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Fashion Report

Hi, I’m Luis Fernando Mendez Garcia and i will talk about you a bout how fashion
has changed the world.
I added my report based on the source: the conversation /Fashion’s potential to
influence politics and culture.

the whole world is always evolving, so it also impacts the way we see ourselves, all
generations have undergone some kind of change in clothing, no matter how small.
For example, in the 80s, a type of clothing was worn, which in 2022 you will hardly
see or even never. Although not everything has been only favorable and positive
changes, there have also been many problems due to fashion and the way in
which society labels other people and this is something that continues to happen to
date, for example even though past decades it still looks bad, if a woman enters
the church with a miniskirt, heels and low neckline.
This is just one example that expresses the fact that it greatly impacts the way we
dress and even though many of us only see it as something superficial, fashion still
affects cultures.

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