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Review Article

Proc IMechE Part H:

J Engineering in Medicine
State-of-the-art robotic devices for Ó IMechE 2017
Reprints and permissions:
ankle rehabilitation: Mechanism and
DOI: 10.1177/0954411917737584

control review

Shahid Hussain1, Prashant K Jamwal2 and Mergen H Ghayesh3

There is an increasing research interest in exploring use of robotic devices for the physical therapy of patients suffering
from stroke and spinal cord injuries. Rehabilitation of patients suffering from ankle joint dysfunctions such as drop foot is
vital and therefore has called for the development of newer robotic devices. Several robotic orthoses and parallel ankle
robots have been developed during the last two decades to augment the conventional ankle physical therapy of patients.
A comprehensive review of these robotic ankle rehabilitation devices is presented in this article. Recent developments
in the mechanism design, actuation and control are discussed. The study encompasses robotic devices for treadmill and
over-ground training as well as platform-based parallel ankle robots. Control strategies for these robotic devices are
deliberated in detail with an emphasis on the assist-as-needed training strategies. Experimental evaluations of the
mechanism designs and various control strategies of these robotic ankle rehabilitation devices are also presented.

Ankle robots, robotic orthoses, parallel robots, mechanism design, actuation, control strategies, stroke

Date received: 13 March 2017; accepted: 26 September 2017

Introduction therapeutic procedures which are often based on per-

ception instead of an objective evaluation of clinical
Neurologic impairments such as stroke and spinal cord data.6 Consequently, robotic ankle rehabilitation
injuries (SCI) cause damage to the functional mobility devices are gaining recognition among the rehabilita-
of survivors and affect their ability to perform activities tion engineering community for the treatment of drop
of daily living (ADL). Impairments to the lower limb foot and other neurologic impairments.7 Several
and consequent gait functions disorders are of prime robotic devices have been developed to provide ankle
concern. Drop foot is one of the most common gait therapy.7 These robotic devices can provide repetitive,
dysfunctions arising from the neurologic injuries, espe- systematic and prolonged ankle rehabilitation treat-
cially, stroke.1,2 Physical therapy is provided for the ment as compared to the manual therapy. Moreover,
rehabilitation of patients suffering from drop foot.3,4 owing to the recent advancements in the design, these
This process involves providing repetitive exercises to
the ankle plantar and dorsiflexion muscles so that the 1
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical
foot clearance during the swing phase of gait cycle Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University
could be reinstated.5 However, ankle is a complex ana- of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
tomical joint producing motion with 3 degrees of free- 2
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Nazarbayev
dom (DOFs), namely, plantar/dorsiflexion, inversion/ University, Astana, Kazakhstan
School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and
eversion and abduction/adduction. Repetitive physical
Mathematical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA,
therapy sessions are required to reinstate the lost ankle Australia
function in terms of ranges of motions and strengths.
Conventionally, manual physical therapy with elas- Corresponding author:
tic bands is provided for the correction of drop foot. Shahid Hussain, School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and
Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences,
However, it has many limitations such as, inconsistency University of Wollongong, Northfields Ave., Wollongong, NSW 2522,
in the treatment owing to long sessions of repetitive Australia.
and monotonous trainings, subjectivity in the Email:
2 Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine 00(0)

robotic devices can provide motions to the ankle joint presentations are also not considered in the review. The
in multiple DOFs without physical therapists’ article is organized as follows.
intervention. In section ‘‘Ankle robot mechanism design,’’ the
These robotic ankle rehabilitation devices could be mechanism designs of robotic orthoses and parallel
divided into two categories: robotic orthoses or exoske- robots along with their actuation concepts are pre-
letons and platform-based parallel ankle robots. sented. In section ‘‘Ankle robot control strategies,’’ var-
Robotic orthoses or exoskeletons are the devices which ious control strategies developed for these robotic
work in close proximity of the patients’ joint and are devices are revisited and discussed in detail. In section
wearable.8,9 These robotic orthoses are used for the ‘‘Experimental evaluations,’’ the experimental evalua-
treadmill or over-ground walking by the patients dur- tions of the design and control strategies of these
ing the rehabilitation process. Platform-based ankle robotic devices are discussed. Section ‘‘Discussion’’ pre-
robots are generally parallel robots and are used by the sents a discussion on the state-of-the-art research in the
patients in a seated position.10–13 These parallel robots robotic orthoses and parallel robots employed for
are capable of imparting motion to the ankle joint in ankle rehabilitation.
multiple DOFs.
Initial prototypes of these robotic orthoses and par-
allel robots were powered by electromagnetic actua- Ankle robot mechanism design
tors7,14–17 which have undesirable high end-point
The mechanism design of robotic orthoses and parallel
impedance (i.e. stiffness) and can provide fewer DOFs
robots is an important aspect of robot-assisted ankle
as compared to the anatomical DOFs of the ankle
joint rehabilitation. The purpose of the robotic devices
joint.9 Development of control algorithms for these
is to provide physical therapy so that the patients can
ankle rehabilitation robots is also an active field of
regain their ankle muscular strength and walking cap-
research. The conventional control algorithms devel-
abilities such as foot clearance as close to the natural
oped for these robotic orthoses and parallel ankle
gait as possible. For this reason, the kinematic and
robots used to guide the patients’ ankle joint on prede-
dynamic design of these robotic devices is of prime
fined trajectories without taking into account the dis-
importance to the rehabilitation engineering commu-
ability level and progress made by the patients.15,16,18
nity.7,11,25 A great emphasis has recently been placed on
Recently, significant research efforts have been made
selecting the appropriate DOFs for these robotic
to improve the mechanism design, actuation and con-
orthoses5 and parallel robots7,11,25 so that they can pro-
trol algorithms for these robotic ankle orthoses and
vide naturalistic ankle therapy to the patients. At the
parallel ankle robots.6 The goal behind the current
same time, the actuation of these robotic devices is an
research is that the design of these robotic devices
important and emerging field of research. Traditionally,
should provide naturalistic motion patterns to the neu-
rologically impaired patients, and the actuation system the robotic orthoses5,9 and parallel robots10,15 were
used with these robots should provide a smooth and powered by bulky electromagnetic actuators with high
safe human–robot interaction.6 The goal for the devel- end-point actuator impedance and therefore were not
opment of advanced control algorithms is to customize considered safe for applications involving human–robot
robotic assistance according to the disability level and interaction. Recently, a greater emphasis has been
stage of rehabilitation of neurologically impaired placed on the development of robotic orthoses8,26 and
subjects.19,20 parallel robots powered by intrinsically compliant
This article presents a review on the design and con- actuators.6 In this section, a detailed description of the
trol aspects of the existing robotic ankle orthoses and ankle robots mechanism design and actuation methods
parallel ankle robots. Mechanism design along with the is provided.
actuation concepts developed for these devices are dis-
cussed in detail. Control algorithms developed for both
Ankle robotic orthoses
kinds of ankle rehabilitation devices are also presented
with a particular emphasis on assist-as-needed (AAN) In order to assist the drop foot gait, a robotic ankle-
control strategies which can provide customized rehabi- foot orthosis (AFO) has been developed (Figure 1(a))
litation treatments. This article attempts to provide fur- at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).9
ther updated version of the previous review published The robotic orthosis is based on a conventional passive
by Jamwal et al.7 The robotic orthoses developed for AFO comprising a metallic hinge ankle joint.9 The con-
the rehabilitation of multiple joints such as Lokomat21 cept of series elastic actuators (SEA)28 is used in the
or Active Leg Exoskeleton22 are not a part of this design of robotic AFO. The SEA has a spring in series
review. Also, the robotic orthoses and parallel robots with a brushless direct current (DC) motor. Six force
incorporating functional electrical stimulation3,23 and sensors are used to measure the ground reaction force
brain–computer interface24 are excluded from the (GRF) for control purposes. The robotic AFO pro-
review being presented here. Furthermore, the prelimi- vides motions in the sagittal plane and mainly helps in
nary design and control developments of ankle robots avoiding the foot drag during the swing phase and foot
published in the form of conference proceedings and slap during the stance phase of the gait cycle.
Hussain et al. 3

Figure 1. (a) MIT’s AFO,9 (b) MIT’s AnkleBot5 and (c) University of Michigan AFO.27

Another instance of ankle robot system, AnkleBot, conjunction with PMA to obtain bidirectional forces.
has also been developed at the MIT to assist the drop This modification helps in reducing number of actua-
foot gait (Figure 1(b)).5 The AnkleBot mechanism has tors for the ankle robot. A powered AFO has also been
3 DOFs, and can provide, plantar/dorsiflexion, inter- developed at the Arizona State University.31,32 The
nal/external rotation and inversion/eversion to the AFO utilizes the concept of SEA in order to provide
ankle joint during treadmill or over-ground walking movement assistance to the sagittal plane motions dur-
and while sitting. Two of these DOFs are actuated ing walking.31,32 The AFO also consists of a single
while the internal/external rotation is passive and is DOF hinge joint for providing sagittal plane rotations.
mostly achieved by the rotation of the leg. Two brush- A bio-inspired AFO has been recently developed for
less DC motors are employed to actuate the AnkleBot. the rehabilitation of neurologically impaired patients.26
Plantar/dorsiflexion is produced if the motors push/pull The AFO is also powered by four PMA which provides
in the same direction, and inversion/eversion motion is plantar/dorsiflexion and inversion/eversion motions.
produced if the motors push/pull in the opposite direc- The PMA are connected to the knee joint by utilizing
tion. The developers of AnkleBot have tried to utilize artificial tendons. The mechanism of the AFO is
the concept of low actuator end-point impedance in designed on the concept of soft structure which allows
order to provide compliant actuation for safe human– possible naturalistic motions of the ankle and foot.26
robot interactions.5 Recently, a scaled down version of The anatomy of the lower leg has been considered and
AnkleBot for pediatric rehabilitation (pediAnklebot) emulated while designing the bio-inspired AFO.
has been developed.17 The pediAnklebot provides Another portable powered AFO has been developed to
actuation and motion in the same DOFs as of the provide gait assistance for the ankle plantar/dorsiflex-
AnkleBot.17 ion motion.33 A bidirectional rotary pneumatic actua-
An intrinsically compliant and light-weight AFO tor is used with a portable compressed carbon dioxide
has been developed at the University of Michigan to supply for powering the AFO. A robotic exoskeleton
assist the neurologically impaired patients as well as to similar to University of Michigan’s AFO has also been
study the biomechanical parameters of ankle joint developed at Ghent University to study the biomecha-
(Figure 1(c)).8,27,29 The AFO is made of carbon poly- nical parameters of ankle joint.34,35 The AFO provides
meric composites and has a single DOF hinge joint for actuation for plantar/dorsiflexion motion by utilizing
providing plantar/dorsiflexion motion. The AFO is the PMA.
powered by pneumatic muscle actuators (PMAs) which A reconfigurable robotic ankle exoskeleton, Assist
are intrinsically compliant and have high power/weight On-Ankle has recently been proposed for the physical
ratio as compared to conventional electromagnetic therapy of patients suffering from neurologic injuries.36
actuators. However, since the PMA can only provide Two modes, namely, 3-RPS (revolute–prismatic–spheri-
unidirectional force, two PMA are used in an antago- cal) and 3-UPS (universal–prismatic–spherical), have
nistic configuration to provide the ankle plantar/dorsi- been selected after a careful study of kinematics and
flexion motion. optimization performed to meet the design require-
A tripod-based parallel robotic mechanism has been ments of Assist On-Ankle.36 The reconfigurability aids
developed at the Arizona State University for ankle in repeatedly changing and rearranging the components
joint rehabilitation during walking.30 The robotic of the robotic exoskeleton. A Bowden cable–based SEA
device provides motions for the plantar/dorsiflexion has been utilized to power the Assist On-Ankle. An
and inversion/eversion using PMA as actuators.30 A electrohydraulic-actuated AFO has also been proposed
distinct feature used here is that springs are used in in the literature for human motion analysis.37 A hybrid
4 Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine 00(0)

actuation system comprising servo motor and hydraulic strut. A brushed DC motor–based linear actuation
cylinder powers the plantar/dorsiflexion motion.37 mechanism has been developed to power the three
active limbs. A cable-driven systems of pulleys has been
utilized to convert the rotatory motion of DC motors
Parallel ankle robots to the liner motions of a piston sliding in the cylinder.10
Ankle is a complex anatomical joint, and majority of Optical encoders and a six-axis force sensor have been
the robotic orthoses designed for the ankle joint can incorporated in the design for the measurement of posi-
only provide actuation for plantar/dorsiflexion and tion and human–robot interaction torque. Like Rutgers
inversion/eversion motions during walking. In order to Ankle, the patients’ foot is placed on the top platform
overcome this limitation and provide actuation to all of the parallel mechanism and is secured by the use of
three major DOFs of the ankle joint, parallel robotic braces and bands.
mechanisms have been designed. These parallel ankle The concept of redundantly actuated 3-RUS/RRR
robots are platform-based robotic devices and provide parallel mechanism for ankle rehabilitation has also
physical therapy while the patients are in a seated been developed at the Beijing Jiaotong University.42
position. The proposed parallel mechanism can provide actua-
A Stewart platform–based parallel mechanism38 has tion to the 3 DOFs of the ankle joint. It is proposed to
been developed at Rutgers University for the rehabilita- be driven by electric motors and gear arrangement. The
tion of patients suffering from neurological injuries15 patients are asked to place their foot on top of the par-
and is more commonly known as Rutgers Ankle. allel mechanism during physical therapy. The prototype
During physical therapy sessions, the patients put their is still in the development phase and only computer-
feet on the top platform of the Rutgers Ankle where it aided design (CAD) has been reported in the litera-
is secured by the use of braces and bands. The Rutgers ture.42 A robotic wobble board–based system has been
Ankle is a 6-DOF platform and provides motions to developed to provide ankle joint physical therapy
the ankle joint in all anatomical DOFs. The Rutgers (Figure 2(b)).40 It provides actuation to the 4 DOFs of
Ankle is powered by six double-acting pneumatic cylin- the ankle joint. Four low-voltage vibration motors have
ders and is equipped with six linear potentiometers as been positioned underneath the patients’ sandal area.40
position sensors and a six-axis load cell for force mea- A three-axis accelerometer has been incorporated in the
surement.15 A reconfigurable parallel robotic mechan- design. The patients are required to place their foot on
ism has been proposed for physical therapy of ankle top of the robotic wobble board during physical
joint.39 This reconfigurable robot consists of a 4-DOF therapy.
parallel mechanism with two parallel platforms to pro- A 9-DOF hybrid parallel robot has been proposed
vide plantar/dorsiflexion and inversion/eversion for ankle rehabilitation at the University of
motions to the ankle joint. Pneumatic cylinders have Birmingham.43 The parallel robot consists of two seri-
been used to power the parallel mechanism, and the ally connected moving platforms and one stationary
patients’ foot is secured on the top platform during platform. The prototype is still in the development
physical therapy sessions.39 phase, and only CAD design and its optimization have
A redundantly actuated parallel mechanism for been reported in the literature. The patients’ feet are
ankle rehabilitation robot (ARBOT) has been devel- secured on the top platform of the parallel mechanism
oped at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa during physical therapy.43 A low-cost 3-PRS (pris-
(Figure 2(a)).10,20,41 The parallel mechanism provides matic–revolute–spherical) parallel manipulator has also
actuation to the plantar/dorsiflexion and inversion/ been proposed for ankle joint rehabilitation.44 The par-
eversion motions of the ankle joint. The ARBOT con- allel manipulator can provide actuation to the plantar/
sists of three identical active limbs and a passive central dorsiflexion and inversion/eversion motions. An

Figure 2. (a) ARBOT,20 (b) robotic wobble board40 and (c) parallel ankle robot.6
Hussain et al. 5

orthopedic boot worn by the patient has a force sensor, ergonomically feasible trajectories so that the patients
and the patient is required to put his/her foot along can regain lost ranges of motion and muscular
with the boot on the parallel robot. The parallel strength. Development of these control strategies has
mechanism consists of three active legs, and each leg is also been an important area of research in the domain
powered by a brushless servo DC motor.44 of robot-assisted ankle rehabilitation. These control
Most of the platform-based ankle robots require the strategies normally fall under two categories, namely,
patient’s foot to be placed on top of a platform which trajectory tracking control and AAN control.
is maneuvered by actuators placed underneath. These
designs resulted in coupled motions of the shank and
Trajectory tracking control
the foot which further give rise to control-related prob-
lems. In order to isolate or decouple the ankle joint During the trajectory tracking control, patients’ foot is
from the shank, it is required that the shank be fixed moved about the ankle joint on the reference trajec-
with respect to the moving platform. Aiming at this tories with the help of robotic orthoses and parallel
design improvement, an ankle rehabilitation robot is robots. These reference trajectories are normally
developed13,45 wherein the shank is fixed within the obtained from the healthy subjects by utilizing the
space provided in the top platform and the foot placed motion capture system in the biomechanics labs or
on the base platform which also forms the robot end other motion recording devices.47 The patients’ disabil-
effector. The base platform consisting the patients’ foot ity level or the effort incorporated is not usually taken
is actuated while the top platform remained stationary. into consideration during the pure trajectory tracking
Motion and moments of the end effector about the true control.
ankle center therefore can, respectively, provide accu- A trajectory tracking control based on the propor-
rate indications of the relative orientation and moments tional control law has been developed for the Arizona
between the user’s foot and shank. However, this ankle State University robotic prototype.30 The desired orien-
robot is actuated using linear actuators powered by tation of the ankle joint is incorporated in the trajectory
brushed DC motors which are heavy and stiff, and a tracking control algorithm, and the desired deflection
compliant motion is difficult to obtain. of the spring over muscle actuator is obtained from the
A light-weight adaptive ankle rehabilitation robot parallel kinematics.30 A trajectory tracking control
was later developed which has actuators placed parallel algorithm based on the linear time-invariant (LTI) law
to the shinbone of the subject while the foot is attached has also been proposed for the bio-inspired AFO.26
to the end effector of the robot (Figure 2(c)).6,11,25 As a The purpose of LTI law was to guide the human sub-
result, positions of the ankle joint and the shinbone jects’ ankle joint on reference trajectories while taking
remain unaltered during the course of the treatment. into account the disturbances caused due to the non-
This ankle robot is light in weight and remains compa- linear behavior of PMA. The human–AFO system has
tible to the patients’ ankle joint during ankle motions been considered as a black box from which the input–
since it uses inherently compliant and light-weight output dynamic mapping was identified using a sub-
PMA. Owing to its biologically inspired design and use space system identification technique.26
of compliant actuators, the robot has been considered A trajectory tracking controller for portable pow-
back-drivable and safe to use. ered AFO has been developed to provide assistance for
A mechatronic device MecDEAR has been pro- the ankle plantar/dorsiflexion motion.33 The dorsiflex-
posed for the rehabilitation of ankle motor function.16 ion assistance could be tuned to the needs of individual
MecDEAR is a platform-based robotic device and pro- patient based on their weight. The magnitude and tim-
ing of the torque provided by the powered AFO has
vides motions to the ankle joint in the sagittal plane
been controlled based on the events of the gait cycle
and is powered by electric motors. Actuation is trans-
such as loading response, mid-stance, terminal stance
ferred from the motor by utilizing a belt and pulley
and swing.33 The force sensors embedded in the foot
arrangement. MecDEAR does not fall under the cate-
piece of the AFO were used to detect these events and
gory of parallel robotic mechanisms. The patients place
trigger the assistance. Ghent University’s robotic exos-
their foot on top of the MecDEAR to perform robotic
keleton also provides trajectory tracking control based
ankle therapy. A platform-based robot for ankle joint
on the detection of phases of gait cycle.34,35 Detailed
rehabilitation and evaluation has also been devel-
description of the Ghent University’s robotic exoskele-
oped.46 The robot provides plantar/dorsiflexion
ton control scheme has not been provided in the
motions using a servo motor for providing rotational
motion to a hinge joint.46
A trajectory tracking control scheme has been imple-
mented for the preliminary prototype of Rutgers
Ankle.15 A conventional approach of control of pneu-
Ankle robot control strategies
matic actuators48 has been tailored to meet the require-
Control strategies for the robotic ankle orthoses and ments of the parallel robot. The control system design
parallel ankle robots are developed to repetitively guide allowed for the position and force control of the proto-
the patients’ ankle joint on anatomically and type. Position control has been used for guiding the
6 Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine 00(0)

ankle joint on reference trajectories, and force control for torsional damping in series with torsional stiffness.5
is used for maintaining the necessary forces and torques The human torque component is added to the robot
at the ankle joint.15 A golf-based trajectory tracking applied torque in order to increase or decrease the net
control scheme has also been developed for robotic applied robot torque depending upon the effort incor-
wobble board–based system.40 A proportional control- porated by the patients.5 A similar impedance control
ler converts the pitch and roll values received from the scheme has also been utilized for the pediAnklebot.17
wobble board to a velocity vector that displaces the ball Myoelectric (electromyography (EMG)) activity has
in a two-dimensional (2D) world.40 been utilized for the AAN control of University of
A trajectory tracking control based on iterative fuzzy Michigan’s AFO.29,49 During the preliminary EMG-
logic methodology for the parallel ankle robot powered based control strategy, the activity of soleus muscle has
by PMA has been developed.6,18 The purpose of the been measured to control the plantarflexion assistance
trajectory tracking control was to guide the ankle joint of the AFO.49 A proportional control law is used to
on reference trajectories while dealing with the non- switch the pneumatic valves on/off based on the ampli-
linear and time-varying behavior of PMA. In order to tude of soleus. Later, the EMG activity of medial gas-
model the dynamic behavior of PMA, initially, a fuzzy trocnemius has been used to proportionally control the
feedforward controller, tuned using genetic algorithm plantarflexion provided by the AFO.29
(GA), was developed. Later, this controller was inte- AAN robotic training by ARBOT has been devel-
grated as an inverse plant model into an iterative fuzzy oped based on the impedance control law.10,20 Initially,
control scheme for the position control of the ankle an extended compliance control algorithm has been
robot. proposed.10 The compliance controller provides motion
assistance or resistance in the direction of patients’
effort. Force/torque sensors have been mounted on the
AAN control top platform of ARBOT to measure the human–robot
Various AAN control algorithms have been designed interaction. Controllable stiffness and damping has
for the robotic ankle rehabilitation orthoses and paral- been utilized to implement the impedance control law
lel ankle robots during the past decade. The concept as explained above for MIT’s AnkleBot. Later, an
behind the development of AAN algorithms is to mod- admittance control scheme has been developed for
ify the robotic assistance according to the disability ARBOT.20 The goal of the admittance control law is
level and effort put by the patients during the rehabili- also to modify the robotic motion as desired by the
tation process.7 If the patients show some progress and patients. Spring and damper model parameters have
recovery by incorporating their muscular strength, the been adjusted to tailor the robotic assistance according
robotic assistance is reduced and vice versa. to the disability level of individual subjects.20 An impe-
An AAN control scheme based on adaptive control dance control scheme has been developed for the 4-
law has been developed for MIT’s robotic AFO.9 A DOF parallel ankle robot.39 The impedance control
finite-state machine–based control law has been devel- scheme is implemented in the form of a cascaded posi-
oped to prevent the foot slap during the stance phase tion and force controller. Different range of exercises
and avoid foot drag during the swing phase of gait has been designed, and the impedance values are
cycle. GRF has been measured to detect these phases adjusted accordingly by the physical therapist.
of gait cycle. Based on the magnitude of GRF, the con- Impedance control–based AAN robotic ankle reha-
trol scheme can provide zero, constant and variable bilitation strategy has been developed for the parallel
impedance control levels to the patients depending on robot powered by PMA.19 The impedance control
their disability level. During zero-impedance control scheme modifies the robotic assistance according to the
mode, the patients can walk freely in the AFO without active muscular contributions of the human subject.
any robotic assistance, whereas during variable impe- Inverse dynamics algorithm has been developed to
dance control, the stiffness of SEA is adjusted in order extract the active muscle contributions of the human
to provide AAN training.9 AAN control for Assist On- ankle complex from the remaining passive and inertial
Ankle has been developed in the form of a cascaded effects of the combined human–robot system. A bound-
force, velocity and impedance controller.36 The impe- ary layer–augmented sliding mode control has been
dance values decided by the physical therapist impose used as a basic position controller to compensate for
the desired relationship between the applied force and the non-linear and time-varying behavior of PMA. The
applied velocity of the SEA.36 active muscle torque of human subjects is fed to a pro-
An AAN control scheme based on the simple impe- portional torque controller which modifies the robotic
dance control law has also been developed for MIT’s assistance accordingly. The impedance control algo-
AnkleBot.5 The impedance control scheme consists of rithm has four modes, namely, zero-impedance control
a programmable reference ankle trajectory, program- mode, position control mode, impedance control mode
mable proportional gain in the form of a controllable with low compliance and impedance control mode with
torsional stiffness and a programmable derivative gain high compliance.19
Hussain et al. 7

Experimental evaluations survivors for treadmill and over-ground walking.32

Improvements in cadence, ankle range of motion and
The experimental evaluations of ankle orthoses and
power generation capabilities have been recorded after
parallel ankle robot designs along with their control
3 weeks of training with the powered AFO.32
algorithms are an important aspect.6,7 For most of the
Portable powered AFO has been evaluated with one
robotic devices, the preliminary evaluations are carried
neurologically impaired and three healthy subjects.33
out with neurologically intact subjects with no prior
An increase in the vertical ground reactions force has
history of neurologic impairments in order to evaluate
been recorded during the second half of stance phase
and improve the mechanism design and control algo-
for the neurologically impaired patient.33 Ghent
rithms. Subsequently, the experimental investigations University’s AFO34,35 and Assist On-Ankle36 have been
with neurologically impaired patients are also carried evaluated with healthy subjects for different kinematic
out to establish the therapeutic efficacy of the robot- modes and design measures such as the range of
assisted ankle training. Experimental evaluations of the motions and impedance control performance with vari-
above-mentioned robotic orthoses and parallel robots able impedance values. Satisfactory performance
are discussed in this section. results have been achieved which shows the efficacy of
MIT’s robotic (AFO) and the AAN control scheme these orthoses.34–36
have been evaluated with two subjects suffering from Rutgers Ankle has initially been investigated with
unilateral drop foot condition.9 Kinematic and kinetic chronic patients to evaluate the performance of its
data of two participants have been measured in the design and the control algorithm.15 Position and orien-
biomechanics lab while the subjects walked at slow, tation of the robotic platform as well as the output
self-selected and normal cadence. The artificial neural forces were recorded and evaluated by the physical
network (ANN) control of robotic AFO has reduced therapist.15 It has been demonstrated that the robotic
the foot slap and allowed greater powered plantar flex- device and the control algorithm can perform the
ion.9 MIT’s AnkleBot has been evaluated with five desired rehabilitation exercises. Later, Rutgers Ankle
healthy subjects and five stroke survivors.5 Treadmill has been evaluated with three children suffering from
and over-ground evaluations have been carried out, cerebral palsy.14 Virtual reality games have been used
and a motion capture system has been used to monitor along with Rutgers Ankle for 12 weeks of evaluation.
the kinematics of ankle-foot complex. Encouraging Improvements in gait functions such as ankle kine-
results of the use of AnkleBot and impedance control matics, cadence and endurance are claimed to have
scheme has been achieved.5 Later, the AnkleBot has been achieved.14
also been evaluated with eight stroke survivors.50 ARBOT and its AAN control scheme have been
Improvements in the cadence, paretic ankle motor con- evaluated with five healthy subjects.20 The admittance-
trol and paretic single support have been observed.50 based AAN control scheme has proven to be effective,
AnkleBot has also been evaluated for the treadmill and the variation in robotic assistance has been
waking and seated position with stroke survivors.51 achieved depending upon the level of effort offered by
The study confirms that AnkleBot and the impedance healthy subjects.20 Impedance control–based AAN
control scheme can adapt the assistance according to robotic ankle rehabilitation strategy has been evaluated
the changes in patients’ performance.51 with 10 healthy subjects.19 The desired performance of
Experimental evaluations of pediAnklebot and the the parallel robot during all four control modes has
impedance control scheme17 have been carried out with been achieved with healthy subjects. It has also been
three children suffering from cerebral palsy. Interactive demonstrated that an increase in robotic compliance
video games were included to encourage the children to encouraged the healthy subjects to contribute actively
participate more actively in the training process. toward the robotic training process.19 Robotic wobble
Significant improvements have been recorded in the board–based system has been evaluated with 20 healthy
performance metrics which are used to assess implicit subjects and one patient.40 Greater stability of ankle
and explicit motor function.17 University of Michigan’s joint has been observed following two weeks of training
AFO has been evaluated with healthy subjects to deter- with the robotic wobble board along with the golf-
mine the performance of the PMA as well as EMG- based virtual reality system.40
based control.8,27,29,52,53 Both the over-ground and MecDEAR has been evaluated with healthy subjects
treadmill walking have been performed with AFO, and to validate its performance in terms of positioning error
it has been recommended that the anatomical morphol- and speed of actuation.16 The results demonstrated the
ogy needs to be considered while determining the validity of design and actuations.16 The evaluations of
robotic orthoses design and control system.52,53 The the platform-based robot have also been carried out
spring over muscle-based actuator robotic orthosis30 with five healthy subjects.46 Static stiffness, root mean
and bio-inspired AFO26 have been evaluated with one square tracking error and active stiffness were utilized
healthy subject and provided satisfactory hardware and to evaluate the performance.46 The desired performance
control performance of walking on a treadmill. The indices have been achieved during the experimental evo-
powered AFO has been evaluated with three stroke lutions with healthy subjects.46
8 Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine 00(0)

Hollander et al.31 and Ward et al.32


Jamwal et al.13 and Tsoi and Xie45

Girone et al.15 and Borràs et al.38
Several robotic orthoses and parallel robots have been

Ferris and colleagues8,27,29

developed for the ankle rehabilitation of patients suf-
fering from stoke and SCI (Table 1). Significant
research has been carried out during the last two

Jamwal et al.6,11,25
Rakhodaei et al.43
Bharadwaj et al.30
Blaya and Herr9
decades in the fields of mechanism design, actuation

Erdogan et al.36
Shorter et al.33

Saglia et al.10,20

Karime et al.40

Bucca et al.16
Wang et al.42

Vallés et al.44
and control of robotic ankle orthoses and parallel ankle

Park et al.26

Roy et al.5
robots (Table 1). A particular emphasis of the recent
research has been to design the robotic orthoses and
parallel robots mechanisms which can provide natura-

AFO: ankle-foot orthosis; SEA: series elastic actuator; DC: direct current; PMA: pneumatic muscle actuator; ARBOT: ankle rehabilitation robot; PRS: prismatic–revolute–spherical.
listic motion patterns to the ankle-foot complex.
Although this presents significant design challenges, the

Stroke and cerebral

robotic orthoses prototypes such as AnkleBot5,54 and

Healthy subjects

Healthy subjects

Healthy subjects

Healthy subjects
Healthy subjects

Healthy subjects

Healthy subjects
Healthy subjects
Stroke patients
Stroke patients

Stroke patients

Stroke patients

Stroke patient
parallel ankle robots6,25 have tried to address this issue

palsy patients

Not available
Not available

Not available
The mechanism design of parallel ankle rehabilita-
tion robots is particularly challenging since the ankle is
a complex anatomical joint comprising a true ankle
joint and a subtalar joint. Various movements at the

Assist-as-needed (AAN)

Trajectory tracking (TT)

ankle joint are in fact more complex and are the result Table 1. An overview of mechanism, actuation, control strategies and experimental evaluation of ankle rehabilitation robots.
of coupled translation and rotations about the two Control strategy
ankle joints (i.e. ankle and subtalar joints). Most of the

Not available
Not available
ankle robots are designed considering ankle joint as a
spherical one and thereby have issues of kinematic
compatibility. Furthermore, an ankle rehabilitation






robot should have an adequate workspace, free from
singularities. The ankle robot must also provide requi-
site forces/torques, in order to carry out intended reha-

Not available
bilitation exercises. Finally, the ankle robot design

must be safe to operate and should not be intimidating












to the uninformed user.
Selection of actuators plays an important role in the
design and safe human–robot interaction of robotic
Rotary pneumatic

Vibration motors
ankle rehabilitation orthoses and parallel robots.5,6,8
The electromagnetic actuators used in the initial proto- Not available
DC motor
DC motor
DC motor

DC motor

DC motor
DC motor

DC motor
types of robotic ankle rehabilitation orthoses such as


AnkleBot have high end-point impedance (i.e. stiffness)







which is not considered safe for human–robot interac-

tion.6,7,10 SEA and pneumatic actuators have been
developed and utilized in the design of robotic orthoses
freedom (DOFs)

and parallel ankle robots. ARBOT,10 MIT’s AFO9 and

Degrees of

Assist On-Ankle36 have utilized the concept of SEA

whereas Rutgers Ankle has used pneumatic cylinders










as actuators. PMA have been used in the design of


University of Michigan’s AFO8 and parallel ankle

rehabilitation robot.6 These actuation methods have
University of Birmingham Parallel Robot

introduced intrinsic compliance in the mechanism of

Arizona State University Ankle Robot

Low-cost 3-PRS parallel manipulator

robotic orthoses and parallel robots which aids in pro-

Parallel ankle rehabilitation robot
Beijing University Parallel Robot

viding safe human–robot interactions as well as helped

Arizona State University AFO

in reducing the overall weight of robotic orthoses.

University of Michigan AFO

Ankle rehabilitation robot

Development of control strategies for these robotic

Robotic wobble board

gait orthoses and parallel robots is also an active area

of research. Trajectory tracking control methods for the
Bio-inspired AFO
MIT’s AnkleBOT

Assist On-Ankle

initial prototypes such as Rutgers Ankle15 and portable

Rutgers Ankle
Portable AFO
System name

powered AFO have33 been considered to be insufficient



for providing customized robotic training. Several


ANN control strategies have been developed during the

last two decades. Majority of these AAN strategies
Hussain et al. 9

measure the human–robot interaction for the force/tor- To summarize, significant improvements in the
que sensors and modify the robotic impedance accord- mechanism design, actuation and AAN control strate-
ingly. However, obtaining the reliable data from force gies of robotic ankle rehabilitation orthoses and paral-
sensors during the events such as heel strike presents lel ankle robots have been reported in the last decade.
challenges. Few robotic exoskeletons work on the basis Further research needs to be done in the field of design
of finite-state machine algorithms.9 The gait cycle is and actuation to see how the light-weight and intrinsi-
divided into a number of phases for the implementation cally compliant robotic orthoses and parallel robots
of finite-state machine–based controllers. These algo- could be developed which can provide naturalistic
rithms detect the patients’ intention based on GRFs or motion patterns with minimum actuator model com-
the center of mass displacements and modify the joint plexities and mechanical energy losses. Also, the
trajectories and required actuator torques accordingly. improved alignment of robotic orthoses and parallel
However, use of these methods may result in unstable robots with anatomical joints needs to be investigated
walking patterns. and more emphasis should be given to the mechanism
Control of robotic orthoses and parallel robots pow- design of robotic orthoses and parallel robots that can
ered by SEA and PMA present significant challenges provide better joint alignment. New AAN training stra-
owing to the non-linear and time-varying behavior of tegies needed to be developed, and the already existing
PMA and springs used in the design of SEA. Trajectory AAN strategies should be clinically evaluated to pro-
tracking and AAN strategies have been developed for vide benchmarks in the level of assistance provided to
ARBOT, Assist On-Ankle36 and parallel ankle rehabili- the neurologically impaired patients. This will aid in
tation robot,6 but have only been evaluated with few developing a standardized rehabilitation framework for
healthy subjects. Their clinical evaluations still need to the robot-assisted ankle rehabilitation.
be carried out to establish the therapeutic efficacy.
EMG signals have been used for the proportional con- Declaration of conflicting interests
trol of University of Michigan’s AFO8 with healthy
subjects, but it poses implementation-related challenges The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
as the placement of EMG electrodes at the same loca- with respect to the research, authorship and/or publica-
tion for each training session is difficult. tion of this article.
The alignment of these robotic orthoses and parallel
robot mechanisms with anatomical ankle joint is also Funding
an emerging area of research. Ankle is a complex ana- The author(s) received no financial support for the
tomical joint, and its alignment presents significant research, authorship and/or publication of this article.
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