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Course: English.

Teacher: Mr.

Theme: Education in Ecuador: achievements and new challenges

Student: Lcdo. Luis Flores Delgado.

Education in Ecuador: achievements and new challenges

Ecuadorian education has undergone various changes that should be understood as the
progressive application of a new model regulatory framework, framed in the conception
that a good system education is the best guarantee to achieve equality and inclusion
social for future generations, and is an indispensable condition for Good Living.

Historically, the Ecuadorian educational system has maintained uneven and

differentiated development as a result of inequities socioeconomic and ineffective
coverage of public services in the territory. In recent times, there have been great efforts
to reverse this situation. Among The significant advances in recent years can be
mentioned: increased coverage, free public education, boost to inclusion, growth of
enrollment rates and increase financing, among others. In accordance with a study
referring to the results of the Third Regional Study Comparative and Explanatory,
which was published by UNESCO in 2016, the country obtained results above the
regional average in student performance evaluations contrasting with studies where the
results placed the country in the last seats at the regional level. But while Ecuador
appears today in a middle location among the countries of the region, without a doubt
There is still much left to do.

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