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LATHE chisel

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Allow me to introduce myself, my name isAulia Arinanda Fadilah from the Department
of Mechanical Engineering at the Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. Here I will explain about
Chisel Lathe. as follows:
- Lathe Chisel is a major cutting tool commonly used in the turning process. The
type of lathe chisel varies depending on its function. This means that one type of
lathe chisel in principle should not be used for various types of work.

- Jlathe chisel:
1. Right-aligned lathe
2. Left-aligned lathe chisel
3. Sculpt face
4. Chisel cut
5. Thread chisel
6. Chisel groove
7. Chisel shape
8. Chisel chamfer
9. Chisel Lathe Flat Inside
10. Deep Facing Lathe Chisel
11. Deep Groove Chisel
12. Deep Thread Chisel

- The current machining process has progressed in various aspects, starting from the
machine technology used, the workpiece material used, and no less important the tool
material used.
The tool material greatly affects the production results and the efficiency of the
production process. That means, each tool material has different characteristics. The
following are the types of tool materials used in the machining process:
1. High Carbon Steel
2. High Speed Steel
3. Diamond
4. ceramic
5. Carbide
That's my brief explanation of Chisel Lathe, I thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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