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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

Work Integrated Learning Programmes Division

M. Tech. Software Engineering at Wipro Technologies (WASE)
First Semester 2018 - 2019
Comprehensive Exam (Special)
Course Number : SEWP ZC444
Course Title : Cloud Computing
Type of Exam : Closed Book No. of Pages : 3
Weightage : 50 % No. of Questions : 7
Duration : 180 minutes
Date of Exam : Session : AN

Q1. As a cloud specialist for an Insurance company, what are the various measures you would undertake
to establish a secure private cloudusing Cloud orchestration/management software namely
openstack or cloudstack? Design a Private Cloud and list various requirements for different services.

Q2. XYZ Ltd. is a well-established software company with its presence in many countries. They have
their own development tools, programming languages and Operating Systems which are used for
software development. They are planning to migrate their entire company to a public cloud platform. 4
[ 1 + 2 + 2 = 5]
a. Which Service model of the cloud suits better for the above?
b. Why the other Service models are not better compared to your choice?
c. Give the advantages of your suggested service model.
Q3. Consider a cluster consisting of two VMs namely N1, N2 and N3. Each VM is described by a tuple
(p, m, d, b, s, r) where p is number of CPUs, m is memory in GB, d is disk space in GB and b is network
bandwidth in MB/s, s is suspension rate in MB/s used to save the memory state on the VM whereas r is
resumption rate in MB/s used to restore the memory state on the VM. N1 (4, 12, 24, 256, 128, 256) , N2
(2, 8,12, 256, 128, 128) and N3 (3, 8,12, 256, 128, 128). [ 2 + 4 + 4 = 10]
a) If the lease of image size 8 GB has to be scheduled on any of the given VMs, what is the
minimum preparation overhead time associated with the execution of the lease?
b) A lease is also defined using the same parameters having same meaning as mentioned in above
description i.e. (p, m, d, b) with respective values as ( 2, 8, 6, 256). This lease is scheduled on
node N3. After executing for 2 minutes, the lease is suspended and resumed on the same node.
What is runtime overhead time associated with the scheduling of this lease?
c) If the same lease as mentioned in ( c ) above is scheduled on VM N1. The lease is executed for 2
minutes and then resumed on the same VM for next 15 minutes without any further interruptions,
till it reaches completion. What is the total time required to complete this lease?
Q4. Let’s say you have an input file with 12 rows and four columns. Each column contains a list of
numbers. You want to calculate the sum of each column. You decide to set up a Hadoop cluster
and write a MapReduce program to process this data. For that purpose, the data is divided into
three blocks. Block 1 stores the first four rows, Block 2 stores the next four rows, and Block 3
stores the last four rows. [ 4 + 3 + 3 = 10]

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Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1

a) Let’s assume that there are three data nodes each containing one data block and exactly one
name node in this Hadoop cluster. If a user submits a MapReduce job, how many resource
managers , node managers , application managers and application masters will be present in the

b) Let’s assume that you know that the key here will be the column ID and the value is the sum as
computed by the mapper code for each block. So after the map task for a given block, you will
get a column ID and a sum of values (stored in that block) for the column. What will the
outcome be after the mapper code finishes execution?
C ) After the map task, the key-value pairs will now be passed through the reducer code. The
reducer task (as defined by the code) is to aggregate the duplicate keys and add all the values of a
key. For Column 1, what will the outcome of the reducer phase (or task) be?

Q5. Compare Software as a Service model with On-Premise software products with respect to - [5]
a) Purchase model
b) Maintenance and Support
c) Security 4
d) Data model
e) Initial investment
Q6 Using Amdahl’s law, if 70% program cab be run in parallel, but 30% needs to be executed
sequentially, then what would be the maximum speedup that one can achieve on 12 processors? 3

Q7. Three Different companies 92APP, 7Waves, and 3N HIS have following table structures that need
to be the Name-Value pair table structure to support customization in multi-tenancy architecture. Each
company’s table has standard common field and a few custom fields having varying data types. Derive a
multi-tenancy data architecture to support this customization. [10]

9APP Table
EmpID EmpName SSN Designation Date of Joining

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435 Manish 428623875 AVP 07/15/2012
762 Ashutosh 453168669 Sr. Manager 05/20/2015

7Waves Table
EmpID EmpName SSN Last Appraisal Promotion Due
025 Vasundhara 542723861 4 03/25/2019
528 Ravi 622170129 3 02/20/2020

3N HIS Table
EmpID EmpName SSN Location Role
213 Sandip 823764213 Singapore DB Admin
857 Prasant 745238017 London System Analyst

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