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This film is called Slumdog Millionaire and is British-Indian film from 2008, the director of this film was
Danny Boyle and the writer was Simon Beaufoy. This film is one adaptation of the novel Q & A by
Indian author Vikas Swarup. In this film, there are many characters for example: Jamal Malik, he is
the main character and he has got a brother that he called Salim Malik. There is also a girl called
Latika, she spent her childhood together with Jamal and Malik. Another important character is Prem
Kumar, he is a bad person and he is the presenter of the programme where Jamal goes. These are
the most important characters in this film

Slumdog Millionaire is about one boy that is called Jamal, he went to one program called Who Wants
to Be a Millionaire?. In this program there is a Prem Kumar that was the presenter, this program
consists that there was one question with four answers and if you choose the correct answer you
want money. Jamal know the old of the questions, and in each question he remembered a moment
from his past that was related to the question. And that's why he gets to know all the answers. The
people in the programme accused him of cheating, and that's why the police took him away and
analysed the whole programme.

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