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Universidad Santiago de Cali Level: 3

Language Institute Topic: Personality traits

Teacher: Aura Cristina Restrepo

Solve the next crossword with the following words:

Reckless – ambitious – considerate – arrogant – cheerful – modest – patient – generous – faithful - aggressive

Now use the same personality adjectives to complete the following sentences.
1. I’m sure you’ll get a reply soon. Just try to be …………………………….
2. She is trying to be …………………………….despite her problems.
3. When I disagreed with him, he became …………………………….and started shouting.
4. He is very …………………………….about his role in the success of the film.
5. My aunt always gives me expensive presents. She’s so …………………………….!
6. He is extremely …………………………….. He wants to become prime minister one day.
7. He was so …………………………….he thought he could not possibly lose.
8. It was very …………………………….of you to offer to drive us to the airport.
9. He is such a …………………………….driver that he has had two accidents over the past month.
10. While he was ill, his …………………………….servant stayed at his bedside day and night.

Homework: Elaborate the first page of your curriculum where you include your personal information
(name, photo, e-mail – phone number) and your professional profile.

The description of your professional profile must be written in a paragraph from 50 – 70 words.


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