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TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

K.3ABC Given a word problem, students will join or
separate numbers 0-10 with 90% accuracy

Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time

Grade: kindergarten Subject: math

Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: What skills must be
Sepearating/ subtraction Songs and youtube video to reinforce
Identifying and writing numbers 0-10 when to add and when to Math word wall

Assessment: (C5)
I will use formative assessments- I will monitor during whole group for understanding and use worksheets from small
group guided practice time and independent work to assess progress.

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Anchor chart App: Youtube video on the smartboard

Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Visual – Show a video on youtube and teacher model Hundreds pocket chart
Smartboard and video links
Auditory – Students will have opportunity to engage Worksheet and counters to complete guided
Small on
hands group
withwork, listenpocket
hundred to song
chart and practice and independent work
Kinesethic – manipulate the number cards and use
counters for activities

If Order Questions
you have to get
some and ask:some
(C6) more, what happens to your number?

If you have some and some go away, what happens to your number?
How do you know if you are joining or separating in a problem?
Closure: (C7)
Whole group students will orally count to 80 forwards
and backwards using the Hundreds Pocket chart. Have Students will answer posed questions using their
Hook: touch each number as the class counts. thumbs up thumbs down signs. The teacher will read
Call up students to flip a number that the teacher calls word problems aloud to the class.
out If the word problem is asking to join numbers (add) =
thumbs up; separate/subtract= thumbs down
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)
Teacher will show youtube video
Review terms add=join and subtract=separate
Display sample word problems on the board and read to class. Ask them what the problem is asking them to do?
How do we know? Once decided if joining or separating ask “What are some ways you can work out this problem?”
Model a suggested way to work it, then ask if anyone can think of another way. Model another way to solve the

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

Students will work in small groups at the teacher table to complete “Bus addition”

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

Students will complete “So many buttons” at their seat

Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6)
Modifications- IEP and ELL students will be paired with 1. Appropriate speech
a strong partner, vocabulary cards will be provided 2. Explanation of academic tasks
with a visual cue for the word. ELL visual aides will also
have word in native language

Accommodation- IEP/504 students will have additional

time to complete assignments and will have a quieter
designated area in the classroom

OBJECTIVE: Given a word problem, students will join or separate numbers 0-10 with 90% accuracy

Retrieval Whole group students will orally count to 80 forwards and backwards using the Hundreds Pocket chart.
Have leader touch each number as the class counts.
Call up students to flip a number that the teacher calls out

Relevance Teacher will play a video on smartboard
Review vocabulary terms, joining/adding and separating/subtracting
Routing Teacher will display a sample word problem on the board and read to class. Ask them what the problem is asking them to
do? How do we know? Once decided if joining or separating ask “What are some ways you can work out this problem?”
Model a suggested way to work it, then ask if anyone can think of another way. Model another way to solve the problem.

Retaining / Rehearsing
Students will work in small groups with the teacher to complete ‘Bus addition” activity.

At their desks students will independently complete “so many buttons” activity


After completing the activity in small group at the teacher table, teacher will re ask essential questions to check for
understanding- If you have some, and get some more, what happens to your number? If you have some and some go
away, what happens to your number? What is the first thing we have to do when we have a word problem? What do we
do next? How do you know if you are joining or separating in a problem?
“So many buttons” activity that was completed independently will be graded. Students will be expected to complete activity
with at least 90% accuracy

Hundreds Pocket chart, pointer
Smartboard and video link
Bus addition and So many buttons activities
Students will answer posed questions using their thumbs up thumbs down signs. The teacher will read word problems aloud
to the class.
If the word problem is asking to join numbers (add) = thumbs up; separate/subtract= thumbs down

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