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< +t a 3S Ss a © Go Tite SOLVENT CEMENT FORMULATIONS os Abstract: Provided ar solvent exment formulations comprising some oral of teayofn,eehobexanone, ety! ethyl &R Netowsctoe, thernoplnc ri slice, ana selva sone age copolymer achive tteer. The diloed frau 9 S (43) International Publication Date (12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER TH (19) World Intellectual Property Orgai International Bureau 2 E PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) ANOKA (10) International Publication Number WO 2017/136634 Al 10 August 2017 (10.08.2017) WIPO! PCT aaa a eee ees sor DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FL, GB, GD, GE, GU, GM, GT, ee ree ‘HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, 25) ng Language: English RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, ean (7) vers: PARA, At 3285 Human Cine, TTS TRG GR HE HUG TE LEC LLP, 2929 Arch Sireet, Cita Center, 12th Floor, Phil- adelphia, PA 19104-2891 (US), Published: with international search report (Art. 21(3)) tions contain a reduced complement of volstile organic compounds (VOCs) relative to conventional eement formulations, yet are capable of meeting the requirements for regular ‘medium-, and heavy’- ha | 1132 | 1160 Zahn Cap# [55 | 35 Viscosity (see) |_~ vocal |racn eee ae Content ty [oven [ 3ar | Density (ib/gab | 7.674 | 7.865 Both samples C1 and C2 met or exceeded ASTM D2564 requirements for regular and medium- bodied solvent cement formulations B6* WO 2017/136634 PCT/US2017/016363 What is Claimed: 1. A solvent cement formulation comprising: 0-19% tetrahy drofuran: 21-49% cyclohewanone: 7-21% methy| ethyl ketone: 21-36% acetone: 8-15% polyvinyl chloride; 0.5-5% silica: and, 0.01-0.4% of a solvent soluble acrylic copolymer associative thickener, wherein the percent value of all named components do not exceed 100, ‘The solvent cement formulation according to claim 1 comprising 0-17% tetrahy drofuran: 23-47% cyclohexanone: 9-23% methy! ethyl ketone 23-34% acetone 10-1 % polyvinyl chloride 1-4% silica: and, 0.02-0.4% of said thickener. 3. The solvent cement formulation according to claim 1 comprising: 40-49% cyclohexanone: 7-21% methyl ethyl ketone: 21-36% acetone: 8-15% polyvinyl chloride: 0.5-5% silica: and, 0.01-0.4% of said thickener, ‘wherein said formulation does not include any tetrahy drofuran, 4, The solvent cement formulation according to claim 1 comprising: 11-19% tetrahydrofuran; 21-29% cyclohexanone: Te WO 2017/136634 PCT/US2017/016363 11-20% methyl ethyl ketone: 26-34% acetone, 8-15% polyvinyl chloride: 0s: silica; and, 0.01-0,08% of said thickener. 5. The solvent cement formulation according to claim 1 comprising: about 15% tetrahydrofuran; about 25% cyclohexanone; about 16% methy! ethyl ketone; about 30% acetone; about 11.5 to about 12% polyvinyl chloride; about 2 to about 2.5% silica; and, about 0.03% of said thickener 6. The solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 1-5 having an initial viscosity of at least 1700 eP. 7. The solvent cement formulation according to any according to any one of claims 1-5 having an initial viscosity of about 1700 cP to about 7000 cP. 8. The solvent cement formulation according to any according to any one of claims 1-5 having a lap shear strength of at least 280 psi after two hours of curing time, at least 500 psi after 16 hours of curing time, and at least 950 psi after 72 hours of curing time. 9. A method for bonding a first plastic component to a second plastic component, the method comprising: applying a solvent cement to a surface of the first plastic component, and, contacting the surface of the first plastic component to a surface of the second plastic component, the solvent cement being formed from the solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 1-8, is WO 2017/136634 PCT/US2017/016363 10 A section of plastic piping comprising a first plastic component that is bonded to a second plastic component by a solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 1-8. A solvent cement formulation comprising: 20-31% tetrahydrofuran 21-29 cyclohexanone: 0-14% methyl ethy! ketone: 21-35% acetone, 10-1 ’ poly viny! chloride: 1-4% silica: and, 0.01-0.05% of a solvent soluble acrylic copoly mer associative thickener, wherein the percent value of all named components do not exceed 100. The solvent cement formulation according to claim 11 comprising: 23-31% tetrahydrofuran: 29% ’ cyclohexanone: i methy! ethy! ketone 273 ’ acetone, 11-17% poly vinyl chloride; 1-4% silica; and, 0.01-0,05% of said thickener. The solvent cement formulation according to claim 11 comprising 25-29% tetrahydrofuran: 23-27% cyclohexanone: 0-2% methy! ethyl ketone: 29-3 12-16% poly vinyl chloride; 1% silica; and, 0,02-0,04% of said thickener. The solvent cement formulation according to claim 13 comprising: about 27% tetrahydrofuran: 9" WO 2017/136634 PCT/US2017/016363 about 25% cyclohexanone; about 31.5% acetone, about 14% polyvinyl chloride: about 2.5% silica: and, about 0.0: ’ of said thickener, the formulation containing no methyl ethyl ketone. 15, The solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 11-14 having an initial viscosity of at least 2500 eP. 16, The solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 11-14 having an initial viscosity of about 2500 cP to about 5000 cP. 17, The solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 11-14 having a next day viscosity at 140°F of at least 3000 cP. 18, The solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 11-14 having a next day viscosity at 140°F of about 3100 to about 3900 cP. 19, The solvent cement formulation according to any according to any one of claims 11 having a lap shear strength of at least 320 psi after two hours of curing time, at least 600 psi after 16 hours of curing time, and at least 1000 psi after 72 hours of curing time. 20. The solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 11-15 having Zahn cup #5 viscosity of about 30 seconds. 21, A method for bonding a first plastic component to a second plastic component, the method comprising: applying a solvent cement to a surface of the first plastic component, and, contacting the surface of the first plastic component to a surface of the second plastic component, the solvent cement being formed from the solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 11-20. -20- WO 2017/136634 PCT/US2017/016363 22, section of plastic piping comprising a first plastic component that is bonded to a second plastic component by a solvent cement formulation according to any one of claims 11-20. Eze INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Tntrmational application No PcTIUS20171016963 “A. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBIECT MATTER IPC{a) - CBJ 3/08; C085 1/00; COB 127/06 (2017.01) CPC CoB, 3/08; COBJ 3/091; COB 3/095; CO8J 1/00; CORI 127106 (2017.02) According to Intemational Patent Classification (IPC) orto both national classification and IPC B.__ FIELDS SEARCHED Minimum documentation searched (classifistion system followed by lasifcation symbols) See Search History document ‘Documentation searched other than minimum documentation othe extent tht such documents ae included in the Fields searched spc -252r182.15;252/182.28; 524/113; $24/360 (keyword delimit) leconic database conslteé during the imtrnatioal Search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) ‘See Search History document ‘©. DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT ‘Category* | _ Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, ofthe relevant pastages Relevant a elim No, y [US 7,698 586 82 (PARHAR et al) 23 Novernber 2010 (25.11.2010) ene document 18,118 Vv + |[68.567,096 A (MPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED) 29 January 1945 (29.01.1985) |1-8, 1-18 entire document Us 5,416,142 A (BUSH ot al) 18 May 1995 (16.05.1995) entre document 3-9, 11-10 US 7,473,753 82 (PARHAR et al) 06 January 2008 (06.01.2008) entire document 9,118 [US 5,470,894 A (PATEL ota) 28 Novemoar 1998 (28.11.1996) entro document 19,1118 Further document ar listedin the continuation of Box C See patent family annex Spx ears of ied dacoments “le document pablabed afer ator ling ate npg A" document defining te genera sat of heat wich snot considered "and nat onic wih he appeabon But ene fo unand ivof pmcaishietnce the pepe or thea underyng te vention “E> ater application r pte bt publhedon or afer beineraional (> doen of paula relevance ne clmodinvesion cant be iting Be Seber Pel teem be Soataed ae mo one “UP decent wish may ow dots niin cain() x which Sp when tester sae lone ESI bl Uh publaton dae anther station oe! y~ gocgmant of parila evan; he came invention cnt. Spel oan (aspects) ‘Gnade vive fn waive sap hen the dosent “0” document refring to an oa disclosure, use, exhibition or aler Sambi thon ermore oir auchSotomets,ucheombaton sco ‘Sing euros pon skied hea “P* document publised pir othe iteruona linge butter than document weber of he same patent fanily Ine prety date lames : « be f the same patent ai ‘Duc of the acta completion of tie interatonl search Dat of malig ofthe eration search enon ssMaren 20:7 14 APR 2017 ‘Nae and maling thew of ie SAMUS uihorned office Mal Stop PCT, An ISA1US, Commissioner for Patan Laine R. Copawaver PO. Box 160, Asana, VA 219400 os Fosiile No. 571-279-0900 rect re Form PCTIISAT210 (second sheet) January 2015) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Tnrational application No. pcTius20171016363 Box No.1 Observations where certain claims were found unscarchable (Continuation of tem 2 of frst sheet) “This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Amite 17(2)(a) forte following reasons: Claims Nos because they relat to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely: Claims Nos because they relate to parts oF the international application that do not comply withthe prescribed requirements to such an ‘extent that no meaningful international search can be caried out, specifically: 3. El cams nos. 9,10, 19.22 because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance withthe second and third sentences of Rule 6.4). Box No. ‘Observations where unity invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of frst sheet) “This Intemational Searching Authority found moltiple inventions in this intemational application, as follows: 1 Asall required additional search fes were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable claims, 2, [1] Asaitsearchabe claims could be searched without effort justifying additonal fees, this Authority didnot invite payment of sedditonal fxs, 3. C1 Asonty some of ne required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers ‘only those claims for which fees were pai, specifically claims Nos. 4. [FJ Wo required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this interational search report is restited tothe invention fist mertioned in the claims; tis covered by claims Nos Remark on Protest, “The additonal search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest and, where applicable, the payment ofa protest fe, ‘The additional search fes were accompanied by the applicant's protest but the applicable protest fee was not paid within the time limit specified in the invitation, No nates accompanied the payment of aaditional search Fees Form PCT/ISA/210 continuation of fist sheet (2) January 2015)

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