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Put a checkmark beside each statement if you have completed the civic action
listed. You may surprise yourself!

Have you ever…

o Forwarded a video or story via social media to raise awareness about an

o Started a paper petition or an online petition?
o Followed a news story over the course of several days?
o Discussed or debated current events with family and/or friends?
o Watched a documentary film to learn more about a subject?
o Researched a civic issue, not because you had to, but because you were
curious and wanted to know more?
o Worn an awareness bracelet/button/ribbon/ T-shirt?
o Donated money to a charity?
o Raised money for a charity?
o Participated in a fundraising walk?
o Attended a protest?
o Organized a protest?
o Attended a government meeting?
o Visited City Hall/Queen’s Park/Parliament Hill?
o Donated to a food bank?
o Donated old clothing or household items to charity?
o Stood up for someone who was being bullied?
o Created an awareness poster, banner, or video about a civic issue?
o Explained a civic issue to someone who didn’t know as much as you
about it?
o Written a letter about a civic issue to someone in a position of authority?
o Created an art piece with a political message?
o Met with an authority figure such as a teacher or administrator about
changing something at your school that you were unhappy about?
o Been a candidate for a position such as class rep or student council?

If you’ve participated in something that you think qualifies as a civic action and
it’s not listed here, feel free to write it down. Finally - guess what? Even if you’ve
only done ONE of these actions, you’ve participated in a Civic Action!

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