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Monday, March 4, 2019

Dear Professor:

I am writing this letter at the request of Mohsin Ali, who is applying for a master program in
your university. I have known Mohsin Ali for 3 years as his professor, mentor and project
advisor. Mohsin has taken following courses I taught:
Electronic devices and circuits theory (4th semester)
Control Systems (6th semester)
Renewable Energy resources (7th semester)
As his professor I have had an opportunity to observe his participation and interaction in class
and to evaluate his knowledge of the subject matter. I would rate his overall performance in these
subjects as outstanding. This is evidenced by his grades as he has got A in all of the above
mentioned subjects.
I have also had the chance to be his final year project advisor. He has led the group efficiently
and completed rigorous tasks of simulation and hardware implementation of the project within
assigned time. He has presented cost effective solution to the power shortage problem especially
in Pakistan by designing Renewable Solar Energy Conversion System. His research skills are
undoubtedly noteworthy and would help him a lot in master’s research work.
Mohsin is the topper of the batch with a CGPA of 3.98 and a gold medalist. In addition to
maintaining a good record he has represented university in various tech quizzes and competition
and has been an active member of various societies.
I believe Mohsin would perform remarkably in chosen Master’s programme and will prove to be
a great value of the institution. I am confident if your institution gives him a financial support to
study it will be a great opportunity to him to develop further her abilities in scientific and
research areas. Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.

Jameel Ahmad
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering

Tel. +92 42 35212801-34

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