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Streamline workflows

Working to constantly improve is the number one way in which many businesses reduce
operating overhead. Continuous improvement
(sometimes known as “rapid improvement”) is a Lean improvement technique that helps
to streamline workflows.
The Lean way of working enables efficient workflows that save time and money,
allowing you to reduce wasted time and effort.
For example, projects that involve shifting deadlines, changing priorities and
other complexities are usually filled with opportunities to improve.
It’s just that no one has acted on that opportunity.

Reduce project costs and prevent overages

It’s important for a project manager to know the cost of completing a body of work.
For this reason,
most project management offices benefit from knowing the amount of time it takes
to get certain types of work done.
Project managers can reduce project cost and prevent overages using Forecasting
Software. Forecasting (versus estimating) whether a project’s constraints are
likely to be broken is one way in which project management offices can increase
their overall effectiveness for the company.

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