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Managing People and Organisation

‘Stress Management’-Workshop
Case Situation to Focus
3 April, 2022
Stressed Or Distressed? What’s The Difference?

The following details are few logical scenarios of stress related in work environment. Read and
carefully understand the ‘Case Study: Work Related Stress’.

It is a scene all too familiar to many employers in ABC Manufacturing, LLC. An employee
reacts to an occurrence in the workplace – perhaps a grievance about bullying, a reaction to a
disciplinary investigation, or a discussion about performance which does not go well. The
employee is signed-off, often for a substantial period of time by his or her GP on the grounds of
“stress” or “work-related stress”.

The employee is clearly disturbed and unhappy about events preceding absence, does that
mean they are ill? The Department for Work and Pensions, and many other medical sources,
specify that “stress” is not an illness in itself. Of course, in a severe case, it could lead to
depression or other physical or mental symptoms.

These can never be the ignored serious cases, where long-term absence on the grounds of
“stress” appears to be developing and very observable in the current-rapid situations in
managing people, on and on.
Customised Case Requirements:

Supposing you and your group are the authorities in HR Department of ABC Manufacturing,
LLC; do and complete the following tasks specified in the questions below.


1. How should Human Resource Department and its group (as employer) handle this
2. What action plan as steps to do, should the HR department take?
o An action plan should be in tabular format with textual explanation underneath.
Details must include the following:
Key areas of considerations (based on case issues)
Activities to be Undertaken
Department/Personnel In-charge
Time Frame/Timeline
Expected Outcome/Result

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