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Clear Moringa Leaf Vegetable Recipe, Easy and Healthy Serving


Serve the following clear Moringa leaf vegetables as a warm and healthy dish at home. Come on, find
out how to make it below!


4 Servings


Maddie|March 26, 2020

Clear Moringa leaf vegetables served in a white bowl on the table.

Come on, prepare this healthy clear Moringa leaf vegetable! (Photo: MAHI)

Clear vegetable dishes are one of the most practical vegetable menus because the cooking process is
very easy and doesn't take long. In addition, it will also be easy for you to find Moringa leaves which are
apparently abundant in Indonesia. With the following recipe, make clear Moringa leaf vegetables as the
next delicious dish at home.

Clear vegetables are generally made from green vegetables that ripen quickly. For those of you who
want other variations besides spinach, there are also Moringa leaves which turn out to be delicious as
well as the main ingredient. Moringa leaves have long been consumed by the people of South Asia and
Africa as a daily culinary ingredient to medicine. Later it was found that the leaves of the plant
apparently contain vitamin C, calcium, potassium, protein, and beta-carotene. This is not if we talk
further about the efficacy of Moringa leaves which are believed to cure various diseases.

Come on, let's start cooking clear Moringa leaf vegetables for lunch and dinner tonight!


Royco Chicken Broth 100 gr


Royco Chicken Broth


g Moringa leaves

sweet corn, pipil

chayote, cut into cubes

garlic cloves, sliced

red onion, sliced

bay leaf


ml of water, for boiling

tsp Royco Chicken Broth

How to make

Bring the water to a boil, add the garlic, onion and bay leaf.

Add chayote, cook until half cooked. Add the corn kernels, stir. Cook until the corn is almost done.

Add the Moringa leaves, Royco Chicken Broth, stir. Serve.

Practical, right? In addition to using complementary vegetables such as chayote and sweet corn, you can
also add sliced fish balls, beef meatballs, tomatoes, or carrots as a flavor enhancer. Presenting Moringa
leaf clear vegetables as a new family favorite dish!

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