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Title: Fatherlessness

Author: Nurul Novianti


 Definition
Fatherlessness is a condition of father absence both physically and mentally to their child. Retno
Listyarti, KPAI’s commissioner, said that "Fatherless is defined as a child who grows up without the
presence of a father, or a child who has a father but his father does not play a maximum role in the
child's growth and development process. Lately it has become an issue that must be considered,
especially in Indonesia because Indonesia has been become the third country in the world as a
fatherlessness country.1 This essay will explain why this issue can be happened and why we must
concerned for this kind of topic.


 Law perspective
Indonesia is one of the country who has patriarchy society that comes from their culture ethic. It is
common when man just focus to earn money for their family so it seems they are the buzy one in
the house that could lead understandable stigma for them to be not “must” involve in their kids’s
growth. Many Indonesian Laws also are made by patriarchy’s design, especially at Article 93
Paragraph 4 letter (e) of Law Number 13 of 2003 about Manpower/Labor. it has been written that
male employees in Indonesia have the right to leave (just) for 2 days to accompany their wife to
give birth. Meanwhile, the average time required for the baby’s born is around 3 days for normal
surgery, and 5 days if by cesarean section. Thus, the time for 2 days of leave for male employees is
considered very less. And for that, the father had lost the chance already for doing their job as a
father and as a husband in their first step.
 Statistical data
The lack of involvement of the father's role in parenting makes Indonesian children hungry for a
father figure. This condition of hungry fathers can result in low self-esteem of children, tend to have
immature psychological conditions, become dependent, could have difficulty establishing sexual
identity and difficulty in learning. In many cases, the girls without a father as a role model can face
difficulties to imagine ideal marriage.2
The consequences of fatherlessness is bigger than it seems. Based on the National Center for
Fathering (NCF)’s research, children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor. From U.S.
Census Bureau in 2011, 12 percent of children in married-couple families were living in poverty,
compared to 44 percent of children in mother-only families. And according to the US Department of
Justice: 63 per cent of youths committing suicide come from  fatherless homes. 
Then, what about children who no longer have a father due to something, whether divorce or even
death? That role can be replaced by his grandfather, uncle, or older brother. As long Children still
have role models to learn to behave.
Arnidhya Nur Zhafira,“Mengenal fenomena fatherlessness”, Antara news, 31 Maret 2021.
Dwi Ratna Laksitasari, S.Psi., “Indonesia: Fatherlessness Country”.

 Conclusion
Long story short, the obligation to taking responsibility as a parent can not be reffered to old
paradigm based on patriarchy. Government must also taking the role to reform the laws and
support gender justice agenda. Eventhough the impact of fatherlessness is still invisible, but we still
must aware on this issue, cause it could happen in us or in our surroundings. To highlight, starting a
family just like build a little company, which is the way to get good result, must came from a great
team work. Separating role by who have to earn money, doing house core, and taking care of kids
are obviously gender’s free.

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