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Install Below Softwares :


2. Create lock VG
/usr/bin/HP3PARInfo -i
pvcreate -f /dev/rdisk/disk10
vgcreate /dev/vglock /dev/disk/disk10

3. Perform vgimport and vgexport of vglock.

vgexport -pvs -m /tmp/ /dev/vglock <<<< from node1
vgimport -vs -N -m /tmp/ /dev/vglock <<<< on node2

change vgid if require for vg00

vgexport -pvs -m / /dev/vg00

4. Create cluster via below steps.

csshsetup -r G200U1VW02
csshsetup -r G100U1VW01

cd /etc

cp nsswitch.files nsswitch.conf

cmpreparecl -n G200U1VW01 -n G200U1VW02

cmquerycl -v -C G200U1VW.conf -n G200U1VW01 -n G200U1VW02

edit conf file

cmcheckconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/G200U1VW.conf
cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/G200U1VW.conf
Excuste vxinstall on both nodes.

Execute below command on both nodes:

/usr/sbin/cfscluster config -t 900 -s

CVM is now configured
Starting CVM...
It might take a few minutes to complete
VxVM INFO V-5-2-9219 slave sent protocol version 100
CVM is up and running

# vxdctl -c mode
mode: enabled: cluster active - MASTER
master: G100U1VW01

Execute below commands on master node only :

/usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxdisksetup -i disk7
vxdg -s init dg12 disk7
vxassist -g dg12 maxsize
vxassist -g dg12 make lvol1 15695016 <<<<<< size KB
vxassist -g dg12 make lvol2 20971520
vxddladm get namingscheme
vxddladm set namingscheme=osn persistence=no mode=new
Activate the volume(s) and create new file system(s):

vxdg -g dg12 set activation=sw

newfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/dg12/lvol1
newfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/dg12/lvol2

Check free space in DG.

vxdg -g dg12 free

List DG

cmmakepkg m sg/cfs_all G100PPVW_CFS_PKG

cmmakepkg -m sg/cfs_all G100PPVW_CFS_PKG

# cmmakepkg -m sg/cfs_all CFSdg_PKG

Package template is created.
This file must be edited before it can be used.

Edit the package configuration file for the disk group parameters

package_name SBI_CFS_PKG
node_name G200U1VW01
node_name G200U1VW02

cvm_disk_group dg12
cvm_activation_mode "G100U1VW01=sw G100U1VW02=sw"

cfs_mount_point /fin10cdci
cfs_volume dg12/lvol1
cfs_mount_options "G100U1VW01=cluster G100U1VW02=cluster"
cfs_primary_policy ""

cfs_mount_point /fin10mqmNP
cfs_volume dg12/lvol2
cfs_mount_options "G100U1VW01=cluster G100U1VW02=cluster"
cfs_primary_policy ""

cmcheckconf -P <package_ascii_file>
cmapplyconf -P <package_ascii_file>
cmrunpkg <package name>

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