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Lesson 2 #

How to name your Passion Project

are powerful
They get people’s attention
Inspire curiosity
Indicate the tone and intention of your project
Speak about the content of your project
Three tips
to take into account
1- Make it short, clear and
readable for your audience
If it’s hard to pronounce, it’s hard to remember.
Keep it simple: less is more
2- Don’t make it too
The name is the entrance door to your project.
Don’t waste that opportunity on common places!
3- Don’t overcomplicate your
Naming eis important and you need to dedicate it
some thinking, but don’t let it become an excuse to
not start your project. I recommend you set yourself
a deadline to define it.
Some ideas
for your brainstorming
An anagram with your name
A combination of words
Using words in another language
Engage in wordplay

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