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The Skeleton


 Parietal
 Temporal
 Frontal
 Jaw
 Collarbone
 Breastbone
 Shoulder
 Ribs
 Vertebrae
 Pelvis
 Humerus
 Ulna
 Finger
 Femur
 Fibula
 Tibia
 Kneecap
 Toe
 Joints
 Cartilage
 Bones
The Function of the skeleton
The skeleton is colletive name for all the bones in the human body.
Its function are:
 To support and give shape to the body.
 To protect the internal organs, like brain and the heart.

Some bones perform both these functions at the same time. For
example, the skull gives shape to the head and also protect the brain.

The Parts of the Skeleton

The skeleton consist of bones and cartilage some of the bones in the
human body are:

 Skull Bones: Parietal, frontal, temporal, jaw.

 Torso Bones: vertebrae which make up the spine, shoulder blade,
collarbone, breastbone, ribs,pelvis.
 Limb Bones: in the arms for example, are the humerus, radius,
ulna and finger phalanxes.

Cartilage is softer tan bone. It is flexible and stong. There is

cartilage at the end of long bones, between the ribs and at the end
of the nose.

The Joints A joints is where two bones meet. There are fixed
joints and movible joints.

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