the trnp<lrtitilt r{rrarlt I r les
are the moment at [he edge ]f" :lrrrl ;l[ 6he t:r::rtt re Scole
l4c of. the base r';rf t , tttese be I ng the m'lx I mttn va I rtos F-----{

ot pos I t l-ve and tr(:ga t Ive mrJrnerlt . Tr:rrs l- ltl f r)f c€s 1m
devel.oped 1.n the wal Ls and base are shown J n F lgr.rre
14(b); tlrese are shown as thrr.rst resrrltarrts N0 (rhe Firrite alament o Fine mash
I cOOrSe mOSh
f orce per urtl r. lengrh of wal 1. or b;lse ) arrd 0 has tlre Anorytrc
nsual meanfng l.n cylindrtc;:1 cor:t:dlrtittes- For a
sr.1ff wall and base as used 1n l-lrIs exlrnple, the
maxfmum troop or tenstl.e sLress trr tlre wal.1 ls not aE
2QO 40O
tlre hase, hrt sorne way up ttre wall.
N"( kN/m )

For a unl f orrn tank, that ls one wh lch ltils wal l s and
base of the same thlc,'kness, tr 1s posslhlcr t.o pr:odrrce f hrust Resultont (b)
charts whl eh may be ttsed to detr:rnlrrer the r:r{.t lr-:a1
quanttLtes tdenrtfted In the cx;rrnple .gtvert abcve.
F l.grrre 15 shows t'lre valtres of tlte cent r;r I rlnd cdge Flgure 14 Momenl- and Eenstle force dtsErlbuttons
mornents 1n Ltre base, plotted agatnsc lts sttffness K ln clrcular Eank
wtre re

!' Ttie effect of the depfh d or ttrlckness t of the wa11

tras only a sllghf effect on ttrese momenfs as Lhe

Kr; r,
( t-v8a'lrll' t ;= f = t l^t
effect of the wa11 ls to act as a sElff member
Dea lgn of Foundat tons f or Blns , Sl los and lloppers.

o.06 - 0'06

o.05 -oo5 dt/A


2 7
- o.o4
o8 K
Ydo O'1 1t
Ydo Ydo "
o.03 - o.o3 o.6
"/ /-
o1---/V /
o.o2 - o.o2 o'4 i?Y
tu" oo '/
O,2 O'1 a- ?
o,01 - o-o1
Vp = O'3
o 10 20 4A 80 160
o.1 10 10.o o/t

Figure 15 central and edge moments rn unlforrn tank Figure L7 tenstle force resultants
ln tank wall
restralnlng the edge oE Lhe base place frorn rotatlon. Resulrs may be obtalned for other' condiclons suc-h as
rn the flgure (F'rg.l5) E[re effect or a d/ a variaElon walls of Ehlckness different to the base, walls of
f rom 0.5 to 2 ts lnd l.caced f or a value of K a 0.1 and varyl-ug thtckness, the effect of wa11 welght and Ehe
tt can be Been Ehat the effect ls noL very large. ef f ec L of sol1 modulus which l-ncreases wlth depth
The walt thlckness rarlo a/t was varled from l0 to (Rowe eE al 1983).
1.60 wlch 11ctle var lat lt'rn ln moment values .

slml lar charEs may be produced for the central

def lec tlon of Ehe base raf t L/0 (F rgure l6 ) . Ttrese 6.4 SiLo complexes
may also be used for a range of wall thlcknesses and
helghrs as lndlcated on the dtagrdm, A common mettrod used for the construcElon of s11o
complexes [s as shown schemat1cally ln Flgure 18.
The circular silos are supported on columns which
bear on a rafE foundatton or perhaps a piled raft
founda t lon.

of d/o vorrction Although the cylindrlcal s1los behave an a rlgtd

(1/z--* 2 ) structure, the entire sllo complex may noL be treaEed
as a rtgld structure. This ls due [o the fact that
l:'"" the raFt rnay be qulte f lexlble and able to def lect,
and thts movement ls transferred to the columns
causlng cracking,
yclo(t- vf

Sitos or brns


-.- 8rn bollonr

a1r=lQ +l Intablalure or
r71o=1 nng beam
Support rolurrns
Vp'o 3 Raft

10 10'o
Prling (if usedl

Flgure 16 Central deflecElon of birse

Flgure 1.8 Schematlc drawlng of S11o Complex

The rnaxlmuin tensl le f urce resultant lrr ihe wa 11 is
tnf luenced by the wa11 dlmens lons ilnd so seve ra I Several cases of such fallures have been noEedl €.g.
curves are requlred. Curves are glven J-n Flgure L7 the Newcastle graln Eerrnlnal (Mltchell 1984) and a
for the maxlmrrm tenslle force re,sul.tanc (No) in the group of stlos examlned by Burland and Davldsr:n
wall for varlous d/a and a/r ratl.os. The plr::ts for ( 197fi ) . The reason f or the f atlure ln each case, r{as
eactr vaLtre of d/a are gtven f or a base raf t st tf f rress that Ehe r;rf c suf f ered dlf f erentlal def lecElon uporl
of K :r 0. I , br"rt for d/ a = t, thr:ee curves are plot ted ^
loadtng of Ehe sl1o, causlng rotablon of the colr:mns
(K r 0.1, 1, 10). These curves slrow that the sctff- and cracklng at the top where the columns Joln ttre
neaB of the base raf E tras only a moderate ef f ect on rLng bearn supportlng the sllos. In the case examlned
the t,enslle force tn ttre wall. by Burland, the est|nated sttffness of the raft
Deslgn of Foundatlons for Btns, Sllos and lloppers.

supporrlng the sllos K as detlrred In equ4t-Lon f9 was tlre rlng bearns, allowlng relatlve movement between
of ttre order of 0.1 wtrlch lndl.r:ates thaL the raf t the bl-n bottoms and Ehe rlng bearn (Fig f9b). This
wou ld be ht gh ly f lex I ble, and would noc betrave as tf trirs meanE Ehat although relatlve def lectlons have
rlgtd. occurred in the raf E of t.tre Kwlnana sllos, the
col.urnns have been able Eo move at thelr upper end and
Def LecEton paLterns ln the Ewo cases cl ted altove are so f ar have not been darnaged. dl.fferenti tn Ehe c.ase of the llewr:astle
terml nal, rl*:f lectlr:n has been larg,esI at the centre
of []re rafE (whtctr 1s plled) as would be predtcced by
a e()nventtonat analysl.s of a rafE otl {lrl elasttc
Fr)r tlre gtlo crrrnlllex exarnlrttt<l tty

forrndrltlon. I

Ilrrrland, the deformirl:l.on p;lttern wil-q qrrtIe tlre I


opposlte to those at- the Newc:rsEle lermtnnl. The i

htgh gtresses B,:ner:ated at Ihe edges of the r;rf E,


Brn v all

car:sed fal.lure ofttre chalk on whlch tlre stk: gerlplex I

r./as f orrnded. Thls rneant tlrat tlre raf E def ler:ted more

at Ehe edges than aE Ehe cenr.rer and thl.s was

srrf f lclent to crack the columns.

Care mrtsL tl'rerefore be takerr 1n the clcslgrr of sl..lo Brn

complexes eonstrrrcted l.n Ehl-s marlrler. Certalrrly ttre botlom raFE may noL he assurned rtgLd In t:i'rrrylng

orrt the des{.gn. A more sophtsc Icared approac:h 1s 6rrin Tcrmrnrl (b) Kvrnrna 6rrrn I rrmrnal
necessary; one approactr may be Lo use a computer lrl Nr*crsll:

program such as the CSIRO pacl<:lge F()CALS, arrd to

carry ouE an analysls of the raft and suPportlrrg Flgure 19 Bin BoEtom Arrangements
colurnns wl.ttr the sltos or blns Irerlted as a sttff
strrrctrrr;rl- metnher. TtrJ.s meEhod worrld trot be able to
take I nLo ac(rourlt- f a I lrrre at the eclge of t'he raf tr or 7 REIIERENCES

ro lnclude the effecE of pl[es. J"C. (1983) The Analysis of

BOOKF]R,.f.R. and Sl'tALLl
For plled r;rfrs, a nrtrnher of merLhods of- analysls c.:tn LLqutd Srorage Tanks on Deep Elastlc
be rrsed, lnclrrrltng the followl"ng: Foundzrtlons . f I!-.-{!: Ntrq. Anal. Met-h' -Ln
.G-"rg., Vol . 7, pp LB7-2o7.
t) the rne tftod of Dav [s and Pou l os (L97 2) wh l ctr uses
a stmplLf ted f,rrm of bound;lr:y el.ement arttrl.ysis, BOWLES, .I .E, (L977 ) Founda.tlon tr_qlysls and ._Deslgn_.
huE 1s ltrntfed Eo rLgld raffs ;lnrl hornrrgerleoue McGraw-Hlll, New York, 2nd Ed.
BRQWN, P.T. (1969) Numerical Analyses of IJnlforrnly
Lo:rded clrcular Raf ts on E lasEtc Layers of
11) the rnettrod usr:d by llaln arrcl Lee (1978)' wtrlch
crrmbLnes a ftntte elernenL analysls of tlte raft FlnJ- te Depth, geotecturlque , Vol ' 19 , No ' 2 , pp
wtth a troundary elernent analysls of. ttre ptles 301-306. .

BRQI{N, P.T. (1978) Stif f Rectangular Raf ts SubJect

111) the flnlre etement meLtrod descrlbed by l{ooper to Concentrated Loads. Aqs!. Geomechs ' J1 ' ,
(f973), 1n whLch the plle-r:aft system ls approx- Vol. 68, pp 40-49.
lrnated as an axlatly-symmetri.c systern, wltl1 t]re treated as a serles of eqrrlvalenI contin- BROWN, P.T. and WIESI{ER, T..r. ( t975) The Behavlour cl rcular annull. Thls approactr can be trsed of unl f orrnly Loaded Ptled st rtp Footlngs . sol-ls
Eo examtrre nonl lnear sr:11 behavlour and consol- Lo.un-d . , Vo 1.
I , No. 4 PP L3-2L .
ldatton of Ehe soll
BROI^IN, P,T.1 POULOSl H.G. and WIESNER, T'J' (1975)
tv) the f t.nlre element met[9d of Desitl et a1 (1.974 ), P1led Rafr FoundaLlon Deslgn, ptq". sytp*
whtch tdealtses the pi le-raf t systern as a plerne RaLt-. Found. (Perth, Atst') pp 13-21'
straln systern, wlfh the plles tre;rIed as
lent burled "w.tlls" of eqr-rtvalertL sElffness, BURLAND, .I .8. and DAVIDSQN, W. (1976) A Case SCudy
Agal n, ttre potent la1 exts Es f r:r* ana lysts Er'>
of cracklng of columns supportlng a stlo due to
be applled Eo nonllnear solls and Eo consol tdat- Dtfferenrtal Foundatlon Settlement. Bulldtgg
lng eol ls. Research Establlstrment C,,
Wtrlle a ful.L ttrree-dlrnenslqrral flnLfe elernertt
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