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Afrilia Feby Anggraeni / 18620010

Mid Term Test - English for Secretary

1. As a secretary there are somethings that should do there are make appointments, arrange schedules,
make hotel reservation tickets and means of transportation, and prepare a meeting place about the MOU

2. Because secretary is an important member of the management team and secretary is

profesional not only because of the knowladge and preparation for the job but also being
profesional implies competence, pride in one's work and a dedication to excellence. Secretary
also a second person who help the boss.

3. Because not all of technology can replace secretary’s job. Secretary are very much needed in
organization to assist managers and executives in carrying out their responsibilities. Job
Description of scretary are : typewriting, taking dictation, answering telephones, dealing with
mail, receiving visitors, keeping a desk diary, filing and duplicating.

4. The first thing to do is looking into schedule, if there is a spare time to accept those visitor, the
secretary can add the schedule. If the schedule is full and there isn’t any time, secretary can
reject the visitor for that day and make a schedule in other day.

5. Dear Sir,

I want to book a Business Class Australian Air Express ticket for our company director, Mr.
Jayden Smith for Sidney on 18 April 2022. Please reply with the ticket information and payment
details. Waiting for your prompt response. I will be grateful for your swift services. The image of
my valid passport and visa is attached.

Sincerely Yours,

Afrilia Feby

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