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Semana 16 de inglés:

E: Hello waiter, can you bring me the drinks menu?

A: Good afternoon, sure, here it is, can I take your order?
E: I would like a cold drink, what could you recommend?
A: With pleasure, I would recommend a frozen lemonade, it is very
E: Great, then get me a lemonade.
A: Sure, what do you want to order for lunch?
E: Oh, bring me a steak and vegetables, please.
A: Of course, anything else you want.
E: I would like to order a portion of fries, how much does it cost?
A: The portion sold at ten soles
E: Ok, bring me a slice then, can I see the dessert menu?
A: Here it is, what do you want?
E: Ummmm, I want a chocolate cake please.
A: I'll bring your order right away.
E: Perfect, thank you very much.

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