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Something / somewhere / somebody(one)

Affirmative form:

 There’s something under the bed. (algo)

 I want to go somewhere nice on holydays. (algún lugar)
 Somebody called you this morning. (alguien)
 Something happened yesterday.
 The company needs someone trained
 There is someone at the door.
 I went somewhere dark in my dreams.

Anything / Anywhere / anybody(one)

Negative form:

 There isn’t anything under the bed. (nada)

 I didn’t go anywhere interesting last year. (ningún lugar)
 When I arrived to the party, there wasn’t anybody there. (nadie)
 There isn't anything to eat.
 There isn’t anyone in the room.
 You won't find me anywhere.

Anything / Anywhere / anybody(one)

Interrogative form:

 Is there anything under the bed? (algo)

 Did you go anywhere interesting last year? (algún lugar)
 Did anyone call me this morning? (alguien)
 Is there anything to watch in the TV?
 Can anyone help me?
 Did anybody practice for the test of math?
 Are you going anywhere hot?
Nothing / Nowhere / Nobody (no one)

Affirmative form with negative meaning:

 There is nothing under the bed.

 I went nowhere interesting last year.
 There is no one in the room.
 There is nothing to play today.
 There is no one to help you.
 There is nowhere to hide.
 There is no one at home.
 She did nothing to deserve that.
 Nobody can go to the beach.

*Did you go anywhere nice yesterday?

No, nowhere.

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