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7A: Conversation (Comparative and Superlatives)

Joel: Hi Fabiola. How are you?

Fabiola: Fine, Joel. How are you?

Joel: Fine. I remenber your brother Ernesto.

Fabiola: Why? Did you fight with my brother?

Joel: No! I only remember that your brother was shorter than you.

Fabiola: Yes, of course! Ernesto is taller than me, but not as taller than Carolina, my younger

Joel: That's true. Carolina studies at the university?

Fabiola: Yes. She as intelligent as Ernesto.

Joel: Ernesto still playing sports?

Fabiola: Of course! He is a qualified athlete at the university.

Joel: Certainly! He was a friend of my cousin Victor. They both ran together.

Fabiola: But Ernesto is the fastest.

Joel: I remember that Victor is not as fast as Juan.

Fabiola: But Victor is the best of his promotion in the university.

Joel: Of course! He is the best!

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