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College of Trickery BARD ARCHETYPE With a swish of his cloak, the half-elf threw several daggers at the gnoll before him. Many of them miss, causing the gnoll to get cocky and charge recklessly. As the gnoll approaches, a smirk creeps up the half-elf’s mouth as he draws daggers hidden within his billowing cloak. These bards perform knive. tricks, amazing sleight of hand shows and fluid acrobatics to amaze crowds. The College of Trickery is often looked down upon and refered to as a “loose band of song singing rogues.” When in fact, rogues use the guise of stealth, this college employs a game of wit to win battles. Exposing the enemy's weakness is their game, and the rules are never the same. With blades as sharp as their tongues, they can turn the outcome of a battle ina few seconds. BONUS PROFICIENCIES Beginning at 3rd Level, you gain expertise in the Deception skill or proficiency in it if you do not already, and proficiency in the Poisoner's Kit DECEIVE Beginning at 3rd level, you gain access to ‘Tricks, you pick three of your choice and can- swap one out every time you advance a level. Tricks use a bonus action unless stated othe: wise in the Trick itself. Tr bardic inspiration die to use and use your Deceive Save DC: ‘ks will expend one Deceive Save DC =8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity or Charisma modifier (your choice) Ifyou attempt to trick the same target twice within an hour, they will have advantage against your Deceive Save DC. FLOURISH At 6th Level, you gain Trick dice (8) equal to your proficiency bonus. You may only apply Trick dice to any target who failed a save against your Deceive Save DC. MISDIRECTION At 14th level, when an enemy attempts a melee attack against you or an ally within 5 ft of you, as a reaction you can add your proficiency bonus to your AC or your ally’ the attack misses, you can then direct the attack (using the same rolls) towards another target within the attack’s original range. Ir Tricks Just as much as they are games, as they are tactics, tricks pray upon the gulliblity of enemies rather than their physical weaknesses. UNNERVE As an Action, pick two enemies who can hear and understand you within 60 ft. they must make a Charisma saving throw against your, deceive save. If any fail, that target will have disadvantage on saving throws and attacks until the end of their next turn, Roll the bardic inspiration die and all allies within the same range gain temporary hit points equal to the roll. Mock Asan Action, choose a target who can hear and/or see you within 60 ft; They make a Wisdom saving throw against your decieve save lf they fail, they have disadvantage on all attacks against other targets that's not you, additionally they must move 15 ft. towards you every turn. At the end of each of their turn they may save against this effect again until they are released or removed with the "Calm Emotions" spell. The next attack made against this target will gain the bardic inspiration die in the attack roll. SLEIGHT On the next melee or ranged attack you make against a target within your range, you can apply a poison to your weapon before you attack and apply your bardic inspiration die to your attack roll RATTLE On the next melee attack you make, the target must make a Constitution saving throw against your deceive save and you may apply the bardic inspiration die to the damage roll. If they fail they will immediately break concentration, and automatically fail Intelligence/Wisdom saving throws until the end of their next turn. They will also grant advantage until then. GAMBIT As an Action, you choose a target who's within range of attacking you and invoke an oppurtunity attack from them. They making a Wisdom saving throw against your deceive save. If the target fails, the attack misses and the target falls prone. You may then attack and apply the bardic inspiration die to your damage roll. PILFER On the next melee attack you make, apply the bardic inspiration die to your damage roll and. the target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Deceive save. If they fail, you can steal anything on their person and they will not notice. You may not steal equipped armour, or any weapons they are wielding, DELUDE As an Action, you disengage from a target of your choice within 15 ft. and roll the bardic inspiration die to gain temporary hit points equal to that roll. The next attack by anyone made against you will be a disadvantage.

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