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TUYEN TAP “: DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT 2022 — BO DE DU AN 'é thi do déi ngii gido vién tar DU' AN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT 2022 - MON TIENG ANH. Email: NGUO1KHO1 XU‘ONG DY AN: NGUYEN VIET TY (THPT Bui Duc Tai, Quang Tri) BAN DIEU HANH DY’ AN: ‘Thay Nguyén Vin Dinh; (PHT THPT Tran Cao Van, Khénh Hod) phy trach dieu hanh Céc chuyén d@ va chuyén mon chwong trinh GDPT 2018 va nhan sy ctia Dyn. ‘Thay D§ng Tran Ha; (TTCM THPT chuyén Nguyén Tat Thanh, Yen Bai) phu trach tim nhin cia Duran, t6 chite céc khod tap hudin, két néi training chuyén mon cia Duan, céc van dé vé cdc ky thi quéc té IELTS, ky thi HSG. ‘Thay Nguyén Viét Ty: (THPT Bai Duc'Tai, Quang Tri) phu trach diéu hanh CNTT, admin céc trang FB, zalo, dé thi thir THPT. HOI DONG CHUYEN MON THAM GIA BIEN SOAN: NGUYEN VI AI (THPT Quang Trung, Gia Lai), NGUYEN THI LAN ANH (THPT Nguyén Viet Xuan, Vinh Phitc), TA NHAN NO’ NGUYET ANH (THPT Chuyén VO Nguyén Gidp, Quang Binh), NGUYEN THI SON CA (THPT LOc Thai, Binh Phuéc), NGUYEN TH] NGQC CHAU (THPT Chuyén Nguyén Quang Diéu, Dong Thap), HOANG KHANH CHI (THPT Nguyén Van Tréi, Ha Tinh), DUONG THI CHI (THPT Dong Banh, Lang Son), LE TH] KIM CUC (THPT Gio Linh, Quang Tri), PHAN PHU CU‘ONG (THPT chuyén Nguyén Quang Diéu, Dong Thap), TRAN MANH CU'ONG (THPT Nguyén Khuyén - Nam Dinh), NGUYEN LE DANH (THPT Ham Thuan Bac, Binh Thuan), HOANG THI DAN (Nghé An), DINH KHANH DIEP (DTNT Si Ma Cai, Lao Cai), NGUYEN THI MONG DUNG (pak Lak), T TRAN THI DUNG (THPT Nguyén Viét Xuan, Vinh Phiic),t NGUYEN HAI DU'ONG (Ha N6i), NGUYEN THI DAO |(THPT Xuan Trung B, Nam Dinh), NGUYEN VAN DINH (THPT Tran Cao Van, Khanh Hoa), TRAN HUONG GIANG (Bai hoc Bach khoa Ha Néi, Ha Ndi), DANG TRAN HA (THPT chuyén Nguyén Tat Thanh, Yen Bai), DINH TH] THAI HA (THPT Luong Son, Hda Binh), VO THI HA (THT Vo Trudng Todn, TP HO Chi Minh), NGUYEN BICH HANH (THPT Cau Gidy, Ha Noi), NGUYEN THI cAM HANH (Dak Lak), TRAN TH] HANH (THPT V6 ‘Thanh Trinh, An Giang), NGUYEN THI HAN (Truong THPT Doan Thi Diém, huyén Cam Lam, Khanh Hoa), DINH THI THY HANG (THPT Chu Van An, Quang Tri), LE TH BICH HANG (Dai hoc Bign lyre, Ha Noi), NGUYEN THI HANG (THPT Hong Quang, Hai Duong), HOANG THI HIEN (THPT Ha Hoa, Phi Tho), NGO LE THANH HIEN (THPT Tran Hung Dao, Dak Nong), NGUYEN CHE HIEN (THPT Thi xa Quang Tri, Quang Tri), NGUYEN HUYNH NHU’ HIEN (THPT chuyén Nguyén Quang Diéu, Dong Thap), NGUYEN THI THU HIEN (THPT Chau Van Liém, An Giang), THAI THI HIEN (THPT Tay Hiéu), TRAN THU HIEN (THPT Cam Ba Thude, Thanh Héa), vo THI THU HIEN (THPT Luong Thé Vinh -Cdm Phd, Quang Ninh), NGUYEN THI THANH HOA (THPT A Nghia Hung, Nam Dinh), HOANG THI BICH HUE (THPT Tan Son, Phi Tho), NGUYEN HU'U HOANG (THPT Tran Cao Van-Khdnh Hoa, Khanh Hoa), HATHI HONG (THPT chuyén Thai Nguyén, Thai Nguyén), DAO THI LAN HUONG (THPT S6 4 Lao Cai, Lao Cai), NGUYEN THI LINH HUONG (Australia) , vO LAN HUONG (THPT Nghia Minh, Nam Dinh), PHAM THI HUONG (THPT Doan Hing, Phi Tho), NGUYEN THI THU HUYEN (THPT Phtic Tho, Ha N@i), NGUYEN THI HONG HUNG (Truéng THPT Chuyén Thai Binh), NGUYEN THI KIM KHOA (THPT Chuyén Nguyén Thj Minh Khai, Séc Tring), PHAN TH] LAN (THPT Nam Bong Quan, Thai Binh), PHAM TH] MY Lé (THPT Nguyén Thai Hoc, Binh Dinh), BUI THI LIEN (THPT Ngo Gia Ty, Dak Lak), NGUYEN THI THUY LINH (THPT Lé Hing Phong, Quang Nam), VO VIET LINH (THPT Luong Son, Phu Tho), DOAN THI THANH LOAN (THPT Binh Son, Vinh Phiic), vi THI LUYEN (THPT B Duy Tién, Ha Nam), NGUYEN THI PHU'ONG MAL (THPT Tit Ky, Hai Duong), NGUYEN HANH MINH (Hoc vién Hang Khong Viét Nam, TPHCM), NGUYEN HOANG NHAT MINH (THPT Pham Van Dong, Khanh Hoa), PHAM THI MINH (THPT chuyén Hoang Van Thu, Hda Binh), PHUNG THI Mo (THPT Nguyén Bite Thuan, Nam Dinh), PHAM THANH XUAN MUNG (Thpt Tran Hung ‘Bao, Nam Dinh), NGO TRA MY (THPT Wellspring, Ha Ni), NGUYEN VAN NAM (THPT Tan Yen sé 2, Bac Giang), DUONG THI NHAN (THPT Lé Quy Don, Ba Ria- Ving Tau), TRINH TH] NHAN (THPT Mai Thanh Thé, Séc’Tring), TRAN TH] NHAN (THPT Hoang Mai 2, Nghé An), BUI TH] THU NHUNG (THPT Ngu siéu, Hung Yén), NGUYEN THI TUYET NHUNG (THPT Hoang Hoa Tham, Quang Binh), TAO TUYET NHUNG (THPT Tran Hung Dao, Ha Dong - Ha Noi), TRINH DU AN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 1 ‘THI NHUNG (Ha Noi), HA THI NGA (Ha N6i), PHAM THI THUY NGA (THPT Thach Ban, Ha Noi), NGUYEN THI NGA (Quang Nam), DAO THI NGAN (THPT Yén Diing $6 1, Bac Giang.), MAI HONG NGOC (THPT chuyén Nguyén Quang Diéu, Dong Thap), PHAM THI HAI NGOC (PT Dan tdc NOi tri - THPT tinh Tuyén Quang), VI VAN NGON (PT DTNT Tay Nguyén, Duk Lik), HO THI MINH NGUYET (THPT Phiic Tho, Ha Ndi), NGUYEN LEMYNU (THPT Nguyén Dinh Chiéu, Binh Dinh), LE TH] PHU'ONG (Nghé An), NGUYEN TH] THANH PHU'ONG (THPT Binh Son, Vinh Phuc), PHAM THI THU PHU'ONG (THPT Doan Thi Diém, Ha Noi), TRAN THI THU PHU'ONG (THPT Ngo Thi Nham, Ninh Binh), PHAM THI QUYEN (THPT Lé Loi, Nghé An), NGUYEN THI HUONG QUYNH (Ha Noi), HOANG THI SAU (THPT Chuyén Hoang Van Thu, Hoa Binh), NGUYEN THI SINH (THPT Xuan Trudng, Nam Dinh), BUI THI TAI (THPT Hoang Van Thu, Nam Dinh), LE THI NHA TAM (PT DTNT Tay Nguyén, Dak lak), VO TUYET THANH (THPT Tran Phu, Dak Nong), HOANG TH] THAO (THPT Xuan Hung, Dong Nai), NGO PHU'ONG THAO (Ha N6i) , NGUYEN TH] NGUYET THAO (THPT Mac Dinh Chi, TP Hd Chi Minh), TRAN TH] THAM (Ha Tinh), HUYNH TH] THO (THPT Huynh Thi Huong, An Giang), NGUYEN XUAN THU (THPT Nguyén An Ninh, TP HO Chi Minh), DOAN TH] THUY (THPT Chu Vain An, Lam Dong), NGUYEN THI THUY (THPT Ving Tau, Ba Ria-Ving Tau), LE TH] HONG THUY (Vinh Phiic), LE THI THANH THUY (An Giang), NGUYEN THI THANH THUY (THPT Tran Nguyén Han, Hai Phong), DAO THI THUONG (THPT Chuyén Tuyén Quang), TRAN THI TOAN (THPT Luong Thé Vinh, Quang Binh), NGUYEN THI HUYEN TRANG (THPT Phudc Binh, Binh Phuc), BUI THI QUYNH TRANG (Cao dang FPT Polytechnic, Ha Ndi), NGUYEN TRUONG QUYNH TRANG (THPT Thi xa Quang Tri, Quang Tri), NGUYEN TH] BAO TRAN (THPT Cn Giudc, Long An), NGUYEN TH] THANH TRUC (THPT Chuyén Nguyén Quang Diéu, Dong Thap), TRINH THANH TRUNG (TP. Ho Ch Minh), PHAM THI NGQC TU (THPT Lé Hitu Trac, Ha Tinh), BANG HOANG TUAN (THPT ‘Thoi Long, Cin Tho), HA ANH TUAN (THPT Lé Hiru Trdc, Ha Tinh), NGUYEN TH] TU (THPT Lé Quang Chi, Ha Tinh), NGUYEN THI TU’ (THPT Nguyén Dinh Lién, Ha Tinh), TONG TH] KIM ‘TUOl (THPT Pham Van Nghi, Nam Dinh), NGUYEN VIET TY (THPT Bai Duc Tai, Quang Tri), LE ANH VAN (THPT Phan Chu Trinh, Bak Lak), HUYNH QUANG VINH (THPT Thanh Héa, Long An), LE TH] HAL YEN (THPT Xuan Trudng, Nam Dinh), PHAM THI HAI YEN (THPT V6 Nhai, ‘Thai Nguyén), DAO TH] HONG YEN (THPT Tam Duong, Vinh Phiic), NGUYEN TH] ZEN (THPT During An, Hai Duong) wf Mét nam vét va 4a qua THUWONY MEN co trd aén mot mira he binh yan. Bang ling tim khp moi mién Phugng héng dé tham trén nén trdi xanh. Ve ca mét khic quan hanh 9 FOn ri, tiéng cu’i than thung. chit béi héi ai sau gap Igi cé-tré han hoan. Ha N@i 5.2022 Ms Nguyet Ho ‘DU AN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 ry - py AN KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 fave TIENG ANH, Bai thi: NGOAINGU, Mon thi: TIENG ANH E THI THAM KHAO Théi gian lam bdi: 60 phiit, khéng ké théi gian phat dé Ho, én thi sinh: Sé bio danh: DESO 01 Mark the leter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer 10 each of the following questions. ‘Question 1: That sort of extreme diet is not over a long period. A. sustainably B. sustainability C. sustainable D. sustain Question 2: The boys were at home yesterday, 2 ‘A. didn't they B. weren't they C. were they D. did they Question 3: The concert only lasted an hour, so we felt we were getting measure, A. small B. low C. short D. long Question 4: The Intemet was invented the 20" century. Avat B. in C.with D. from Question 5: My cousin wanted to change his career because he wasn’t very satisfied with his winnings B. earnings C. proceeds D. savings Question 6: That school was closed last month ten teachers tested positive for Covid-19. A. because of B. because C. though D. in spite of Question 7: When I was walking to school this morning, [saw a girl. She asked me how to get to the station. A. beautifiul young Korean B, beautiful Korean young C. young beautiful Korean D. Korean young beautiful Question 8: Everybody in the house woke up when the burglar alarm. A. went up B. went off C. came across D. came off Question 9: While my father a film on TV, my mother was cooking dinner. A. watched B. was watching had watched D. watches Question 10: Iwill let you know. A. When I had found out the truth B. When I find out the truth C. When I was finding out the truth D. When I found out the truth Question 11: My sister__ the washing up every day A. makes B. does C. takes D. gives Question 12: It is widely thought that stress ean ‘your immune system. A. reduce B. degrade C. deeline D. weaken Question 13: The students —_ to be at school by the teacher at 8:00 am yesterday. A. tell B. told C. have told D. were told Question 14: from university, he started his journey to find a suitable job. A. Have graduated B. Having graduated C. Have been graduated D. Have been graduating Question 15 people dance, the more confident they feel. A. The more B. Most C. Most of D. More Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 16: Michael and Linda are at the schoolyard, Michael: “Do you prefer relaxing holidays, or would you rather go on an adventure?” Linda: * = To be honest, that sounds great B. Honestly, I'm not the adventurous type. "AS a matter of fact, I'd rather like them. D. Why don’t you go for a holiday? Question 17: Ann is new in Hanoi and she is on the road now. ~ Ann: “Excuse me, is there a supermarket near here?” DU AN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 ~ Pedestrian: “ ALT’ s dright. Bit'soverthere. —C. Ir’ nctnice D. Yes, you'll go Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet io indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress in each of the following questions. Question 18: A. quality industry C. computer D. confidence Question 19: A. argue ——_B. listen €. promise D. begin ‘Mark the letter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of thefollowing questions, Question 20: A.cleang —_B. stops, C. robs D. tays, Question 21: A. cat Bhat C. base D. fat ‘Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: The student service center will try their best to assist students in finding a suitable part-time job Avhelp B.allow C. make D. employ Question 23: The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English A. narrow C. solid D. minor ‘Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 24: Peter is trying to get to sleep, so if you wake him up he will fly off the handle A. continue sleeping B. want to fly €. become angry D. keep calm Question 25: Skills can be enhanced by the apprapriate use of technology in certain circumstances A. unsuitable B.unimportant ill-prepared D. inegular Mark the latier A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each piir of sentences in the following questions. ‘Question 26: Wearing face masks is compulsory at public places, Ibis a must-do for everyone. A. By no meaas are people required to wear face masks at public places B. On no occasion did people wear face masks at public places ©. Under no arcumstances do people wear face masks at public places D. Onno acecunt should people stop weating face masks at public places Question 27: Bill really wants to buy apair of shoes. He doesn't have enough money. A. Provided that Bill has enough money, he can’t buy a pair of shoes. B. Bill wishes he had 2nough money so that he could buy a pair of shoes ©. IFEill had enough money, he couldn't buy a pair of shoes D. E only Bill had hadenough money, he could have bought apair of shoes Mark the letter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 28: He is diagnosed with autism when he was just over two. A Bac D Question 29: Vietnamese athletes are determined to defend her regional throne in athletics A B c D Question 30: It will require acollectable effert from the government, providers, and the media to meet our goals A B c D Markihe letter A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is clasestin meaning 0 cack of the following questions. Question 31: It isn’t necessary for us to discuss this matter in great detail A. Weshould discuss this matter in great detail. B, We might discuss this matter in great detail C. Weneedn't discuss this matter in great detail. D. Wenmmstn't discuss this matter in great detail Question 32: “I'll tell you about this interview, Lan” said Tam. A. Tam said to Lan that he will tell her about that interview. B. Tam told Lan that I wouldtell you about that interview, €. Tam told Lan that he would tell her about that interview. D. Tam told Lan that she will tell him about that interview. Question 33: We last went out together two years ago. A. Wehaven't gone ost together for two years. B, We didn’t go out together two years ago Dir Aw BE TH THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 4 C. We went out together for two years D. We have gone out together since two years ago Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that hest fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38. Testing games How lucky can you be? Twelve-year-cld Eloise Noakes has got the best job in the world — (4) outnew games. A leading company held 2 competition to find young testers and Eloise was selected to test games (35) are about to be launched onto the market. Each week she is given a different gamc to play before recording her thoughts on a form designed by the company. As the company director said, “What better way to find out about games than to put them in the hands of the customers who will make most use of them?” Hise is (36) with her new job but she also takes it very seriously, Sheis allowed to keep the games after testing them. (37) , she has decided instead to give them away to children less fortunate than herself. “I've got (38), of games md some children don’thave any.” she explained (Adapted jrom Cambridge English First for Schools 1, 2015) Question 34: A. doing B trying ©. carrying D. finding Question 35: A. whom B. whose ©. which D. who Question 36: A. amused B. proud ©. thankful D. delighted Question 37: A. However B. Although ©. Otherwise D. Moreover Question 38: A. many B plenty ©. several D. much Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer ta each of the questians from 29 ta 43. Every day on radio, on TV, andin the newspaper, we hear, see os read about many problems in the world, for example, pollution problems Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes, trains and poisonous gases emitted ffom factories, Also, waste is damped anywhere, even in the city where many people are living, The second pollution problem is sea pollution. Many people earn therr living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people, But the sea has become so polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying. This is not only killing the fish, but is also affecting those peorle who eat fish Seldom d> you find a place nowadays that is aot polluted. Tais problem is growing more difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live. (Adapted from http hitps./brainy.iniquestion) Question 39: Whatis the passage mainly about? A. Some kinds of pollution in the world B. Air pollution from factory C. Effects and solutions of pollution D. Sea pollution and its effects Question 40: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph | as something that people can get information from? A. television B.the newspaper ©. the Internet Question 41: According to paragraph 2, which of the following can be a consequence of pollution? A. Pollution affects those who eat fish. B. Many people are living in the city. C. Many people live on the money from fishing D. The fish caught feed many people Question 42: The word poisonous in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. crude B.toxic C.numeraus D. clean Question 43: The word that in paragraph 3 refers to Av aplace B.people C.asolution D.aprotlem Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B,C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 58. Tve always wanted to learn howto dance. When I was younger, I loved going to discos andI used to spend hours practicing moves in front of the mirror! I think I was quite good, but as I got older, I became less confident. Recently I decided I’d join a dance class. The problem wits most dance classes is that you need apartner, andnone of my male friends ever wanted to come with me Iwas beginning to give up on the idea when Icame across a magazine article about Indian dancing, Itsounded great and best of all Icould do it on my own! So, Ifound a class on the Internet and hooked myself into a course. by AN BE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 5 turned up for the first lesson feeling very nervous. I needn't have worried though because everyone was really friendly. We were all female. The youngest was about eighteen and the oldest ‘was forty something. Our teacher came in looking fantastic in her traditional dance clothes and we soon all caught her energy and enthusiasm. She put on the music immediately, which was a combination of westem pop songs set to an Indian beat, and we started following her moves, Any nervousness soon diseppeared because the moves were so complicated, There was no time to worry about whether you're doing them right! Tve noticed a lct of changes in myself since I started dancing. I'm much fitter and I feel more confident. I've also made some great friends at the class. IF you're interested in dancing, or you just want to feel fitter, I drecommend Indian dancing! (Adapted from PET Practice Tests by Jenny Quintane) Question 44: Which of the following could be the title of the passage? A. Simple Steps of Indian Dancing B. Why People Enjoy Incian Dancing €. How IBegan My Hobby: Indian Dancing __D. Indian Dancing Is Difficult Question 45: According to paragraph 3, in the first dance class A. everybody was keen to dance B. nobody spoke fo each other C. everybody admired the teacher D.a lot of time was spent discussing the moves Question 46: The word “booked” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. wrote B. enrolled C. pursued D.moved Question 47: The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to A the moves B. the songs ©. the pariners D. the friends Question 48: The word “complicated” in paragraph 3is closestin meaningto A relaxing B. difficult C. interesting D. beautiful Question 49: Which of the following is NOT tme according to the passage’ A. She is fitter and enjoys dancing. B. She hasn’t always been confident. ©. She is satisfied with the dancing course. D. She is good at Indian dancing Question 50: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. The writer likes listening to pop music. B. Learners must have some dancing experience before joining the class ©. There is no need to bring a partner to the dancing class D. The teacher inspired the water to start dancing HET Dir Aw BE TH THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 6 - py AN KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 Pas TENG AN Bai thi: NGOAINGU, Mon thi: TIENG ANH E TI HI THAM KHAO Théi gian lam bai: 60 phi, kh hong ké thoi gia phd dé Ho, én thi sinh: Sé bio danh: DE SO 02 Mark the leter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer 10 each of the following questions. ‘Question 1: These plants are particularly for brightening up shady areas. A. useful B. usefully Guse D. usefulness Question 2: The house was built ten years ago, 2 Avisn’tit B. was it C. wasn’t it D. didn’t it Question 3: When Mary got fired, she had to start all over again at the of the ladder, A. grade B. step C. push D, bottom Question 4: I go to school six o’elock every morning. Ain B. at Con D. for Question 5: When he retires, he will be able to look back over a brilliant A. occupation B. work C.job D, career Question 6: Both parents and academic institutions should encourage children to play sports it helps in creating a healthier generation. A. despite B. because of C. because D. although Question 7: She bought a dress as a gift for her daughter. A. beautiful long white B. white long beautiful C. long white beautiful D. white beautifial long Question 8: He applied for that position but was because of his poor qualifications. A. tumed off B. taken off C. tumed down D. taken after Question 9: When she came home last night, her children TV. A. are watching B. were watching. watch D. have watched Question 10: He will go to the cinema with his friends . A. when he was finishing his work B. until he finished his work C. after he had finished his work D. as soon as he has finished his work Question 11: The university is progress in the ongoing development of educational programmes, services and facilities. having B. doing © making D. taking Question 12: His face extreme disapproval of what he had witnessed. A. booked B. registered . enrolled D. applied Question 13: The pyramids of Egypt about three thousand years ago. A.was building B. were built . built D, have built Question 14: to contact Ann by phone, James devided to email her. A. Having failed B. Have failed C. Have been failing D, Have been failed Question 15: The more coffee I drink, feel A. the more awake B. more awake, C. the most awake ~—_D. most awake Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. Question 16: Peter is talking to Mary about her daughter - Peter: “How beautiful your daughter is!” ~ Mary A. Sorry, Ihave no idea. B. Thank you for your compliment. Yes, I share your opinion, D. Don’t say anything about it Question 17: John is talking to Daisy about the benefits of COVID 19-vaccines. - John: “COVID 19-vaceines are effective and can lower our risk of getting COVID-19”. - Daisy: “ * They also help prevent our serious illness if we do get COVID-19. completely agree with you. B. Oh, that’s a problem. G.I don't quite agree with you. D. That's a good idea DU AN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 7 Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 18: A. argument B attention C. performance. opponent Question 19: A. install B happen ©. maintain D. protect Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 20: A. booked B laughed €. mended D. passed Question 21: A. face B wave ©. tank D. cake Mark the letter A, B, © or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning 1a the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: Cambridge is the ideal place to learn English; it’s a beautiful and hospitable city with institutions for high quality linguistic teaching. A. noticeable B. natural C.friendy D.ugly Question 23: We must not let small children play in the kitchen. Ttis a dangerous place A. handy B. suitable ©. harmful D. unsafe Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet io indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word\s) in each of the following questions. Question 24: The class will start at 8.00 am on the dot, so don’t be late. A exactly B stricily ©. early D. approximately Question 25: [find playing sport an exciting way to exercise. A. boring B. normal ©. regular D. interesting Mark the letier A, B, C, ar D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that hest combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 26: The train arrived at the station. Shortly after that the passengers rushed towards it A. No sooner has the train arrived ab the station than the passengers rushed towards it B. Hardly had the passengers rushed towards it when the train arrived at the station. C. Scarcely had the train arrived at the station when the passengers mished towards it D. Not until the train arrived at the station did the passengers mush towards it Question 2%: My wife is allergic to animals, I don’thave the chance to keep alovely dog, AIF only my wife isn’t allergic to animals, Tdon’t have the chance ta keep alovely dog, B. But for my wife's allergy to animels, Ihave the chance to keep a lovely dog. C. [wish my wife weren’t allergic to animals so that could have the chance to keep a lovely dog D. Providing my wife isn’t allergic to animals, I will have the chance to keep alovely dog, Mark the leter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in zach of the following questions. Question 28: My former friend, together with his wife, pays avisit to my family last Sunday A B c D Question 29: If a glass lizardloses its tail, a new one grows to replace them, A B c D Question 30: The search method is exhausting, so itis ensured that all the necessary parameters will A B c be visited and checked for violations D Markihe letter A, B, Cor D onyour answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is clasestin meaning 10 cack of the following questions. Question 31: They are not allowed to use our personal information for their own purposes. A They don’ thave to use our personal information for their own purposes. B They can use our personal information for their own purposes ©. They mustn't use cur personal information for their own purposes. D. They may use our personal information for their own purposes Question 32: He said, “I will fly to Paris to join the Music show next weele.” A He said he will fly to Paris to join the Music show the next week. B He saidhe would fly to Paris to join the Masic show the next week. ©. He said I would fly to Paris to join the Music show the neat week. D. He said he would fly to Pais to join the Music show next week. Question 33: [last talked to my grandparents 3 months ago Dy AN BE TH THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 8 A. Thaven’t talked to my grandgarents for 3 months. B.I dide’t talk to my grandparents for 3 months C. Ltalked to my grandparents for 3 months. D. Ihave talked to my grandparents 3 months ago Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that hest fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38. Berrak: A Pianist Atypical day now involves a couple of hours practice in the moming bore going into college and attending classes. I spend alot of time in the library, listening to music, trying toleam and become (G4) with new pieces of music. One downside to choosing to study and pure a career in music isthat you end up spending hours and hours by yourself (35) Talso try to spend time at college, meeting other people and networking. The more musicians I know, the more likely Iam to be asked to play for (36) The more I play, the betier known I become and in the music business it's all about recognition and getting your name out there. Ulimately, if Tam asked to play and get given a job it means that someone else Loses work and sometimes itfeels like a constant battle. You canthelp being drawn into an artificial world (37) you areconstanily comparing yourself to others and are always worried about what others think of your performances. In the real world outside of college your (38) is much wider. (Adapted from “FCE Practice Test” by Karen Dyer and Dave Harwood) Question 34: A. familiar B similar C.alike D. related Question 35: A. Moreover B However ©. Therefore D. Otherwise Question 36: A. other Beach ©. another D. others Question 37; A. where B which C. that D. whom Question 38: A. witness B spectator C. audience D. visitor Read the following passage and mark the lewer A, B, Cor Don your answer sheet w indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43 Ostriches Ostriches are the largest and heaviest birds on earth. They can grow to be as tall as 9 feet and can weigh as much as 250 pounds. Even though they have wirgs, they cannot fly. Instead, ostriches have long, powerful legs that help them to nin very fast when they feel threatened, Ostriches use their wings to move themselves forward and to help them change direction. Ostriches are native to Africa, where they still live in desert areas and dry, open grasslands called savannahs. Ostriches can also be found in zoos all over the world Humans have domesticated ostriches, so now ostriches live on farms in over a dozen countries, including the United States, China, India, Jepan, Brazil and Costa Rica They are raised fos their meat, skin, and feathers. Ostriches like to live in small groups called herds, The male ostrich is called a rooster; the female, ahen. Baby ostiches are called chicks. The female ostrich lays the eggs, but both the male and the female take tums sitting on the eggs to keep them, warm. (Adapted from website) Question 39: What is the passage mainly about? A. the male and female ostriches B. all about eggs of ostriches C. distribution and habitat of ostriches _-D. facts about ostriches and their habits Question 40. The word threatmed in paragraph lis closest in meaning to A stolen E consumed C saved D. endangered Question 41. The word them in paragraph 3 refers to Avmale Beggs . ostriches D. female Question 42. According to the passage, ostriches use their wings to A fly faster than most other birds B move forward and change direction C. keep their eggs warm in the nest D scare potential predators away Question 43: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 as the purpose of raising ostriches? A. meat B skin © medicine D. feather Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to cach of the questions from 44 to 50. UN wams over impact of rapidly ageing populations, The world needs to do more to prepare for the impagt of a rapidly ageing population, the UN has wamed - particularly in developing by AN BE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 9 countries. Within 10 years the number of people aged over 60 will pass one billion, a report by the UN Population Fund said. The demographic shift will present huge challenges to countries! welfare, pension and healthcare systems. The UN agency also said more had to be done to tackle “abuse, neglect and violence against older persons” The number of older people worldwideis growing faster than any other age group. The report, Ageing in the 21st Century: A Celebration and a Challenge. estimates that one in nine people around the world are older than 60. The elderly population is expected to swell by 200 million in the next decade to surpass one billion, and reach two billion by 2050. This rising proportion of older people is a conseqpence of success -improvednutrition, sanitation, healthcare, education and economic well- being are contributing factors, the report says. But the UN and a chanty that also contributed to the report, HelpAge Intemational, say the ageing populationis being widely mismanaged. "In many devel oping countries with large populations of young people, the challenge is that governments have not put policies and practices in place to support their current older populations or made enough preparations For 2050," the agencies saidin a joint statement. ‘The report wams that the skills and experience of older people are being wasted, with many under-cmployed and vulnerable to discrimination. HelpAge said more countries needed to introduce pension schemes to ensure economic independence and reduce poverty in old age. It stressed that it ‘was not enough to simply pass legislation - the new schemes neededto be funded properly. (301 words, Source: BBC News Website) Question 44: Which of the following could be the main topic of the passage? A. The causes of the rise in elderly people B. The quick decrease of the elderiy people ©. The benefits brought by the ageing population, D. The difficulties caused by the ageing population. Question 45: The word “impact” in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by A. damage B. benefit ©. influence D. praise Question 45: The word “surpass” in paragraph 2closestin meaning to A. exceed B. decrease ©. respect D. comprise Question 47: The word “I: in paragraph 3 refers to A. HelpAge independence —_C. poverty D. old age Question 48: According te paragraph 4, to ensure economic independence and reduce poverty in oldage countries need to A. make pension plans B enactlaws for old people C. raise funds for public activities D. support older populations Question 49: Which of the following is NOT true about the older people? A. Of all age groups, the elderly are growing the fastest. B. Countries! welfare, pension and healthcare systems will be pressurized by older people. C. There will be about 2 billion al der people in 2050. D. The ageing population is being appropnately run. Question 50: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A Rapidly ageing populations bring a lot of benefits to the society. B. Countries are preparing so many new policies for the future. C. Ageing populations will be a burden tomany countries. D. Aging populations are the consequence of wars. “HT DY AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 10 A DU AN KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 Pease i thi: NGOAI NGU, Mén thi: TIENG ANH ‘DE THI THAM KHAO. hong ké thoi gian phat dé Ho, ten thi sinh:... Sé bio danh: DESO 03 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following ‘questions Question 1: The students are supposed to deseribe the that they find most useful for learning English, ‘A. apply B. application C. applicable D. applicably Question 2: Anna joined the green movement, ? A. was she B. wasn’t she C. did she D. didn’t she Question 3: Some newspaper stories may not true, but generally journalists yo to great lengths to check their facts and ensure their stories are accurate. A. say B. sound Curing Dz read Question 4: The 31% SEA Games will be held Hanoi, Vietnam from May 12 to 23, 2022. A. for Beon Cin Diat Question 5: Despite how troublesome they could be, my-unele’s always had a spot for his children. A. soft B. kind ‘Cowarm: D. good Question 6: The two men caught the virus they were injected with the latest vaccine. ‘A. because B. due to ‘Cu despite D. though Question 7: Peter bought a(n) book as a gift for his younger sister on her 15th birthday party. ‘A. English thick interesting Bz interesting thick English C. thick interesting English ‘D. English interesting thick Question 8: The thieves ina stolen car, which was later found abandoned A. got away B. went out C. tumed down D. took up Question 9: Mike inthe garden when he heard a picreing scream, A. was working, B. worked '. has worked D. had worked Question 10: You will not understand the importance of foreign language Ieaming A. as soon as you went to university B. when you will go to university C. after you had gone to university D. until you go to university Question 11: The organizers failed to the necessary arrangements for dealing with so many people. A. make B do C. take D. break Question 12: Her income was barely enough to one child, let alone three. A. keep, B, maintain . bring D. attain Question 13: The missing mountain climbers in the cave by the resoue team y A have found B. found C. were found Dwi Question 14: a survey on how to usc social networking sites effectively, my students wrote a report about it. A. Conducted B. Having conducted C. To conduct D. Being conducted ‘Question 15: The stricter our laws against poaching are, chances there are for endangered animals tosurvive. A. most. B. the most C. more, D. the more Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 16: Peter is talking to Jack about his homework. - Peter: “This homework is really hard, Can you help me, Jack?” = Jack: “ T've just finished it.” A. Don’t mention it B. Sure d like to D. Sorry Question 17: Mary and Alice are talking on the phone. - Mary: “Let's go out this evening.” ice: 2 A. Not at all, B. Good idea! '. My pleasure. D. You're welcome. DUAN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 11 Mark the letter A, B, ©, or Don your answer shect to indicate the word thet differs from the ather three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 18: A. Logical B.tertific €. supportive D. important Question 19: A. people Btoday . father D.lesson Mark the letter A, B, ©, or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. ‘Question 20: A. liked Bininded C.helped, D. laughed Question 21: A. lake B page C. start D. safe Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the want(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: People usually scare other people by telling ghost stories A. attract B frighten ©. affect D. excite Question 23: Though he’s not clever, he's a diligent student and has often done well in the examinations A clever B studious C. practical D. help ful Mark ihe letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet ta Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words) in each of the following questions. Question 24: As a simple girl, Farah believes everything and anything. She would always believe any tall tales that her friends tell her. Avunbelievable stories —_B.credible stories C. unusual stories D. fairy stories Question 25: One of the best things about robots is their ability to do jobs that would be just dangerous for pecple. Ansky B safe C. difficult D. active Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each Detir of sentences in the following questions. ‘Question 26: He finished his course. He soon applied technology in his work effectively. A. Notuntil he had applied technology in his work effectively did he Guish his course B. Hartly had he applied technology in his work effectively when he finished his course. C. No sooner had he finished his course than he applied technology in his work effectively. D. Only after he finished his course dic he startta apply technology in his work effectively. Question 27: Itook pat in the Blood Donation Day. Jenny encouraged me to do it A. Without Jenny’s encouragement, I wouldn’thave taken part in the Blood Donation Day. B. I would be ready to take part in the Blood Donation Day if Jenny encouraged me to do it. C. But for taking part in the Blood Donation Day, Jenny woul da’t have encouraged me. D, Provided Jenny hada’t encouraged me, I wouldn’t take part in the Blood Donetion Day Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet ta indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 28. During the ath century, the inhabitants of Gujarat (India) have developed a method of ‘gaining access to clean water. A. During B. have developed C. gaining Question 29. After last night's storm, the injured bird was found dead in their nest, A storm B.injured C. dead D. their Question 30. For those who suffered fom irreversible damage caused by the unexpected fire, the relief agencies tried to provide food and othe: basic essence A inreversible B. unexpected Curelief D. essence Mark ihe letter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is clasest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 31. It’s obligatory for teachers to change their teaching methods. A. Teachers should change their teaching methods. B. Teachers may change their teaching methods €. Teachers must change their teaching methods D. Teachers need to change their teaching methods. ‘Question 32. “Please send me amessage when you go home,” said Tom to Peter. A. Tom told Peter to send him amessage when he went home. B. Tom encouraged Peter to sead him amessage when he goeshome. C. Tom invited Peter to send him a message when he went home. D. Tom warned Peter against sending him amessage when he went home. ‘Question 33. Linda last went to her university 3 months ago, A. Linda hasn't gone to her university for 3 months. DY AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 2 B, Linde wont to her university for 3 months ago. C. Linde has gone to her university for 3 months D. Linde didn’t go to her university 3 months ago Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheetto indicate the correct worl or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38 Miracle liquid There is along and rich history of using honey as medicine, especially in ancient times Some records (34) that people have used honey as a balm, an inebriant, a psychoactive substance, or as a poison. Multiple contemporary studies suggest that honeys from honeybees and stingless bees have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties Stingless bees make honey with chemicals (35) ward off microbial and fungal growth, an adaptation to keep the substance from spoiling in the tropics. Given the wide variety of plant biodiversity in the Amazon, and the incredible range of botarical chemicals the bees mix into their honeys and wax, it’s also no surprise it has medicinal value, (36) some call such honey a“miracle liquid.” Already, people in the tropics use (37) types of stingless bee honeys and wax from their hives to treat upger respiratory infections, skin conditions, gastrointestinal problems, and even to treat diabetes and cancer. Though research has begun providing ahint of support for some of these uses, much of itis sill preliminary. More investigations into the honeys’ (38) benefits is urgently needed, says David Routik, an expert on stingless bees atthe Smithsonian Tropica Research Institute in Panama (Adapted for: nationalgeographic com/aninals/articlestinglass-beo s-honey-helping-peruvian-amazon) Question 34: A. say B. show C. declare D. release Question 35: A. who B. whose ©. that D. when Indeed B. However ©. Moreover D. In addition every B. each C. others D. several Question 38: A. healthy B. medicinal C. potential D. direct Reud the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your enswer sheet to indicate the correct answer ta each of the questions from 39to 43. Read the following pussage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to euch of the questions from 39 to 43. Lifelong leaming is now becoming amust for everyone in the modem world, Many people, however, find it overwhelming. as being lifelong learners they will have to keep studying for their entire life. The following are several strategies to promote lifelong leaning, First, start with a clear purpose. Study something that you will likely have many uses for in the future Design caning goals thet should serve you in your carcer path, as well as in your personal interests. You ‘will need to think of the learning experience as continuous investment rather than a one-off endeavour. Second, choose to study something that is really enjoyable for you. You will need to have fin all through the pursuit of knowledge and slalls, which will be an encless joumey. The ‘fun’ part will always keep you motivated, even during the hard times. Third, lifelong leaning is not just about keeping on studying; you will need to think through what you have learned, and find out how to apply it to your work and personel life. Don't read too much and use your brain too little. Think more often; meditate on the ideas that you feel might make your work anW/or life better. Those are the key strategies to make sure your lifelong learningis studying smart rather than studying hard, Remember, the lifelong leaming movement is unstoppable. (Adapted from: hitps:/hrwe.sachmem. valbooks/3 Yenercises/97 15) Question 39: What is the passage mainly about? A Strategies to promote lifelongleaming B Howto chooseto study something C. How to keep on studying all the time D, Education —the preparation for life Question 40: The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to A clear purpose B entire life C modern world D. lifelong learning Question 41: According to paragraph 2, to become a good lifelong learner, you should A start with a clear purpase B. avoid des gning aleamning goal C. study anything you hike D. neglect the leaming experience Question 42: The word “motivated” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A discouraged B determined €. desired D. amused Question 43: According to the passage, all of the following are strategies to promote lifelong leaming EXCEPT DUAN DE THE THO TOT NGHIEP THPT NAb 2022 B A beginning with a clear purpose B choosing to study something that you enjoy €. reading too much, using your brain too little D. thinking through what you have leamed Read the following passage and mark the leiter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50. Overthe last several decades, environmental specialists have proposed various strategies aimed at slowing down this process of deforestation in developing countries. Many of these proposals we indeed valuable ideas in that they are realistic attempts to address some of the causes of defosestation, such as farming, cattleranching, and commercial logging. All of them rely on government involvement of some kind. ‘There are three broad categories of solutions: state economic policies, intemal agreements, and international programs. Economic policies generally attempt to limit the activity of small farmers through government action. Government actions can include the clear proper definition and enforcement of propery rights, meaning that squatting, or illegally setting on land, would be more difficult. Subsidies can ‘be used to encourage conservation. Thetis, money may be paid to supplement the income of those famers who make an effort to reduce the usual amount of damage to the forest that their farms cause. In addition, taxes can act as a deterrent to undesirable land use ‘An internal agreement may be made between governments and indigenous or native people living in the moist ranforests and open woodlands of the tropics, where the vast majority of this deforestation is occurring Such an agreement would allow people to carry on traditional activities adapted for some economic benefit. Finally, intemational agreements usually involve the exchanges of monetary aid in retim for government action to protect its forests. One such plan seeks help pay anation’s debt in exchange for restrictions on certain kinds of activities in rainforests. Instead of selling logging concession to pay dowa that obligation, the government receives moncy for banning or restricting logging in its forests. There is also the proposal of global fund created in order to grant money to countries that choose to protect their environments It is clear that something must be done to protect the forests of the world. If the current rate of deforestation continues, the world’s rainforests will vanish within 100 years, causing numerous ailverse effects on the global climate and eliminating the majority of plant and animal species on the planet (Adapted from Mastering skills TORFL IBT Advanced) Question 44: What is the passage mainly about? A. Suggestions for indigenous peoples and governments ta modern environmental situations. B. Severd plans for minimizing the adverse environmental effects of deforestation. C. Environmental experts have been concemed about the impact of defbrestaticn. D. Governments should provide economic incentives for responsible land use. Question 45: The word them in paragraph | refers to A the causes of deforestation B. decades C. developing countries D. proposals Question 46: The word deterrent in paragraph 2is closest in meaningta A. punishment B.incentive C. hindrance D. improvement Question 47: According ta paragraph 4, an international agreement is A between countries B, more effective than an intemal agreement. C. among indigenous groups. D. in state economic policies Question 48: The word seeks in paragraph 4 is clasestin meaning to A searches B. founds C. pursues D. gains Question 49: Which of the following is NOT tue accarding to the pascage? A All ofproposals count on government participation. B. State economic policies can be one of three broad categories of solutions . Internal agreements are likely to help poor countries to pay national debt. D. Government can offer subsidies to enhance preservation. Question 50: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. State economic policies are more effective than intemational agreements B. Indigenous people ia the tropics depend on forestry to make money. C. The three types of solutions mentioned will save the rainforests. D. Deforestation is not very a serious problem. HET DU AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 i 5 DU AN KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 (@AO VEN TENG ANH i thi: NGOAI NGU, Mén thi: TIENG ANH ‘DE THI THAM KHAO he m lam bai: 60 phiit, khéng ké thoi gian phat dé Ho, tén thi sinh: Sé bio danh: DESO 04 Mark the letter A, B, ¢, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1; High qualification and experience during intemship period will help you receive an offer from large companies, A. attract B. attraction C. attractive attractively Question 2: Our task is too difficult to accomplish, 2 Av isn’t it B. was it Gris it D. wasn’t it ‘Question 3: Our outstanding players made work of Thailand to eam their first AFF U23 Youth Championship title. A. short B. large C.long D. wide ‘Question 4: My grandparents no longer go for a pi Sunday because of their health problems Acat Bin ©. with Don ‘Question 5: Everyone entering the country needs to show a health A.award B. degree ©. pemnit certificate ‘Question 6: Mai passed the final exam with flying colors she studied hard. A. although B. because Gin spite of D. because of Question 7: My parents gave me a(an) toy on my birthday. A. plastic orange lovely _B, orange lov€ly plastic orange plastic lovely _—D. lovely’orainge plastic Question 8: The authorities promised to the claims of corruption. A. check in B. take on C.look up D. look into Question 9: Janet to her favorite song on TV when her mother came home from work. A. was listening B. listens listening D. has listened Question 10: he will look for a job in a big city A. When he graduated from universit B. When he had graduated from university C. When he was graduating from university D. When he has graduated from university Question 11: The woman asked me to ‘a scat and waited for her for a moment. Apa Betake Cdo D. make Question 12: Our group a new method to carry out the survey into teenagers’ attitudes towards online learning. ‘A. employed B. recruited C. occupied D. engaged ‘Question 13: Computers in last week to help the schoolkids with their studies. A. brought B. were brought Chad brought D. were bringing Question 14: many European countries, she’s planning to travel to South-east Asia this year. B. Have been visiting C. Having visited D. Having been visited Question 15: The longer the conversation is, enjoyable it will be for you. A. better B. more C. the better D. the more Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 16: Peter is giving compliments on Bill's new hairstyle ~ Peter: “You look so cool with this hairstyle.” -Bi ” A. Well, never mind. B. Oh, please Say it again! . Thanks. [ had it done yesterday. D. Ican’t agree with you. Question 17: 4 is asking Link to turn on the fan. ~ An: "Can you tum on the fan? It’s so hot today.” - Linh: A. Yes, of course, B. Sure, Tean’t C. Oh, really? D. [don’t think so, DU AN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 15 Mark ihe letter A, B, C, or D on your answer shect to indicide the word which differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 18: A.popular —B.irmportant €. religious D. financial Question 19: A.pressure —B. balance . action D. around Mark the letter A, B, €, or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 20: A.mounzed — B. combined C. derived, D. appealed Question 21: A. mate B. blame Chand D. shake Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the want(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: She was faced with the daunting task of washing a huge pile of dirty dishes after the party Tr made her exhausted. A. interesting B. pleasant ©. fiightening D. simple Question 23: The young man was recognized for his bravery when he rescued two primary students from drowning in the river. A. accepted B.understood €. contributed D. appreciated Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet ta indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning ta the underlined wordls) in each of the following questions. Question 24: She said I was the best boss she had ever had. It was obvious that she was buttering me up, I wonder what she wants ‘A pleasing me dishonestly B.terrifyingme C. getting on my nerves D. praising me sincerely Question 25: Doing things right means being respectful, careful, judicious, kind and caring A offensive B. obedient Cocourteous D. civil Mark ihe letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the fallawing questions. Question 26. Teachers’ digital skills are enhanced. Stuents find online lessons more interesting now. A. Never have students found cnline lessons so interesting as they are now thanks to teachers’ digital skills. B. At no time do students find online lessons interesting becanse ofteachers’ digital skills €. Notuntil students find online lessons more interesting are teacher's digital stalls enhanced. D. Inno way do students find online lessons mare interesting despite teachers’ digital skill enhancement. Question 27; Moon Jae In didn’t have a successful election campaign, He wasn’t adapted as Sonth Korea's President again. A. Provided that Moon Jae In kas a successful election campaign, he can be adopted as South Korea's President again. B.If oaly Moon Jae Inhad had a successful election campaign, he could have been adopted as South Korea's President again. ©. If Moon Jae In had had a successful election campaign, he couldn't have been adopted as South Korea's President again. D, Moon Jae In wishes he had a successful election campaign so that he could be adopted as South Korea's President again. Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the follawing questions. Question 28: Samantha has difficulty doing her Maths homework yesterday. A B c D Question 29: Hyperactivity in children may result from hie eating some food additives A BC D Question 30: Joseph Priestley is immortal in the history of chemistry as the discovery of oxygen in A B c D 174 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the sentence that is clasest in meaning 1a cach of the following questions. Question 31: It's not necessary for every single kid to go to college. A. Every single kid should go to college B. Every single kid must go to college. C. Every single kid needn't go to college. D. Every single kid can’t go to college. Question 32: The officers said, “We saw him throwing something out the window” A. The officers said that they had seen him throwing something out the window. DU AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 16 B. The officers said that we saw him throwing something out the window. C. The officers said that we had seen him throwing something out the window. D. The officers said that they saw him throwing something out the window. ‘Question 33: I last wrote about vaccines on this blog over a week ago. A. | didn’t waite about vaccines on this blog over a week ago B. [have over aweek to write cbout vaccines on this blog C. haven't wnitten about vaccines on this blog for over a week. D. I have written about vaccines on this blog for over a week Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38. Initially seen purely as centres of entertainment, zoos were often heavily criticised in society for keeping animals captive. Nowadays, however, z20s have a lot more to offer than perhaps some people realise. Good zoos have changed their focus and are now (34) to environmental problems, such as the decline in wildlife and loss of habitat. Indeed, scieatists believe thet a third of (35) animal and plant species on Earth risk extinction within this century. The modem zoo, (36) has developed dramatically as a major force in conserving biodiversity worldwide. Zoos linked with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums participate in Species Survival Plan Programmes, (37) involve captive breeding reintroduction programmes and public education to ensure the survival of many ofthe planet's threatened and endangered species. Captive breeding is the process of breeding animals outside ther natural environment in (38) conditions such as farms, zoos or other closed areas It is 2 method used to increase the populations of endangered species, in order to prevent extinction. One of the main challenges facing captive breeding programmes, however, is maintaining genetic diversity. (Adapted jrom Can bridge English - Mindset for IELTS 2) Question 34: A. responding Breacting C.replying D. returning Question 35; A.much Bevery Call D. few Question 36: A.however B otherwise C. for example D. therefore Question 37: A. which B that C.who D.where Question 38: A. limited B restricted C.constrained D.teduced Read the following pussage und mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. ‘When he was nine years old, Felix Finkbeiner gave a cless presentation on climate change. The young German spoke about deforestation and its effect on the planet, Atthe end ofhis talk, he challenged the people af his country to help by plarting one million trees. Nobody thought much would come of a sine-year-old’s school project. Before he was 20, however, Finkbeiner’s efforts had resulted in the planting of more than 14 billion trees around the world. Finkbeiner and his classmates began the project - named “Plant-for-the-Planet” - by planting the first tree outside their school, Other schools followed the example, and news of the one-tnillion challenge spread. As a result, Finkbeiner was asked to speak at the European Parliament, Other invitations soon followed, and when he was just 13, he spoke at a United Nations conference in New York. “We cannot trust that adults alone will save our fixture,” he said in the speech. “We have to take our future in our hands.” Finkbeiner is now in his twenties, and Plant-for-the-Planet is an organization with around 70,000 members. It works to teach people about climate change and to encourage the planting of more trees. Germany's one millionth tree was planted long ego. The goal now is one tillion - 150 for every nerson on Eath (Adapted from Reading Explorer by Becky Tarver Chase and Lavid Boidlke) Question 39: What is the reading mainly about? A the problems deforestation can cause for our planet B. the reasons of climate change C. how planting trees can help the environment D. how ayoung person has made a big difference to the environment Question 40: The word “deforestation” in paragraph | is closest in meaning to A. afforestation B. defecation C. the cuttingdown of trees __D. devastation Question 41: According to paragraph 2, what first happened to Finkbeiner after the widespread impact of the “Flant-for-the -Planet” project? A. He discussed the problem of climate change with world leaders. B. He made apresentaticn at a United Nations conference in New York. C. He received an offer to make a speech at the European Parliament. DUAN DE THE THO TOT NGHIEP THPT NAb 2022 i7 D. He had to confront many challenges Question 42: In the third paragraph, what doesthe word “It” refer to? A. Plant-for-the-Planet B. Germany's one millionth tee ©. Climate change D. Planting trees Question 43: What is NOT true about Plant-for-the Planet today? A. It teaches people about climate change. B. Ithas mary thousands of members. C. Its aim is to plant one billion trees, D. Itencoureges people to afforest Read the following passage und mark the letter A, B, C, or Dio indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. ‘When we think of the Hawaiian Islands, they often bring to mind a thriving tourist destination with white sandy beaches and palmtrees. However, on one of the mast northern islands, you will not find any tourists or holiday activities. The island of Nithau is an extinct volcano, a delicate wetland and thriving forests, It is also the home to various endangered species such as the Hawaiian monk seal. The island ‘belongs to the Robinson family who bought it from the King of Hawaii back in 1864 with the promise ta maintain the waditiond Hawaitan culture and language of the natives living there. In order to keep this promise, the family over time began to limit visitors to the island. Today, contact with the native Miihauans on the is and is forbidden except by invitation. Therefore, until recendly, the natives knew very little about the outside world. ‘A.walk through the main village of the island shows how Niihau appears to be frozen in time. There are no cars, shops, restaurants or police. The only means of transport are horses and bicycles. There is no manning water, power or telephone lines. All of the 130 permanent res dents are native Hawaiians and speak Hawaii zi as theic first language. They doa't pay rent and live by fishing and farming, It’s ali festyle far different from residents on the other Hawaiian islands. ‘The children of Nithau may not have TV or electronics like other children, but they attend a small school that relies entiraly on solar power for electricity. The school is one ofthe few schools in the USA that is completely solar powered. The school teaches the Hawaiian tradtions and valucs of living off the land and ocean, and at the same time offers the children the opportunity to lear how to use computers and connect with the outside world. One way outsiders can connect with Niihau is to purchase the islanders’ handicrafts such as their shell jewelry. These products are on sale in other islands, Although iew have the chance to visit this forbidden land, its mystery costinues ta fascinate tourists (Adapted from On Screen B1 plus by Virgina Evans and Jenny Dooley) Question 44. What is the best title ofthe text? A. Tourist Attraction B. The Nithanans’ Lifestyle C. Forbidden Hawaii D, Education on Hawaii Island Question 45. The word “thriving” in paragrarh 1 is closest in meaning ta A glorious Beunsuccessful rich B. developing Question 46. The word “it” in the first paragreph refers to Avisland B.the King C. monk seal D. volcano Question 47. Tourists are not allowed to visit Niihan because A. the owners promised to preserve naive Hawaiian culture and language alive B. the King wanted to protect the islani’s sensitive ecosystem ©. the owners of the island did't like outsiders D. the natives are afraid that visitors will destray the island. Question 48. The word “entirely” in yaragranh 3 is closest in meaning to A pariially B. completely C. perfectly D. relatively Question 49. According to thetext, which ofthe following statements is NOT true aboutthe text? A. Horses and bikes are the sole means of transportation available. B, Various endangered species can be found on the island of Nihau, ©. The native Niihavans’ way of life is similar to inhabitants on other Hawaiian Islands, D. Visitors can buy the Nithauans’ handicrafts in other islands, Question 50. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Atno time do students have a chance to communicate with the rest cfthe world. B, Education on the island tries to balance tradition with technel ogy. ©. Children of Nithau are equipped with modem electronic devices for schooling. D.A small stool in Nit Island ues various renewable enegysoures for elect “HET- DY AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 18 5 DU AN KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 Press TENG ANH i thi: NGOAI NGU, Mén thi: TIENG ANH ‘DE THI THAMKHAO. thei gian phat a6 Ho, tén thi sinh... 86 bao danh: DE SO0S Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. ‘Question 1: Judging by the titles, Gary was a fan of action movies. A. violate B, violence violently D. violent Question 2: Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet” in 1605, 2 A. didn't he B. doesn't he C. won't he D. hasn't be Question 3: I think it’s a bit ofa point because she got a very low mark for it. A. sore B. bitter C. hot D. salty Question 4: Tom only sees her Christmas and Easter. Ain B.on Cat D.of Question 5: He suffered a serious treatment, n a traffic accident which needed immediate hospital A. injury B. harm Cedamage D. wound Question 6: the windows are noticeably’ smaller and the ceiling is lower than those in the main rooms, it is a light, bright space. A. Although B. Because C. Because of D. Despite Question 7: You can buy this hat for £13.50, down from £45. A. red small beautiful B. beautiful red small red beautifil small D, beautiful small red Question 8: He doesn't have the funds to his design. A. look out B. keep on C. carry on Question 9: His mother in her chair in the kitchen when I came in. A. was sitting B. were sitting C. are sitting D. sit Question 10: I'll start to think about it while I was having to write my report, B. when Ihave to write my report, C. before I had to write my report. D. after I had to write my report. Question 11: They have been some measures to control traffic jam at rush hours. A. imagined B. taken C. done D. carried Question 12: Public figures have a duty to themselves responsibly, even in their private lives. A. affirm B. commit C. conduct D. organise Question 13: Computers n many fields - in business, science, medicine, and education, for example. Av are used B. is used Cuused D. uses Question 14: New Jersey on January 19th, he arrived in San Franeisco. A. Left B. Having left C. Leave D. To leave Question 15: He spent a year in India and loves spiey food. the food is, the more he likes it, A. The hotter B. The hottest C. Hotter D, Hottest Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 16: Tim wants to make an apology to Bill for having broken his racket. ‘Tim: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” Bill: * - A. You've to forget it! B. Then what did you mean? No problem. Don’t worry about it. D. You can blame yourself. Question 17: Molly is talking to Mike about doing volunteer work Molly: “As far as Tknow, doing charity work is a really helpful thing for everyone in the society.” Mike: ‘The more we give, the happier we feel DU AN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 19 A. That sounds great B. I couldn’t agree with you more. C. Pll take part in this campaign, D. That’s fine for me Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 18: A. confident B. excellent C. marvelous: D. attractive Question 19: A. manage B. follow C. dex D. comfort Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 20: A. complained —_B. conserved C. approached D. borrowed Question 21: A. walk Ctalk Dz take Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: The state government is determined to tackle the problem of poverty in the inner cities A. solve B. encounter C. appeal D. impair Question 23: To comply with government hygiene regulations, there must be a separate sink for hand washing, A. principals B. principles C. priorities D. primaries Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 24 The local administration in Ha Tinh took a range of measures to reduce the drought and flood risks in this area, but they just drew a blank. A. had a consequence B. got a result C. gained an advantage D, took a chance Question 25: The city’s infrastructure system is in poor condition and needs to be upgraded. A. improved B. repaired examined D. deteriorated Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. ‘Question 26: The members in the yoga club are forbidden to take photographs during their practice in the room. There is no exception whatsoever. A. Under no eircumstances are the members in the yoga club allowed to take photographs during their practice in the room B. By no means were the members in the yoga club allowed to take photographs during their practice in the room. C. Never are the members in the yoga club banned to take photographs during their practice in the room. D. Onno oceasion were the members in the yoga club banned to take photographs during their practice in the room. Question 27: Hoa has to ride her motorbike to a bar to pick her husband up in an inebriated state. He often drinks a lot. AA. As long as Hoa’s husband doesn’t drink a lot, she won't have to ride her motorbike to a bar to pick him up in an inebriated state. B. If only Hoa’s husband hadn't drunk a lot, she wouldn’t have to ride her motorbike to a bar to pick him up in an inebriated state C. If Hoa’s husband drank a lot, she would have to ride her motorbike to a bar to pick him up in an inebriated state. D. Hoa wishes her husband didn’t drink a lot so that he could go home instead of being picked up from a beer place in an inebriated state. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 28: They complete the construction of this monument a decade ago. construction Boa Gof D. complete Question 29: Some of my friends are going to spend his holidays by the sea A. to spend B. the sea C. Some D. his Question 30: Houses near industrious sites often do not sell so are regarded as undesirable. A. undesirable B. industrious G regarded D. quickly ‘kly because they DU AN DE THI THU’ TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 20 Markthe letter A, B, C,or Donyouranswer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning io each of the following questions. Question 31: She isn't obliged to attend the extra-clasces. A. She needn't attend the extra-dlasses B. She mustn't atend the extra-classes C. She has no intention of attending the extra-classes D. You can't make her attend the extra-lasses Question 32: Phuc said, “I will return to my old job this month," A. Phuc said that he would retum to his old job that month. B. Phu said thathe will return to his old job that month, C. Phuc said thet I will return to my old job that month, D. Phuc said thet I would return to my old job that month, Question 33: Primary and middle school haven't studied online since last week. A. Primary and middle school didn’t study online last week. B. Primary and midele school have studied online for a week. C. Primary and middle school have a month to study oaline D. Primary and middle school last studied online last week. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that hest fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38. Like people, animals have their own personality, talent and achieve fame. G4) of them become famous through films, TV or advertisements, and others thrangh their work. (5) they rescue people or play arole in a war. Sill others have dane something special or been the Bist to do something There have been many famous dogs in history. One of them is Hachiko, a dog thatis remembered for his G6) to his owner. Hachileo was born in Japan in 1923 and was owned by Hidesaburd Ueno, a professor at Tokyo University. Every day, Hachiko waited for Ueno at Shibuya station and the pair walked home together. One day in May 1925, Ueno died suddenly at work. For the next nine years, nine months and 15 days, his faithful dog continued to mect the train (7) his owner used to take every dey, At first the station staff did aot welcome him, tut gradually people understood and began giving him food and treats, Hachio did not stop waiting for Uenountil his own death in 1935. There have been films and books about Hackiko. Every year, there is af an (38) to commemorate him at the railway station in Tokyo, where ne waited for his owner so faithiully, (Adapted tom Mindset for IRLTS Level 1 by Cambridge English) . Every B, Each ©. Little D. Some Question 35: A. However B, Moreover C. For example D, Otherwise B. loyalty ©. dream D. promise B. which C. who D. when Question 38: A. anniversary B, festival C. holiday D. ceremony Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B,C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 39 ta 43. ‘When you flush the toilet or take a shower, the water goes down the drain. But then what happens? Does it go directly into the rivers or the sea’ No. The wastewater needs special treatment to make it clean and useble again. Let's follow the joumey of wastewter. Once wastewater goes down the drain, i enters a sewer pipe underground. The pipe takes the wastewster to a sewage treatment plant. The first step of the sewage treatment process is to remove large objects from the water. After that, the wastewater is sent to large tanks, where the solid waste sinks to the bottom. Then, the solid waste is separated from the water until only tiny bits remain, ‘The wateris then moved to the next treatment area. Here, air is pumpedinto the water. The air helps bacteria eat the tiny bits of solid waste. Finally, some chemicals are added to kill the harmful bugs you can’t see. The wateris clean now and ready to be released and sent back into the water supply. It can be used for everything from watering gardens to filling swimming pools. I’s evenused to make drinking water! At last, the water has retumed to us once again. (Adapted from Subject links Level 4 by Build & Grow) Question 39: What is this passage mainly about? A. Why clean water is important B. Water is used in cleaning C. How we can stop wasting water D. The process of cleaning wastewater DUAN DE THE THO TOT NGHIEP THPT NAb 2022 21 Question 40: The word “i” in paragraph 2 refers to A. wastewater B. drain C. sewer pipe D. treatment plant Question 41: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 and 3 as whatis removed from wastewater? A. tiny bits B. solid waste C. chemicals D. bugs Question 42: According to paragraph 3, which helps bacteria eat the tiny bits of solid waste? Avair B. bugs C. wastewater D. coal ‘Question 43: The phrase “at last” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A. firstly B. finally C.patly Dz fully Read ihe following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer fo each of the questions front 44 to 50. The Globe Shakespeare's Globe Theatre is a popular topic far people interested in theater and history However, the Glabe Theatre as we knowit today is nat the same building that was used criginally. In fact, the Globe was situated in many different places during its long history. ‘When the rental agreement on the original location ended, one ofthe actors bought a theater called the Blackfriars, which was located in another part of town. However, many complaints from neighbors and the town council led to the creation of a petition that requested that the acting group move their company out cf town, Upset with thisnews, the actors retumed to the origind theater, took most of it apart, and then moved the materials across the Thames River to Bankside, where they proceeded ta construct the next version ofthe Glabe This endeavor, though, did not go so smoothly. The owner af the original Globe Theatre, who hai rented itto the actors, took the acting group to court. He wanted the actore to pay for the damage they had done te his building. Inthe end, however, the actors won the case and coatimued to construct their “newly- acqpeired’ thecter. Later, the actors split their plays between the original theater and the new Globe. In 1643, the original Globe Theatre burned to the ground. How did this happen? Historians believe that acannon that was shat during a performance ofthe play Heary Vill started alarge fire. Yet, the Globe Theatre still survived. A new Globe was later completed on tae same site before Shakespeare's death However, it was shut down by the Purtans in 1642 ani later destroyed during the English Civil War of 1643 In May of 1997, Queen Blizabeth II officially opened anewly constructed version ofthe Globe with a production of Henry V. This is the Globe Theatre that people visit today. The queen wanted the new theater to be much likethe old one, The new model is very simular to the original theater. Forinstance, it is also athree-story building. Also, it has seating for 1,400 people. It also has an area called the “yard” on the lower level. In its first season, the theater attracted 210,000 people. (Adapted from “Developing Siills for the TOEFL iBT intermediate”) Question 44: What is the main idea ofthe passage? A. Thehistory of the Globe Theatre B. The renovation of the Globe Theare C. The construction of the Globe Theare D. Acting at the Globe Theare Question 45: The word "proceeded” :n paragraph 2 is closestin meaning to A. continued B. began C. marched D. hurried Question 46: The word “acquired” in paragraph 3 could be best repl aced with which of the following? A.stolen B. bougit €. discovered D. obtained Question 47: According to the passage, what is TRUE of the original Globe Theatre? A. Tt was nat popular at frst. B.Ithad three levels €. It was in downtown London. D. The tickets were not very expensive. Question 48: What is NOT mentionedin the passage bout the Globe Theatre? A. There was controversy surrounding the Globe when it was first in operation. B. The new version ofthe Globe is much like the Globe asit was hundreds of years ago. C. alll visitors to the new Globe will find the theater accommodating and pleasurable. D. Theater-goers should understand that the Globe is not like other modern theaters. Question 49: Based on the information in paragraph 4, what can be inferred about the Puritans? A They loved Shakespeare. B, They lived in America C. They did not like plays. D. They wore black clothes Question 50: The word “its” in paragraph 5 refers to A. the season B. the program C. the theater D. the play. — HET-- DU AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 22 A DU AN KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 y WEEN THENG ANH i thi: NGOAI NGU, Mén thi: TIENG ANH ‘DE THI THAM KHAO hoi gian phat dé Ho, ten thi sinh:... Sé bio danh: DE SO 06 Mark the letter A, B, C oF D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1: The Hydro-Ram is a wonderful which makes it easier for firemen to get people out of crashed cars. Av invention B. invent inventive D. inventively Question 2: Your parents will celebrate their wedding anniversary next month, A. will they B. won't they C. do they D. don’t they Question 3: The new tape player I bought was a(n) __, and Tim going to take it back to the store for a new one. A. lemon B. peach . banana Question 4: Generally, students get the entrance examination results August. Avon Cin D. since Question 3: Some of the __of exercising are that it relieves stress and puts you in a good mood, A. profits B. benefits Cepleasures D. thrills Question 6: In some countries, many old-aged parents like to live in a nursing home they want to lead independent lives, A. because B. because of C. despite D. althou Question 7: Last week, Ivisited a castle, A. ancient spooky German B, German spooky ancient C. spooky ancient German D. spooky German ancient Question 8: You can these new words in the dictionary if you don’t know their meanings. A. look for Be look up Cotake after D. put off Question 9: When Jane the park, she saw some children play football. A. walks B. has walked C. was walking D. is walking Question 10: | will contaet you, A. as soon as | get the information B. as soon as | got the information C. as soon as | had got the information D. as soon as I was getting the information Question 11: In order to progress in speaking skill, you need to practise everyday, A. do B. take C. get D. make Question 12: Do you think the government should try to a deal with the terrorists? A. hit B. attack C. strike D. beat Question 13: A car ext to the bank last A. parks B. was parking D. was parked Question 14: a password, I was sure that my email box would be secure. A. Have changed B. Having changed C. Have been changed ——_D. Have been changing Question 15: The harder you practise, results you will have. A. the better B. the best C. much better D. better Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 16: Miss Linh has just shown Hoa how to cook spring roll. Hoa: “Thanks a lot for your help".” Miss Linh: “ 7 A. My happiness B. My excitement C. My pleasure D. My delight Question 17: Minh is talking to his teacher in the classroom, Porter: “Shall I help you with your laptop and projector?” Mary A. Not a chance. B. That’s very kind of you. G Lam happy you like them, D. What a pity! DUAN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 23 Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 18 A. computer B. habitat C. destruction D.importance Question 19. A-happen _B. provide ©. reduce D.mantain Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 20. A. late B. dance ©. hate D.take Question 21. A.laughed —_B. watched C. stopped. D.arrived Mark the letter A, B, C or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning f0 the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: She was a truly remarkable woman wao accomplished so much as a strong woman in aman's world, A attractive B. exceptional ©. famons D interesting Question 23: His electronic games machine fumetions as a medical therapy that helps him reduce stress after work. A. plays B. becomes ©. works D. introduces Mark the letter A, B,C, or Don your answer sheet io indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning f0 the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 24: At the opening of the new hotel, the champagne was on the house, A.was given free B. was served well . was out cfreach D. needed paying for Question 25: Despitea tough upbringing, model Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien made history by becoming Vietnam’ s first ever Miss Grand Intemational 2021 A. good Bhard Co difficult D. uneasy Mark the letier A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each piir of sentences in the following questions. ‘Question 26: Learning never stops. Itis in progress during the Covid-19 school closures in Vietnam. A. Not for one moment is leaming paused ducing the Covid-19 school closures in Vietnam. B.Little does leaming go on during the Covid-19 school closures in Vietnam. ©. Atno time leaming discontinues during the Covid-19 school closures in Vietnam, D.Thder no circumstance should education continue during the Covid-19 school closures in Vietnam Question 27: They often leave the kitchen in such amess. He always has to clean before he cooks A. Aslong as they don't leave the kitchen in such a mess, he needn't clean before he cooks B. If only they tidied the kitchen, he would have to clean before he cooks. CIE they hacn’tleft the kitchen in such amess, he wouldn't have cleaned before he cooks D. He wishes they tidied the kitchen so that he woul dn’ t have to clean before he cooks. Mark the letter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 28: My family usually went to the same place for dinner on Saturday nights A B c D Question 29: Ginny's parents didn’t give her any money because his properiies were given to A B the charity before she was bom. c D Question 30: We are all too dismissal of Local traditions in cur modem world, but they can have A B c avery strong impact on us D Markihe letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is clasestin meaning io each of the following questions. Question 31: Ii's impossible for him to finish his homewerkin 2 hours A. He can finish his homework in 2 hours B. He can’t finish his homeworkin 2 hours C. He should finish his homework in 2hours D. He may finish his homework in 2 hours Question 32: “I’m going to be here a noon.” Julia said A. Julia said she is going to be there at noon. B. Julia said she was going to be here at noon. C. Julia said she was going tobe there at noon. _D. Julia said she is going to be here at noon. Question 33: [last went to the cinema 6 months ago Diy aN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 24 A. I didn’t go to the cinema 6 months ago. B.Thave gone to the cinema for 6 months. C. have 6 months to go to the cinema D.Ihaven't goneto the cinema for 6 moaths Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that hest fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38. ‘Trees protect the soil beneath them, thus, tree less can affect soil integrity. (34) , the rain forest floor. home to myriad plant Life as well as insects. worms. reptiles and amphibians. and small mammals, relies on a dense canopy of branches and leaves to keep it healthy and intact. Tree roots also stabilize the soil and help prevent erosion. In exchmge a healthy soil encourages root development and microbial activity, (35) contribute to tree growth and well-being. A major factor in logging-related soil damage comes from road building, with trucks and other heavy equipment compressing the spongy soil, creating furrows where water collects, and disrupting the underground water flow. Eventually, the topsoil wears away, leaving behind a (36) layer of rocks and hard clay. Logging can also (37) aquatic habitats. Vegetation along rivers and stream banks helps maintain a steady water flow by blocking the entry of coil and other residue, and trees shade inhibits the growth of algae. Removing trees obliterates these benefits. When eroding soil flows into waterways, the organic matter within itconsumes more oxygen, which can lead to oxygen depletion in the water, killing fish and (38) aquatic wil dife (Adapied from Essential words for the IRLTS by Dr. Lin Lougheed) Question 34: A. However B. For example C. Moreover D. Although Question 35: A. that B. whom C. which D. who Question 36: A. Fruitiess B. sterile ©. fertile D. nutrient Question 37: A-harm B. injure C. spoil D. damage Question 38: A. other B. many C. few D. others Read the following passage and mark the lewer A, B, Cor Don your answer sheet w indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 29 to 43. Inthe past, cellphones were big aad heavy. In the future, telephones will still be big. The good news is that people will be able to fold them ia half to make them smaller. The “folcable phone" is now in devel opment. One company has ccie up with a smartphone and tablet in one This device can fold down to the size of a regular cellphone to make it “pocket-size.” The foldable phone has a larger screen, keyboard, and high-quality speakers. This makes it easy to use. The flexible display can go from smartphone to tablet just by unfolding it. The interior screen is so big that it can run three different apps at the same time, People can watch avideo, talk about it, and browse wetsites online. There are also two batteries inside the phone—one on eath side, ‘Many companies have been looking for ways to improve smartphones. The foldable phone is unlike anything else that has come before it. This powerful machine is a smariphone, computer, and camera all in one. There is a current race to get foldable phones on the market. But we'll have to wait and see how well these new smartphones work. IF people like them, maybe one day we will be able to fold and even stretch our phone. (Adapted from 2000 core English words by Jenna Myers and Thomas Hong) Question 39: What is the passage mainly about? A. Smariphone that can stretch B. Smartphone that can fold C. Smartphone with two batteries D. Smartphone with large keyboards Question 40: The word them in paragraph 1 refers to A. news . cellphones C. people D. devices Question 41: According to paragraph 2, why is the foldable phone user-friendly? A. Ithas a larger screen, keyboard, andhigh-quality speakers. B. It can run more than three different apps at the same time. C. Ibis a regular cellphone with two batteries insi de. D. It can be folded or stretched at any time. Question 42: The wordrun in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. operate B. dive C. travel D. move Question 43: According to paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the all- in-one functions of the foldable phone? A. Smartphone B. Computer. C. Camera. D. Printer. DUAN DE THE THO TOT NGHIEP THPT NAb 2022 25 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer fo each of the questions from 44 to 50. Globalisation has affected most aspects of ourlives. One areawhich has changedis education ‘More and more people move to different countries for their studies, At the same time, more people stay at home and study by distance leaming, It is now easy to leam without attending a college or university, or attending less often. "Blended learning’ means studying partly in a traditional way in the classroom and parily online or via email. Different countries have benefited from the globalisation of education in differeat ways. Students can get an intemationally recognised degree at amuch cheaper price than going abroad and so canimprove their chances of getting a good job. At the same time, those in the countries providing world-class degrees also benefit. They have greater access to ideas and knowledge from all over the world and having intemational students enrich their universities. However, it is not good news for everyone in some developing countries. It is usually the elite who are prosperous enough to have access to intemational education, Many people in rural areas have not even had a primary edncation ‘Also, those areas usually do not have reliable internet connections and most people do not own a computer. It will take a bit more time for intemational opportunities to reach everyone in devel oping countries. Unfortunately, one concem people have about globalisation is that it cam start to mean ‘westemisation', In other words, local knowledge can be lost and money seen as more important than culture Educational institutions have changed their focus che to globalisation. There are so many benefits of having overseas students that universities are competing for them, using strategies from the world of business. There is also more emphasis on the student experience There is more focus on customer care, especially helping international students to settle in, improve their English and understand the academic culture of the host country (Adapted from Mindset jor IELTS by Greg Archer and Lucy Passmore) Question 44: Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A The impact of globalisation in education B The objectives of alobalisation as economic development ©. The advantages of globalisation to different countries D. The challenges of globali sation to change the world Question 45: The word blended learning in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A lifedong leaming B online leaming C. multi-method learning D. distance leaming Question 46: The word carein paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A service B competition C. difficulty D. difference Question 47: All of these are advantages of globalised education except A. Students in devel oping countries can get better jobs. B Students can get adegree at a cheaper price. ©. Universities benefit from international students D. The wealthy get most of the opportunities Question 48: Who benefits from globalised education in developing countries? A. almost everyone in those countries B. mainly well-off people in big towns ©. only those in developed countries D. only those who own a computer Question 49: It can be inferred from the passage that educational institutions have changed becanse ‘A. They have become poor value for money. B. Staff are not commitied to their students C. They have focused on attracting stdents. D. They only want foreign students Question 50: The word those in paragraph 2 refers to A. intemational students B. job opportunities C. universities D. local students HET DU AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 26 - py AN KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 fave TENG AN Bai thi: NGOAINGU, Mon thi: TIENG ANH E THI THAM KHAO Théi gian lam bai: 60 phi, kh hong ké thoi gia phd dé Ho, tén thi sinh: 86 bao danh: DESO07 Mark the lewer A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1: Each element of the ceremony has a meaning. symbolize B. symbol C. symbolism D. symbolic Question 2: His parents are hospitable, 2 A. do they B. don’t they C. are they D, aren't they Question 3: I'm from a family of doctors, so Ireally with tradition when I went to art school. Awent B. took C. contacted D, broke Question 4: He moved to London May 2019. Ain B.on C. at D. from Question 5: He uses his to write about his passion for science. A. chat room B. app C. blog D, data Question 6: The old man couldn’t read the magazine it was too dark there. A. despite B. because of C. because D. although Question 7: Tom wanted to buy this car 2 years ago. white luxurious Japanese B. Japanese luxurious white white Japanese lusurious D. luxurious white Japanese Question 8: Cheo singing has been for generations. and the oral tradition is still very much alive today. A. taken afier B. landed on C. passed down D. set off Question 9: Minh Huy his assignments when his parents came back home from work, A. was doing B. does C. is doing D. has done Question 10: the manager assistant will inform us about the result, A. When the meeting had ended B. When the meeting ended C. When the meeting ends D. When the meeting was ending Question 11: Jack often __simple mistakes in his reports. A. goes B. makes C. puts D. does Question 12: If parents are caught telling lie, they will their children's respect. Ahold B. keep C. lose D. disappear Question 13: Our missions two days ago. A. finish were finished C, were finishing D, have finished Question 14: all money supported by his family, some students started to do a part-time job to make ends meet. A. Have spent B. Having spent C. Have been spending —_—_‘D Have been spent Question 15: The sooner we start the project, result we may get. A. the best B. the better G. the more good D. the most good Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges Question 16: David and Helen are attending a birthday party together. wid: * You've got a beautiful dress!” ~ Helen: * i A. Ido. B. Thanks for your compliment C. You too D.OK Question 17: Mary is talking to Tom about her job interview ~ Mary: “ I've got an interview for a job tomorrow.” - Tom: * fe A. Thank you B. Same to you C. Good luck D. See you Mark the leter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 18: A. sacrifice B.employment _C. politics D. energy Question 19: A. finish B. listen Cureduce Dz visit DUAN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 27 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 20: A. permitted —B, wanted ©. stopped D. needed Question 21: A. park B start ©. card D catch Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning a the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: It has been raining so heavily for along time. Will it ever let up? A. brighten B. stop C. clear D. darken Question 23: Tourists flock to Phu Quoc to enjoy the holiday after along time of social distancing A. come without arrangement B. come in large numbers C. come out of boredom D. come by plane Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet io indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning f0 the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 24: The Supreme Courts’ mling should decide this matter once and for all A. forever B. atonce C. temporarily Di in the end Question 25: After months of fruitless negotiations with team owners, the city withdrew its offer to build a new stadium. A. profitable B futile C. purposeful, D. useless Mark the latier A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions ‘Question 26: My relationship with my father is important, I has shaped my attitude towards men. A. But for theimportant relationship with my father. it would have shaped my attitude towards men B. Only if my relationship with my fher were important would it shape my attitude towards men. ©. So important is my relationship with my father that it has shaped my attitude towards men D. Not until my relationship with my father had shaped my attitude towards men was it important. Question 27: My beloved teacher has gone abroad, she can’t attend my farewell party. A. only his belovedteacher had been at home and could have attended his farewell party. B. He wishes his beloved teacher were at home and he could attend his farewell pasty. ©. Aslong ashis beloved teacher is at home, she can attend his farewell party. D. If his beloved teacher is at home, she can attend his farewell party Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 28: Tue visits Trang An Scenic complex with her family last summer A B c D Question 29: [ asked my kids to get off his phones and take part in some outdoor activities A By o D Question 30: Many large enterpriseshave established research and development centres to develoo A B c technologies for the fourth industrious revolution, D Mark ihe lener A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet io indicate the sentence that is closestin meaning 1a each of the following questions. Question 31: It is against the law to park on adouble yellow line A. You are allowed to park on a double yellow line. B. You must park on a double yellow line. C. You must not park on a double yellow line D. You allow to park on a double yellow line Question 32: He said, “have bought this car since last year” A. He said that he had bought this car since the previous year B He said that he had bought that car since the previous year C. He said that he has bought this car since last year. D. He said that he just bought that car since the previous year. Question 33: She started working for this company many years ago. A. She has worked for this company since many years B. She worked for this company for many years. C. She has worked for this company for many years. D. She has started working for this company many years DU AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 28 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that hest fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 10 38. ‘The life span of aa elephant that dies from natural causes is about sixty-five years, Of course, an elephant can perish from a number of “unnatural causes”, e.g., it can be killed by hunters, most probably for the valuable ivory in its tusks; it can die fram diseases that spread throughout an elephant herd, or it can die from drought or from the lack of food (34) almost certainly accompanies the inadequate supply of water. If G5) an elephant survives these disasters, it falls grey to old age in its mid-sizties Around this age, the (36) __ of death is attributed to the loss of the final set of molars. When this last set of teeth is gone, the elephant des from malnutrition because it is unable to obtain adequate (B7)__. In cldage, elephants tend to search ont a final home where there is shade for comfort from the sun and soft vegetation for cushioning, the bones of (38)____old elephants have been found in such places, (Adapted ftom Longman Compleie course for the TOELF Test- Deborah Phillip) Question 34° A. who B whose Co what D. that Question 35: A. therefore Bin addition C.however D. otherwise Question 36; A. reason B cause ©. factor D. effect Question 37. A. nourishment B. drink C\ refreshment D. meal Question 38; A. much Bmany each D. every Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43 Big Bend National Park in the southwest of Texas is one of the most majestic desert areas in the Thited States. It is part of the Chihuahua, which is one of the largest deserts in North America and stretches over both America and Mexico. Big Bend Park is home to mountains, rivers, basins, valleys, as well asmany plants and animals. Itis not as popular of a national park as some others. This may be because ittakes an extremely long time to get there, Big Bend National Park is hunckeds of miles from the nearest legitimate town or airport ‘When people go there, they need to make sure that their cars have plenty of gas. There is a large risk of runniag out. ‘When visitors get to the park, they are usually happy that they drove all the way. The park is 1,252 square miles of desert beauty There are beautiful cactus blooms as well as glorious sunsets. The hiking trails are magnificent, Visitors can stay in a lodge that is run by the park or camp with their own equipment, However, visitors should be careful, Even though the park is incredibly hot during the day, the lack of moisture in the air makes the heat dissipate at night. The nights a Big Bend ae surprisingly cold. It's important to bring a warm sleeping bag (Adapted from Master TOBFL Junior Advanced- Reading Comprehension- Richie Hain) Question 39: Which title best summarizes the main idea of the passage? A. A Place of Desert Howers B. Cactus Bloom at Big Bend C. A National Park to Be Visited D.A Desert That Is Coldat Night Question 40: Inline 10, the word “lodge” is closestinmeaning to A bed Binn C. cavern D. restaurant Question 41: The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to B. people C. visitors D. miles Question 42: According to paragraph 2, which of the following can be a reacon to explain that Big Bend Parkisn’tas popular as some others? A. This too cold for most visitors. B.A lot of people don’t want to visit Texas C. Most cars aren’t strong enough to get there. D. It is very far away from a town of an airport, Question 43: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about staying overnight at Big Bend? A.Ii’s better to stay in the lodge. B. There are generally two different ways to sleep. C. Visitors can bring their own camping equipment. D. It's too cold outside without a warm sleeping bag Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet io indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 44 to 50. Climate change has already increased the risk of wildfire globally, according to anew review of research that suggests the weather conditions that led to the Australian wil dfires will become more common in future. DUAN bE THE THO TOT NGHIEP THPT NAb 2022 29 In light of the ongoing wildfire crisis in Australia, Richard Betts atthe UK Mct Office in Excter and his colleagues reviewed 57 peer-reviewed studies about the link between climate change and wildfize risk. All of them found that climate change increases the frequency or severity of fire- favourable weather conditions. The review found that fire weather seasons have lengthened globally between 1979 and 2013, Fire weather generally involves hot temperaiures, low humidity, low rainfall in the preceding days and weeks, and windy conditions, Climate models also suggest that more extreme conditions and longer fire seasons come as a result of climate change, rather than fluctuations due to natural variation, the review reported. The recent extreme weather in Australia — 2019 was both its hottest and driest year on record — will become the “new normal” if the world continues a trajectory of warming close to 3°C, said Betts at a press briefing on Monday. Under Met Office modelling of 2°C of global warming, south-eastern Anstraliais predicted io experience an extra 20 to 30 days per year of fire conditions sated as “severe” or worse on the McAsthur Forest Fire Danger Index, said Betts Jn severe fire conditions, fires that start may become uncontrollable In the worst conditions, which have been seen in Anstralia this wildfire season and are rated“ catastrophic’, fires cannot be controlled and pose a threat to life and property. Limiting climate change to well below 2°C in line with the Paris climate deal is key to lowering future fire risks, the review concluded. (Adapted from httys./hnow newscientist comfarticle Question 44: Which of the foll owing is the best title for the passage? A. Wildfire crisis in Australia B. The risk of wildfire globally caused by climate change. ©. Wildfire crisis causes and effects D. How to control wildfire crisis globally. Question 45: According to paragraph 3, climate change leads to A. low rainfall B. longer fire seasous ©. lowering future fire risks D. uncontrdllable wildfires Question 46: The word trajectory in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. uncontrollable crisis —_B. threat C. property D. curved path Question 47: The word them in paragraph 2refers to AL peer-reviewed studies B. wildfire crises ©. climate change and wildfire riske D. colleagues Question 48: The word catastrophicin paragraph 4 is Closest in meaning t> A. controllable B. severe C. disastrous D. extreme Question 49: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. There will be more wildfires in Australia caused by severe weather condition, B. Hot temperatures, low hurri ity, low rainfall are signs of fire weather. C. Severe forest fires are often uncontrollable D. Forests fires in south-eastemn Australia often lasts 20 to 30 days per year. Question 50: Which of the foll owing can be inferred from the passage? A. Forest fires in Australia are more severe than other places B. There’s a close relationship between climate change and wil dfires. C. Wildfires are more and more uncontrollable D. Richard Betts has done aresearch about wildfires all over the world. -HET- DY AN DE THI THE TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 30 - py AN KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM 2022 fave TENG AN Bai thi: NGOAINGU, Mon thi: TIENG ANH E THI THAM KHAO Théi gian lam bai: 60 phi, kh hong ké thoi gia phd dé Ho, tén thi sinh: 86 bao danh: DESO 08 Mark the leter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer 10 each of the following questions. ‘Question 1: He was convicted of causing to other road users. A. danger B. endanger G. dangerous D, dangerously Question 2: She was brought up in the slums of Leeds, 2 A. was she B. wasn’t she C. did she D. didn’t she Question 3: I was so close to the moon, but I missed the last trick in the game! A. shooting B. bolting C. reaching D. promising Question 4: He's particularly keen football. Ain B. for Cof Deon Question 5: This year’s festival attracted thousands of A. onlookers B. audiences C. viewers D. spectators Question 6: It was cold outside the sun was shining. A. because B. because of C. although D. despite Question 7: The street coffee shop only has four tables. A. small round wooden B. round small wooden C. small wooden round D. round wooden small Question 8: Bill Gates ha lots of his money to charity. A. given back B. given away C. called on D. called for Question 9: My children when T came home last night. A. slept B. had slept C. have slept D. were sleeping, Question 10: We will go out A. after you have finished your dinner _B. afer you had finished your dinner after you finished your dinner D. after you will finish your dinner Question 11: She _a feeble effort to smile, then started erying again. A. did B. gave C. took D. made Question 12: What rate will I get if T my dollars into euros? A. transform B. convert C. transfer D. transmit Question 13: A new residential area n my town soon. A. built B. will be built C. will build D, has built Question 14: for ten hours, the rescue team found the child. A. Searching B. Searched C. Having searched D. Having been searched Question 15: The more thoroughly you read the story, you understand its plot. A. better B. the best C. the better D. best Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges Question 16: Selena is asking for permission. Selena: “Would you mind if I stayed a few more minutes?” Katy: “ 7 A. No, of course not B. Actually speaking, Tmyself don’t like it C. I'm afraid that it is possible. D. Pm not sure. Question 17: An is thanking Kate for helping her, Ann: “Thank you. I couldn’t have finished my presentation without your help.” Kate: A. Forget about it, I didn’t mean so B. [highly appreciate what you did. . It doesn’t matter anyway D. Never mind. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 18: A. domestic _ B, illegal C. powerful D. attractive DUAN DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2022 31

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