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Develop Charter

Charter is an input to every t

Charter formally initiates the
Projects are initiated due to i
Project charter is not conside

Identify Stakeholders
Develop Project Management Plan

Plan Scope Management

Collect Requirements
Define Scope
Create WBS
Plan Schedule Management

Define Activities
Sequence Activities
Estimate Activity Durations

Develop Schedule
Plan Cost Management

Risk Management Plan provides processes that will impact cost estimation and management
Estimate Costs
Determine Budget
Control Costs
Plan Quality
*Failure cost falls under cost of nonconformance while appraisal and prevention cost fall under cost of conformance
Plan Resource Management
Team ground rules:

Estimate Activity Resources

Plan Communication Management

Plan Risk Management

Risk Appetite - also known as risk tolerance, description of the level of risk acceptable to an individual or an organization
Risk thresholds - specific point at which risk becomes unacceptable

Risk Management Plan shall include:

Identify Risks

Risk Categories
Sources of Risk

Tools to identify risks

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
Assessment of Risk Parameters
Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
Plan Risk Responses
Difference between residual risks and secondary risks
Plan Procurement Management

Types of SOW
Conduct Procurements
Plan Stakeholder Engagement
Charter is an input to every type of project management plan
Charter formally initiates the project
Projects are initiated due to internal business needs or external influences
Project charter is not considered a contract because there is no consideration or money promised or exchanged in its creation
PM Plan may be either summary level or detailed. Each component plan is described to the extent requi
PM Plan should be baselined.
Before it is baselined, changes can be made as many times as necessary. Once it is baselined, it needs to
Projects that exists in the context of a program or portfolio should develop a PM plan that is consistent w
Quality mgmt plan is an input because the way the project/product scope will be managed and influenced by how t
Requirements management plan also known as business analysis plan
* how reqts will be tracked
* configuration management activities: how they will be traced, tracked and reported
* reqts prioritization process
* metrics
* traceability structure
Data analysis is used for this process as a way of collecting requirements, elaborating the scope, creating the produ
* alternatives analysis

Requirements become the foundation of the WBS

Stakeholder engagement plan - to understand and adapt to the level of stakeholder participation in requirements a
Context Diagram - visually depicts the product scope by showing a business system and how they interact with it
Prototyping - method of obtaining early feedback on reqts before actually building it. Supports the concept of prog
* storyboarding - prototyping technique showing sequence or navigation through a series of images or il
Requirements Documentation - how individual requirements meet the business need for the project
Define scope process selects the final project reqts from the reqts documentation developed using the c
Provides detailed description of the product, project, service or result
Existing risks, assumptions and constraints are analyzed for completeness
Define scope can be highly iterative
Project Scope Statement includes the following:
* Product scope description
* Deliverables
* Acceptance criteria
* Project exclusions
Stakeholder register - when a new stakeholder is gathered by this process, it is recorded in the register
Product Analysis - includes asking questions about a product or service and forming answers to describe
Scope baseline
* Scope Statement - includes the description of the project scope, mahor deliverables and exclusions
** Work package - lowest level of a WBS with a unique identifier.
Control account is a management control point where scope, budge and schedule are integrated and com
** Planning package - a WBS strucutre component below the control account and above the work packa
*WBS dictionary
Schedule management plan establishes the criteria for developing, monitoring and controlling the sched
May be formal or informal, detailed or broadly framed and includes appropriate thresholds
Alternatives analysis is needed to determine which methodology to be used or how detailed will the sch
Change request maybe an putput because once the project has been baselined, progressive elaboration
Decomposes the work packages into specific scheduled activities
Involving the team members in the decomposition lead to better and more accurate results

Activities that have multiple predecessor activities indicate a path convergence. Multiple successor activities indicat
Management reserves are intended to address the unknown-unknowns that can affect a project. Not inc
Part of overall project duration requirements. Use of mgmt reserves may require a change to the schedu
Agreements made with the vendor may have impact with the schedule
Agile Release Planning
Quality Metrics
cost of conformance
vidual or an organization
Risk Register contains:
1. List of identified risks
2. Potential Risk Owners
3. List of potential risk responses (will be updated in plan risk responses)
Risk Report:
1. Sources of overall project risk
2. Summary information on identified individual project risks
Output of quantitative risk analysis
1. Prioritized list of quantified individual project risks
2. quantified probability of meeting project objectives
3. trends in quantitative risk analysis
4. initial contingency time and cost reserves needed
5. assessment of overall project risk exposure
6. possible realistic and achievable completion dates and project costs
7. recommended risk responses
to be included in the risk report
Risk Register Updates
nged in its creation
described to the extent required by the specific project

nce it is baselined, it needs to undergo through Perform Integrated Change Control if changes are made.
a PM plan that is consistent with the program or portfolio mgmt plan.
naged and influenced by how the org's quality policy are supposed to be implemented in the project

the scope, creating the product and validating/controlling scope

articipation in requirements activities
nd how they interact with it
Supports the concept of progressive elaboration
hrough a series of images or illustrations
for the project
ntation developed using the collect requirements

it is recorded in the register

d forming answers to describe the use, characteristics and other relevant aspects of what is going to be delivered
deliverables and exclusions

chedule are integrated and compared to the earned value for performance measurement.
unt and above the work package with known work content but w/o detailed schedule activities.
ring and controlling the schedule
priate thresholds
d or how detailed will the schedule needs to be
ined, progressive elaboration may reveal work that is not initially part of the baselines.

e accurate results

ple successor activities indicate a path divergence

at can affect a project. Not included in the schedule baseline
equire a change to the schedule baseline
Manage Quality
Acquire Resources
Types of teams
Dedicated - easiest form of team to work with, as team members can dedicate most of their energy to the project and often re
directly to the PM
Part-time - team members and PM spend a portion of their time working on the project
Partnership - consist of people from each of the participating organization
Virtual - agile org usually try to avoid virtual teams
Ways to obtain resources:
Preassignment - resources are assigned before the project begins
Negotiation - when resources are not preassigned, sometimes they are negotiated.
Develop Team
Manage Team
Powers of the PM
Common Sources of conflict
Manage Communications
Project Reporting

Type of Reports
Implement Risk Responses
Manage Stakeholder Engagement
rgy to the project and often report

OPA as an output - related to acquiring and assigning resources

EEF as an output - resource availability in the org
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and express one's emotions appropriately and to perceive and man
communication an interpersonal skills
ately and to perceive and manage the emotions expressed by others using observation
Monitor and Control Project Work
Perform Integrated Change Control
Validate Scope

Work performance informati

Control Scope
Scope baseline is maintained throughout the project. This process is performed throughout the project

Control Schedule
Control Resources
Monitor Communications
Monitor Risks
Control Procurements
Inspection - walkthroughs of the work site or deliverables reviews to verify compliance with the procurement SOW
Audit - performed by a team that includes representatives of both the buyer and the seller.

Which will "win" in a disputed contract

Closed procurements involves the following:
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
Work performance information goes to Monitor and Control Project Work
Variance analysis - used to compare to baseline the actual results
Trend Analysis - examines the project over time to see if the project is performing or deteriorating
Control Schedule (part of integrated change control)
Waterfall Agile
procurement SOW

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