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Virat Kohli and His Experience

Virat Kohli is one of the most famous cricketers, To him, Test cricket is the real cricket. He
became the 4th most successful T20 Captain in the whole world. The extremely talented and
powerful cricketer talks more about his experience with our interviewer, Rajvardhan.

Rajvardhan: Why are you so passionate about playing cricket?

Virat Kohli: I always want to be the best and contribute in Indian team success.

Rajvardhan: Do you have any hobbies or interests other than sports?

Virat Kohli: Yes, I do, like workout, travelling, singing and dancing. I personally like doing

Rajvardhan: Is there a coach or athlete you look up to as a role mode?

Virat Kohli: Yes, In fact that athlete is the reason I started cricket, and it was none other than
Sachin Tendulkar.

Rajvardhan: What do you see yourself accomplishing in 5 to 10 years?

Virat Kohli: I would like to improve myself in cricket and continue to play if I am able to train
as hard as I am now in the future.

Rajvardhan: What do you believe your weakness is?

Virat Kohli: I believe that I bat with an open stance and that leads to me being far away from
the ball while I go for the deliveries outside the off-stump.
Rajvardhan: Have you learned from your failures and weaknesses?

Virat Kohli: I have learnt most in my life from failures and setbacks. The worst setbacks have
not only motivated me but also improved me as a person

Rajvardhan: When you were the team captain, how did you motivate the team, Especially when
the team lost?

Virat Kohli: Well, I always try to motivate the team by praising them and whenever we lose,
we are never sad, instead we are motivated to get better and improve ourselves

Rajvardhan: How did you motivate yourself?

Virat Kohli: "Even if you're doing well you do the same things and when you're not you do
the same."

That's how I keep myself motivated to go out there and do my best

Rajvardhan: Did you and your team ever gotten under pressure?

Virat Kohli: Our team sometimes got sad but didn’t get under pressure.

Rajvardhan: Did you get under pressure

Virat Kohli: No, not yet and never will be under pressure, I always try to keep my self

Rajvardhan: As you are a role model for the youth generation, what advice would you like to
give to them?

Virat Kohli: I only have one thing to say to the youth, Work hard and believe in your dreams.

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