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a NOFFICIAL This is an unofficial and private fan work and the display of any Copyrighted material has only an flustratwe purpose and do not aim to arm i any way tho owner of te legtimate rights. it was ho possible fo contactor dd not racewve any anavwer, anyhow the author of this booklot roady to remove any imago. or material that could cause offense fo the fogtimate owner. This work i not ‘meant for profi but to enhance interest in the Team Yankee game with only benef for Batofront Miniatures. AUTHORSSNOTE Welcome to the second edition of this Beta auy list! It is since the release of the book Leopard for West Germans that I wanted to create a list for the Italian Army during the Cold War. The Team Yankee game is amazing and fun to play, It would be gs battle scenarios in the Medit to size the many opportunities for sniean Sea and Middle East! This booklet is the result of many months of engagement and research on the fiagmentary information about the Italian Army in the *80s, Most of the units use US Anny or West German equipment, Therefore guidelines for the units rules were found in the books: Siripes, Leopard and Free Nations It took me several hours of work and the help of all the material available in this pdf. | wish to thank for their help the gami ood people to collect and order group of Florence “The Hobby Room”, the Italian Team Yankee forum members Team Yankee Facebook group and the whole community of the This booklet is an unofficial gnide on how to play the Esercito Haliano in the Team Yankee game. It is still a Beta version, as Lam still collecting the models and playtesting the list. The nest step will be to convince miniatures manufacturers to produce the missing models for the collection. L hope to ear any contributi: or constmetive erities at stefirmo zanini$ 1G gmail. com Happy gaming! of et BN VN NN i ITALIAN REPUBLIC Italy can be described as having been on the front line during the cold war, the Southern end of Churchill's Tron Curtain’ referred to as Trieste. After the Second World War, Italy was ruled by the Christian Democracy party fully backed the Catholic Church, The other party, the very huge Communist Party, which was treated as the largest in the Western Europe, was always in opposition at all time. The latter can be addressed to the considerable role played by the U.S. embassy in Italian political life during the Cold War. US policy at the time was driven by one imperative: Italy, a crucial member of NATO, could not let the Communist Party enter into the government, They succeeded in keeping the Italian Communists out of power, thanks largely to the revulsion caused by the Red Brigades’ terrorism and to the divisions between social democrats and hard-line Leninists within the Communist Party itself. In 1951 the Italian Army had joined the NATO and was part of the Allied Forces Souther Europe, ready to defend against a possible invasion from or through Yugoslavia. The field troops were comprised basically of combined NATO ground forces deployed in the north central and northeastern parts of the country. They were intended for ‘waging combat operations in conjunction with the troops of other countries in the bloc, mainly US Air Force, the US Army 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, to be strengthen in a second moment by land reinforcements arriving from Spain and Portugal. THE ITALIAN ARMY By 1985 the army consisted of 260,000 active duty soldiers, of which 189,000 were conscripts serving only 12 months. An additional number of reserves available for immediate mobilization was estimated at 250,000. Operational strength was nineteen tank battalions (Leopard 1A2), seven Armored battalions combined tanks and mechanized infantry, with M60s and M1 13s APCs, 4 reconnaissance squadrons, 32 mechanized infantry brigade (M113s), and 14 motorized infantry battalions (5 in reserve) MII3 APCs were cheap and by far the most common tank types in service in the Esercito Italiano, produced under license in 4000 exemplars and derived into multiple variants like the up-armoured CCV, and the SIDAM- 25. The weapons and equipment used by the Italian army in 1985 varied in age and quality At the beginning of the year about 1,750 main battle tanks were listed in the inventory, but nearly one third of these (550 United States M47) would be considered obsolescent and equipped only reserve units, The remaining 1,200 main battle tanks were divided disproportionately: 300 M60 and 920 Leopard 1, Many of the tanks were produced in Italy under license as well as the improved version of the M113. The army also used greatly as artillery the 155mm gun jointly developed by Italy, Britain, and West Germany and generally used throughout NATO, From 1975 the intermediary regimental level was deleted and Battalions were placed under direct command of the Brigades HQ. The Army components were organized in 1985 into five armored and seven mechanized brigades grouped into four divisions (one armored, three mechanized): five Alpine (mountain) brigades; one separate mechanized infantry brigade; five motorized infantry brigades; and one airborne brigade. In 1985 there was also one missile brigade. The aviation component consisted of 52 helicopter squadrons and four aviation wings In the 1980s the army continued to bolster esprit de corps through the adaptation of the wealth of colorful military traditions to the modern army. The Bersaglieri, for example, Oonuehnd a CORPS Ever) CORPS ITALY who served as the assault infantry to the armored divisions and brigades, wore the helmet decorated with a large black capercaillie feather. From 1958-59, the Italian army was divided between the Il Army Corps (Milan), IV Alpine Army Corps (Bolzano) and V Army Corps DEFENDING THE SOGLIA DI GORIZIA The best equipped units were in charge of the crucial Northeastem sector and the narrow “Gorizia’s gate”, between the Adriatic and the Alps, which leads to Italy and Southern Europe. Gorizia was the centre of the first line defense strategies of the Allied Land Forces Southern Europe’s command. The IV and V Army Corps had a defensive role, supported by a complex of fortified bunkers placed in crucial transit areas toward Italy. Soviet and Hungarian troops, probably supported by communist Yugoslavians would face the entrenched Fanteria d’Arresto. The II Army Corps was intended to counter attack Soviet forces, once the enemy have penetrated into National territory SOVIET SOUTHERN SCO scLc nt Tey Nh a a paar ie Peer ae mS aM INTL YUGOSLAVIA ESERCITO ITALIANO DIVISIONE CENTAURO eT Ai tare4NLAN GRUPPO ESPLORANTI ere Peete acre) y) ara Ea Coca Cea ‘GRUPPO ARTIGLIERIA inatnced ty DIVISIONE ARIETE een HTTP Een tev.) faery) GRUPPO ESPLORANTI irene eae riid Pang c) ey ere ure ec aan pee Srl vaal steels Io eae sey Nit) enc Tr written by STEFANO ZANINI COMPAGNIA CARRI LEOPARD Preor y eo Ne Nt eR a Rg DR LEOPARD 1A5 /MM|_ LEOPARD 15, — moe CTT ete bs DES. “TANKUNIT= BAZOOKA SKIRTS “INFRARED (I) TS HIT ON ae eo NEWS Peer Te) eo TN be MODAL oon BN PoNTeNs rane pe ay written by STEFANO ZANINI ud PLOTON — CU) ero Ce Wai clad rrr) i aie Eee Gh) Pee (Cini) 3+ s7202H 27200 12 Pate w7Ps0en | AUTO Ix BM 59 rifle team 1x Breda Folgore team U5) Fille teom reri40c0 Serre) | (iment Ye | ek ers ears Poor ZA) Pra N eT) Poe Poo written by STEFANO ZANINI PLOTONE BERSAG! 1G 289 tam | * Eel A 9 Corona : oro 8mm SOcIAAMG 2 /s00u Ed ord Pree rrr) CETTE EEL on ae Ix BM 59 cif - 4+ 3+ ik MIB Eee ore 99 ier Koad Er eee eas tae Por Por coy Cory eet) Per) a lt eT Dat TUTE CET YY cay Fue en Sissel rend a Cree antes 2x Flat AR $9 jeep with M40 106mm re ee =a [ishitona J ETON 36 gor gun cao Vityete) TS HIT ON ae tur2615Smmhowiter | 9672200 | ARTILLERY orDiect re re Sc AMG awisou | 2 ud Gromer) oer) eels fmenoeen H 44 === a Remon a emer PLOTONE ELIPORTATO 127300 121300 [ABB elaticeresh ° ° PAINTING® | TACIAN ITALIAN ARMOUR - OLIVE DRAB M109 VERDE OLIVA In the 80's all vehicles in the Esercito Italiano __Painting US vehicles in Colours of War, but using were painted in verde oliva (Olive Grab). To paint the Firefly Green as the base spary colour, or the Italian Army armour, simply follow the guide for Vallejo 924 Russian Uniform as brush paint. ITALIAN MARKINGS na = = @ v:ors010 Company Markings: @w Vehicles have on either side @ ww of the turret a rectangular ‘marking with the company @ worsr105 colour. Classification Marking. A circular sign with a class number with the weight for bridge crossing. eres STANAG: Front Registration Plate The division symbol and a umber with the information about the Army Corp, Division and Brigage. Tat —|7605| Back Registration Plate ITALIAN INFANTRY | @ The uniform of the Esercito Italiano soldiers is a plain olive-gree colour. Try adding a bit of Worn Canvas (884 Stone Grey) to the basecoat for some of the soldiers to represent older sun faded uniforms. ITALIAN AIRCRAFT miei oye Gormo fing fort) belongs. APPEND DXG2 At the moment there is not a single seller that offors the full range of models to ereate an Italian Army for Team Yankee. In order to help new players to colle a list of various manufactures of miniatures in 1100 (aka LSmm), For cach unit of the Halian Army it is listed which company produces it Plastic Butlers’ Minitures west age, MARE RSE omnes: a8 gta MR KX KK KOU aszes rekoe S SF KR Ko ees var x x x x x @ FIAT Jeep wth M40 Recoiless ihe S wv x KX oS © Peter Pig fanny win Tow msielancer = s HK KKK tren sve Sv xk xX xX venta xX vv x xX uso ss SJ YY KX xX srr KX vx xv rnricomomnm PCY VY vv vo bce SV kK KX Vv mcostoane SV xX vv musamoesreomdanr WS SF SS Ao avn xX vxK «x xX sts tv or cer Sv x Xv ms SVvV Vv (M577 Commanc Vehicle S vo x x vo Peter Pig somos x x KX Kv jest torts SX KKK tee Thesis oat have oly rave purpose. Not roi a be dane wih cis Cri ‘Team Yanks fgo and mes belong Baton Mies Mode pts a tino Zi (Cover foam crit of Wend of Tasks

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