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Diverticular disease of eased intraabdominal pressure (eg. straining. lifting.

tight clothing) and/or chronic

constipaonic the colon is a condition in which sac-like protrusions in the large intestine are caused by
chre cases requir incr

focuses on erticula become infected and individual has diverticulitis

Acute care for diverticulitiallowing the colon to rest inflamed. the and the inflammation to resolve. This
includes tion. When clear liquid diet (Option 3) • IV fluids to prevent dehydration when NPO (Option 4) •
Pain relief via IV medications divs

• NPO status — more acut e complete rest of the (Option 1) • Preventing and enemas

(may cause further damage or perforation of the inflamed diverticula by increasing pressure and
stimulating the rectum.

Educational objeciontivintestinal increased intraabdominal pressure to avoid perforation and rupture

(Option 2) • Preventing increased ility — avoid las mo form is the sigmoid colon. Inserting a rectal
tubelcope/sigm pressure or te: acute diverticulitis focuses on bowel rest (NPO status, bed rest) and may
cause rupture of the inflamed bowel. Less severe cases may be handled at home. and clients may toler
ate a low-fiber or to maintain NPO status diverticula should be avoided.

drug therapy (Opt 5) The most common area for diverticula to

oidoscope IcolonosV antibiotics. analgesics). Any prxativeocedure or treatment that increases


risk for developing asystole.

Asystole is nre Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Management of (CPR) placement of an advanced airway,

ancharacterized by no electrical activity or obvious wave. Clients will have no pulse or should be
initiated, followed by advanced cardiac

sponsive (Option 1). Clients with advanced cardiac disease or heart failure are at increased life support
measures, including administration of epinephrine, respirations; and will be ud treatment of any
reversible causes.

n 4) Pulseless ventricular rhytchecked when the ECG shows asystole, but the nurse has already assessed
for the absence of Option 2) Complete heahms. The ECG will still show electrical activity.

(Option 3should be rt block (third-degree atrioventricular block) is characterized by dissociated atrial

Optio) Lead and immediately pulse anowsd unresponsiveness in the client.

(nd treatment of any reversible causes. ents may report objective: Asystole is characterized by complete
connections electrical activity is characterized by organized electrical activity on the ECG but no
discernible pulse. The ECG for this client sh no electrical activity.

Educational, and will be unresponsive. The nurse should initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation,
advanced cardiac life support measures, a absence of electrical activity on the ECG. have no pulse or
respirations cysts, nodules, or lumps that are more tender

one fluctuations The client will during the menstrual cycle. Cli

most common benign breast disorders is fibrocystic breast changes. Fibrocystic changes correlate to

One of the progesterone horm, swollen, and/or noticeable prior to menses. The condition

and emphasizes that any noncyclic breast changes (ie, not related to the menstrual cycle) anti-
inflammatory may /indicate malignancy (ie, cancer) and should be immediately reported resolves after

The nonsteroidal typically

on breast self-awareness drugs (eg, ibuprofen).

(Op 3) Clients nurse instructs the client to the health care provider (HCP) (Option 1).

(Optiontion 2) Clients should be instructed that cyclic pain and swelling may be reduced by decreasing
taking ester

age >40 should receive yearly clinical breast e; wearing a support bra; utilizing cold compresses; and and
progone. Emphasis is placed on the importance xaminations by an HCP and practice breast self-
awareness Fibrocystic; taking vitamins s a result of heightened responses to estrogen caffeine and
sodium intake

(Option 4) The client er, be taught the E, A. and B complex of reporting any suspicious breast changes.
breast changes are cyshould be taumeght that fibrocystic breast changes are benign and do not increase
the risk of breast cancer; howevclic changes that occur aneed to report noncyclic changes to the health
care provider, as well as anagent reporting noncyclic changes is a higher priority.

Educational objective:. Clients should, breast self-awareness, and the importance of regular clinical
breast examinations.

Right-sided re. The right v esultinsymptom mg in venous

blood to the

of the right ventricle. The resulting decrease in forward blood flow causes blood to back up into the right
atrium congestion and increased venous pressure throughout the systemic circulation. entricle cannot
effectively pump lungs, which results in in emptying and then heart failure results f re rom pulmonary
hypertension, right ventricular myocardial infarction, or left-sided heart failuinto venous circulation,
rClinical manifestations of right-sided heart failure includcompletee:

• Peripheral and dependent edema (eg, sacrum, legs; hands), especially in the lower extremities (Option
4). • Jugulaof invessels sided heart failure typically and, potentially, pulmonary edema. Pulmonary
hypertension and rigcreased abdominal pressuand decreased gastrointestinal circulation (Option 2). •
Hepatomegaly tract (eg, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly) and ascites. Nausea and anorexia may also occur
as a result epatic resulting in the bac Option rt 3)kup of blood into the pulmonary vessels that causes
congestion of due to hr Increased abdominal girth due to venous congestion of the gastrointestinal the
pulmonary ht-sided man

(dyspnea with recumbency), paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PNDvenous distension (with right-sided
heafailure, the heart cannot effectively pump blood to the manifestations result from systemic
congestion heart od is not effectively pumped into systemic circulation, present. •

), and crackles in lung bases are cplinical ifestations of lungs. Clinical left- venous congestion venous.

(Options 1 and 5) Orthopnea with dyspnea on exertion rather than orthopnea or PND.

Educational objective: In clienfailure. Blots and include peripheral edema, jugular venous distension,
increased abdominal girth (hepatomegaly, slenomegaly), and ascites.

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