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i i i a Sih a REVEALED: TM Mad PY Pea aa DAM eA easy Hey yall! Zionbar again with another case study that made very nice profits (and it will to you, if you follow it and maybe add your own little twist, like | always advise Pro lteRe NAR C tuoi cco ROM TAR tal Xela oH ole olg MaMa} alone changed my life (for the better of course). MUM cro aN Atay ONAL IMAL LO Rta A OLIN ALLO) Coin -le aaa ComUaT MU Ual ual Ccced esciiel| ec) we have when it comes to making money online, and | hope it will do the same for you, Not to be confused with the hundreds of ‘sell on amazon’ guides out there, tl acase study, not some basic guide (| wont show you how to register an account on amazon, you can google and find Teele KOM a Coulee OAT oo Ke 9) geo) emt EXACT route | took to build an amazon brand that made almost $180,000 in sales in 2 years. Ngee Gee ean are tue Rnd ay Which to me, is a very nice income, considering how passive itis. Proof below: Le'u Placelal orld pnd | Jan June - out | had one of my best sellers out of stock for a few months due to covid, had to change factories. But that's the cost of business, not complaining at all . Just E> showing you it should've even been more than 171K in sales. Cem) 72 Heres a recent screenshot just as another proof took on my phone: (taken beginning of April, you can see the increase month over month to et +) DOING THE RESEARCH — HOW CAN WE IMPROVE THE PRODUCT? Lets dive a little deeper into improving a product opportunity we have just found. So in our example, the horse hoodie, ive looked at some bad reviews, here's what I've found: ir least poles ulel (ok oxo Lau) ol Loud oreo MN AMC Aue cL Ls elke hap og version of the product - to create a better one, that will sell a lot better. The customer complained its too tight, and also not durable. It actually ripped Dee a unc eae eac uc una ae em ce Cem) Ya ROMAN Mg hele sce A ML Cay MMe ele muna enue tion, so when contacting the manufacture (| found a few of them for this product on you STA “ hey, we're looking to private label (aka OEM) this product, but we want it to be durable. It seems like the one made of (lookup the current material for the amazon competitor on their listing - in our case its - “Perforated mesh lycra”) Lycra are not durable enough — how do you suggest that we make a more durable product? “ The manufacture will then come up with suggestions and prices. You need to pick a better quality material - but keep in mind the costs. So these horse hoodies are selling for around $30, lets say we want to price it at $29.95. MEE aE ear eMac ol Mca scala ate elt eal stale Cold fo) LMA NCB OSC lEM ol esr olu EoD ON MONE MEV ole) orl A NG i cccila countries) and also for a $29.95 product you'll pay about $8 fee to amazon. So PROFIT = $29.95 — product cost - $8 amazon fee = $10 Or eats oh ESP ae Quick Tip: in some cases - when calculating the costs and price you could sell itfor on amazon, you will realize the product is not a good opportunity, That happens. OR if you need a lower product cost than you can find, try ordering in bulk (Big quantities = discounts) or maybe find a manufacturer in your country that can make a cheaper ieeias Remember - it’s a good thing that you encounter these type of issues, because others will encounter them too- so instead of quitting fast, try to do what other wont - and maybe ull be able to succeed and make money with 0 competition. After the initial research, you will be able to determine wheth- layer UM mI Col Dea ESE Senco ol Te ane acd ee V Ose ure Rescate ret vance Ut energy on a bad product. That being said, don’t be afraid to pull the trigger if you feel like it's a winner. You gotta take risks, just make sure you've done everything in your power to gather the information you need to make your de- lero MOle SMe MN cMuiLle(ch (0101 Me esos eet en elmitt Before moving on, I'd like to quickly look for another good opportunity, just to give you a variety. So im still on my jungle scout, looking for another product we could sell. Sipping on my coffee and scrolling.. smelling that amazon money coming my way & BU UA Sa Ree) TO ZIONBAR, 2021 1s Im thinking- WTF is that? Lol perfect. That’ literally my 1st indication of a good opportunity. CC ie eturceMnr torr ume eu Lsucaaur al ta cod Apiece of metal with holes, $21.99 price, selling $3,000 worth of products a month? Only 10 reviews? Like Connor McGregor likes to say : “Sign me UP! (say it with an irish accent)” Lets see what CeCe ecu aec aucune uae Matilaue see tea ok ges Medes en VOURUNA 4-1/4inch Screw-in Shower Strainer Drain Cover Replacement Floor Strainer floor drain (antique brass) ere SULCUS MaMeLoN Poetic (needles Merl ark elena RBC CCN es the product has 14 reviews. NOT a big deal. still very few reviews that we can beat by buying 20 reviews... piece of cake. Also im sure this product is extremely cheap to buy from Alibaba, so giving away 20 pieces for free (if they're like. ..$3 each) isn’t a big deal. u're spending $60 worth if inventory. lca I highlighted the keyword (usually in the title - first keyword is the keyword we want to look Pee me tet) Itis “ Screw-In Shower Strainer Drain cover “ and | got some great news — only 425 results. (anything under 1000 really is extremely low... 1000 is ok and over 2k for me is a little competitive) ‘And more good news - the absolute TOP results for this keyword have very little reviews (Only 1 has 74, the rest under 30 reviews..nothing we cant beat) Cem) Now we have to do some research, since we don't know (or at least | don’t know) shit about this re tem el oon a ei Ngses Ural ae ted ona a cela ia tte) for. | would also read some of the reviews. My first instinct would be to maybe create this product in white - we see itin black, silver, gold and no white, im sure some people have a white shower floor (well | do to be honest) and would prefer this product in white. Easy adjustment to make, See if people are complaining about the materials or any- thing else that can be improved upon. Maybe instead of a ‘screw in’ theres a possibility to just stick it Rules Rem kia cic Mile eae re RoR to LLec lM AOR eC EM UMUC MCU AI) a elee) ideas or will tell you about upcoming versions of this product that aren’t even out yet. “But Z- you said start a brand, how can I start a brand here? it’s a shower drain cover.” Great question! lets look together, by scrolling down to “customers also viewed” on the amazon page (gotta love amazon, they give you all the data you need to succeed!) Paice Mt eer ce cual shower drain covers - with different shapes (like the black one that’s stylish) different colors, size, OR you can orc Me RUL acne xe oh rele gol oe Peete eae ee ema escte neko ‘Amazon just TOLD YOU what customers that have bought / are looking at this product, are looking at as well. This data is literally GOLD. Now as promised on the sales page for this guide, | will literally tell you all my secrets that led me to succeed on eacely OM Une eR OR ROR CE ee eeu ee EU Re eid ele Regul Aaa a) Peed RE Ue min nm ec oR RCA wer LCE Ree dota Cola ol Poe eee rare mic eich arud ss Cem) PART 1, METHOD 2: ‘DOUBLE DIPPING’ - MY SECRET TO PICKING A WINNING PRODUCT, BASED ON BUILDING AN AMAZON AFFILIATE SITE (GOLD) One of the best ways to launch a successful product and make a ton of $$$ with it, is by starting an amazon affiliate site first (or buying one off of BHW, for instance). As you probably know, amazon has an affiliate program( amazon associates) where it pays you a commission for every product purchased through your link. So what you can do, is built (or buy) an amazon affiliate site, then pick the product that is being sold the most through your amazon link (see it through the amazon affiliate dashboard) and private label that product Instead of a getting a very low, almost pathetic commission fort, you will now own the product, and you also own the traffic (ur site) which will result in HUGE profits. That's why I call this method ‘double dipping’ - you're getting the sales (it’s your product) AND the commission (its sold through your amazon affiliate link). ifyou're starting from scratch (vs. buying or already having an established site) It'll take time, but after a few months, with proper seo, Some of your posts should do well, and you'll start getting sales through your amazon affiliate link. Asan example, let's say you wrote a post about the - ‘the best 10 coffee cups for the office’... Lookin your amazon associates account and see which ones people are buying, clearly the ones you ranked Ist and 2nd place on your posts, will usually be the top sellers Now what we will do, is private label our own ‘coffee cup for the office’ Do some research, see what people like and dislike about the current offered cups. What can we improve? Is there a certain complaint that pops in the reviews? To be honest, you can literally just copy the product 1:1 and you'll still make money, because you OWN the traffic (your site) and will direct that traffic to your product instead of the one you're linking to right now. That being said, if you can create a better product that customers will love even better, you'll increase your amazon sales and make even more money. Cam GOLDEN NUGGET! Think kits / bundles. If you're selling.a coffee maker, and can bundle it with a set of coffee cups, you're offering a way better product than your competitors already, When it comes to finding suppliers, use, they're the best. | work with a couple private label companies in the US as well, they're great but more expensive. Make sure you’re only paying suppliers through Alibaba or paypal, especially if it’s the first time you're dealing with them. In case shit hits the fan, you can always start a claim and get your money back. Happened to me, no biggie, | got every last penny back. Just protect yourself. When negotiating with factories, ask for the MOQ in order to OEM (private label) don’t buy huge quantities at first, just so you have a proof of concept and peace of mind. Use air shipping, its more expensive but way less complicated, and way faster. Especially when starting out. “If you're dealing with a product that has a battery built in it, make sure the factory has the MSDS (it’s a document that has the battery weight, type and all that crap) - amazon will require it So back to our “the best 10 coffee cups for the office’... post. Once you created a better version, or even copied the product, and cut their price by just a litle. ..theres something else you can do in order to increase your sales. That is - use Amazon PPC (paid traffic on amazon) Image that - you have your ad for your coffee cup pop on top of their listing when people are thinking of buying their product... Many customers will see your product and buy yours instead. |'ll show you an example - avawine That's a Fantastic example, So we're looking at a 6 pack coffee mug set, they're selling for $28.99 Look at the “products related to this item” which are basically ads by competitors, you can see a coffee mug set that is exactly the same, for $27.66. They’re identical, 1:1 same quality, same colors, same quantity | bet they're even using the same factory lol Which one would you buy? Unless you have serious issues with simple math, you'd go for the $27.66 one, | know | would When you have. A product on amazon, the absolute best paid traffic to get sales - is using amazon ppc. The customers are already on amazon shopping for your product, we're just making sure they see YOUR product vs. the other products on amazon. You don't have to tell them about and how awesome itis as a platform (they're already onit) You don’t have to ask for their payment info Hell you don’t even need their address... amazon has all that in their database. You just need to put your product in front of their eyes, which amazon ppc will do for you. That’s why amazon ppc is so powerful. Quick word before moving forward; and this is why | love this method so much. Using what | called “The double dipping method’, you could break into products on amazon that you would never be able to sell without your website. This is so powerful because you can literally start ranking on amazon with your listing for the most competitive niches and eventually make a shit-ton of money (using amazon’s traffic) Imagine if you just tried selling coffee cups on amazon without building your amazon review site. Could you? Yes of course! The problem? I'll show it to you: 1-48 of over 2,000 results for "coffee cups” Cam PART 2: FINDING YOUR SUPPLIER (AKA SOURCING THE PRODUCT) Lets talk about finding a supplier to create your product. That partis pretty simple so I'll keep it short and give you some of my best tips and recommendations. You want to find a supplier that already makes your product, we will simply ‘private label’ it. By private label, | mean literally slap your logo on the existing product. Now here's the thing - the more customized the product is - the better. THAT BEING SAID, when starting out, | recommend to literally slap a sticker logo on the products packaging just to get your brand name on it. The reason is we are still at what | call the ‘proof of concept’ phase. Many ‘gurus’ and FBA courses will tell you to buy at least 1000 units and customize the heck out of the product from day 1. I strongly disagree. I think you should start AS CHEAP AS POSSIBLE. No one will complain if they get a sticker logo, do that for your first 100 units, once you see that the inventory is moving and the plan is working, then order 1000, 10,000 or 100,000 units with a custom packaging, get a professional designer (| can recommend one if you need it) and make your product look like it’s the new iphone. Then, it'll make sense. But before that, why customize something that isn’t proven yet? When | start selling a new product, | simply ask the factory to slap a sticker logo on the product - they all do it and its extremely cheap. They will charge you a few extra cents per unit. Usually when you create an entire new packaging, you will have to buy at least 1000 units. With a sticker logo, you can literally get 50-100 units which is cheap and will reduce your risk by a lot. Next, you want to go on and look for manufacturers that have been around for a while. Look at their reviews and shoot them a message, | don’t recommend emailing because it takes for- ever, use the chat on Alibaba. Cam Here are the questions to ask manufacturers: “ what is your MOQ?” (minimum order quantity) “whats the price per unit” “whats your TAT?” (delivery time) “have you worked with amazon sellers before?” Obviously, don’t just send them the messages like that, try to have a conversation with them and get them to like you. Say you represent a company, don't say its your own company. | found that to work better because you get better prices and can then tell them you work with a strict budget. ‘Always tell them you're collecting quotes, because they/l know they have to give you a competitive price or you'll be from another factory. Don’t be rude, but be assertive, Don’t be afraid to ask for better prices, this is business and they're trying to get the most out of you. 99% of the time you can get a discount, their profits are huge they have very cheap labor and material cost as they already produce these products in bulk. What look for in a supplier? When looking for a supplier, | always like to chat with them for a bit and feel them out. |askif they're a factory or a broker and ask them to send me some pictures from the factory. There are some posers on Alibaba that are actually brokers - they will charge you more and just con- tact the factory in your behalf, avoid them as its just an extra charge. {also like to ask if they work with amazon sellers - if they do, ask them to also slap the amazon bar- codes for you. You will get the amazon barcodes after you create a listing - that’s how amazon identi- fies your product when they receive it You don’t have to do that, if you don’t, amazon will simply charge you a few cents and label it them- selves after receiving your product. Also, make sure to pay with Alibaba trade (pay through ) or paypal. I never pay in any other way to avoid being scammed. ‘Afew years ago | bought 2k worth of products and the factory never shipped it. | contacted alibaba and got my money back immediately. But if | have paid by BTC/ bank statement or whatever | would’ve been f*** out of $2,000. Painful and can be easily avoided by not being an idiot. play safe. Cam PART 3: THE LISTING PHASE: HOW TO CREATE A WINNING AMAZON LISTING AT A MINIMAL COST By that point, you have your traffic ready, the product is ready with your logo / label on it, and you're going to create a listing on amazon What you will need, before you'll be able to ‘lst a product’ (aka create a new listing on your amazon seller account) is a UPC barcode. its easy to get these, just go to and youll get them for like $2. Nothing crazy. ifyoure having issues here, contact me. In order to create a winning listing on amazon you will need: @ Great, high quality images of the product in different angles and preferably at least 1 image of someone using the product (CRUCIAL) e@ Awell written, appealing TITLE & DESCRIPTION (with your keywords in it) or if your product is not very exciting, just write down the features and what makes it a good product @ At the product info (when creating the listing) you will want to use these keywords and write them in the ‘search terms’ area. By that point, you have your traffic ready, the product is ready with your logo / label on it, and you're going to create a listing on amazon. You can also simply go on amazon look at the best selling products and look at their listings... what are they doing ? look at their images, video, discerption, title and so on... you'll notice a pattern. There's 2 things to consider if you want to make a lot of money selling on amazon, at this point, im not talking about your own traffic, im talking about amazon’s own traffic, see it as a ‘bonus’ that you're getting by selling the product on amazon. From your own site, you will get sales REGARDLESS, we proved the concept already. Let me explain; in our coffee cups example, people were already buying coffee cups through your post’s recommendation, were just switching the cups of some random company with our own cups and are taking all the profit. Makes sense? Cam Back to amazon’s traffic and how we can make more money by utilizing it. So the 2 factors to consider are: @ Amazon SEO (get the listing to rank) @ The Customer (get the customer to buy - aka conversion) AMAZON SEO When it comes to the amazon listing SEO, from my experience there are a few things that are crucial - Using the right search terms (keywords) in the title, description, and backend (when you edit the list- ing, you'll have a section saying "KEYWORDS" where you insert them) To find the right search terms, use it'll cost you like $10 a month you can getit for 1 month and cancel after you're done. The tool is fantastic. It shows you the right keywords to use on amazon, you will find some very good terms there that you didn’t think about. Once you find the right keywords, utilize them as | mentioned above. Ifyou want to save money, you can find search terms yourself. Go to and type your keyword into the search bar. Amazon will then suggest stuff that others typed - these are the search terms for your product. So if you type ‘coffee mugs’ amazon will suggest stuf like ‘coffee mugs for travelers’ ‘cheap coffee mugs’ and so on. Feel free to copy these and use them on your listing. Use amazon PPC by targeting your competitor’s products. Amazon ppc has a pretty new feature where you can target PRODUCTS vs. keywords, It worked won- ders for me and really boosted my sales. Remember the coffee cups people were buying through your site? Well you created a better version, or even copied them and cut their price by just a little... now imagine if you have your ad on top of their listing when people are thinking of buying their product. ..a lot of people will see your product and buy yours instead Cam ll show you an example - asia o RS That's a Fantastic example, So we're looking at a 6 pack coffee mug set, they're selling for $28.99 Look at the “products related to this item” which are basically ads by competitors, you can see a coffee mug set that is exactly the same, for $27.66. They're identical, 1:1 same quality, same colors, same quantity | bet they're even using the same facto- ry lol Which one would you buy? Unless you have serious issues with simple math, you'd go for the $27.66 one. | know | would. When you have. A product on amazon, the absolute best paid traffic method is using amazon ppc. The customers are already on amazon shopping for your product, we're just making sure they see YOUR product vs, the other products on amazon. You don't have to tell them about and how awesome itis as a platform (they're already onit) You don’t have to ask for their payment info Hell you don’t even need their address. .. amazon has all that in their database. You just need to put your productin front of their eyes, which amazon ppc will do foryou. That’s why amazon ppcis so powerful. Quick word before moving forward; and this is why | love this method so much. Using the double dipping method, you could break into products on amazon that you would never be able to sell without your website. This is so powerful because you can literally start ranking on amazon with your listing for the most competitive niches and eventually make a shit-ton of money (using amazon'’s traffic) Imagine if you just tried selling coffee cups on amazon without building your amazon review site. Could you? Yes of course! The problem? I'll show it to you : Cam There are over 2000 listings for the keyword “coffee cups”. the top selling products have thousands of reviews.. how would you even compete with them? Well, now you can. With your amazon review site ;) you're literally taking the customer from google, all the way to your listing .. He/she typed “best coffee cup for whatever” into google , read YOUR review post on YOUR site, was directed to YOUR product on amazon, and eventually BOUGHT your product. You get : the profit from your product sale + the amazon commission for the sale. Does it get any better than this? Let me answer for you; F*** no, Putting The Customer in Mind (how to increase conversions on your listing) In order to increase the conversion on your listing, | recommend a few things. A. Use Images That'll Make The Customer DROOL over your product: First, make sure the listing has amazing quality images (can be grabbed from the manufacturer + use a designer to improve them) lets be honest, most people are lazy and won’t read the text. They will decide whether to buy or not, based on the images. B. Use a copywriter / write a copy yourself (if you’re good at it) for the text, and features of the product. C. Make sure you have a little FAQ (frequently asked questions) section and come up with questions customers had on similar products like yours - so instead of making the customer wonder something - you hand them the answers before they even ask - so. all they gotta do is buy. That's pretty much it, Below is an example of a very good listing (from the customers side) on amazon: Snmmic:bureangreary Duy aedenseenens 10 Search that listing up when its time ces. erect for Hot 00g Kebab Sausage, Envronmentaly iodagradable for you to create your own. Look at theirimages, bullet points (they use “feature: benefit”... i.¢ “Extra long, ... 36” sticks allow you for a safe distance.. and so on) and of course product description. The images look great, they have lifestyle images as well (meaning images that show the product being used and make the consumer Understand it better). Cam Theres a reason their rating is 5 stars on amazon (very hard to get, buyers are picky nowadays). Now that we're done with the listing, lets go to part 4: launching the product on amazon PART 4: LAUNCHING YOUR PRODUCT ON AMAZON & GETTING INITIAL REVIEWS AND SALES After you ship the product to amazon’s warehouses (we're doing FBA, as a reminder. Don’tuse the fulfillment by merchant option, that sucks u don’t want the headache especially when scaling) Your #1 priority should be getting 2 things : 1. Sales 2. Reviews They go hand in hand. Once your product gets more sales + reviews- you go up the rankings and amazon pushes you eventu- ally to the top results - which will results in more sales and reviews | recommend buying reviews. Yup, | said it. 90% of listings on amazon imo (even the big brands) buy reviews. The system is rigged and we're not going to sit there and wait for reviews to come our way. There are plenty of review sellers on BHW, buy at least 5-10 reviews and go from there. You will be charged $15-20 per review, pretty cheap for the value you're getting (these reviews are CRUCIAL). After you have at least 5 reviews, you can start running amazon PPC, That'll help with boosting sales too. Once you have your reviews up - you will be able to get more sales through amazon (people will trust your product more). Ifyou don’t feel comfortable buying reviews, and want to be Mr. nice guy, good for you, you can wait for people to write reviews while your competitors are buying 1000s of 5 star reviews in bulk. Up to you as Grant Cardone says: you need to dominate, and not compete. So I’m going to do whatever it takes, to succeed - are you? PART 5: SCALING TO MARS - (we’re coming, Elon) Once your product is selling, we're not going to stop here, of course. When my first product started doing good and | noticed im getting a good amount of sales (at least $2k a month) | started thinking on how to expand the brand. The reason was | did NOT want to relay on one product. | watned a real brand, with a variety of prod- ucts in the same niche. Cam It makes a ton of sense Apple won't try to sell you a Tshirt or a hat. They know you're a consumer of their electronics - so why not utilize that data to sell you more crap you like vs. guessing with unrelated products? Those were my thoughts. So | was on the hunt to expanding my brand. While | can’t reveal the specific products im selling for obvious reasons - | can show you the exact patterns | used, so you benefit exactly the same way. You understand my thinking process and can duplicate it to any niche you pick. So how did | find more products to sell in my niche? | did that by using Amazon’s own data - and it worked like magic. Think about it - who knows more about amazon customers, than amazon themselves? Absolutely nobody. They literally have all the data. Lets stick to the ‘coffee mugs’ example. Your coffee mug is doing amazing and you're selling 2-3k USD a month At that point, you should also look at “frequently bought together” feature on amazon. See image below: Frequently bought together : B ee rot poe $158.92 (© Te nen se ope rm sl by eet sles Show eas (2 This tem: set of 6 Coffee Mug Sets, 16 Ounce Craric Coffe Mugs Restaurant Coffee Mug, Lrgesized Blak. $2287 ($5.89 /1 Cue) {2 rau case 50 Coffee Maker, ingle Serve Cup Pod Coffee Brews 6 to 10 Oz Brew Ses. $111.58 1 Kari Coffee Lover Calcio Variety Pak, Single Serve Coffs K-Cup Pode Sample 40 Count $2451 6951/1 Cou) ‘As you can see, these are the ‘frequently bought together items’, So now we know EXACTLY what people that buy our mug, want to buy next. In our example, we can see, as expected, coffee related products like a coffee machine or coffee pods. So what you could do - is private label your own coffee machine. Go on Alibaba and type‘ coffee machine‘ simple right? Here's what | found (there are hundreds of them) Nw 20 bret talan sve sam’-atomatic coffee machine, temperature canbe seen, steam can ma $68.10-$72.96, AY. cm Cena Super @ chow! cone CT am wo) You'll have to do your own research clearly, and pick the right product. | have no idea if this coffee machine is good or not, so what | would do, is buy 1 sample from the supplier, and probably 2-3 more samples from other suppliers, and pick the one | like and the one that makes most sense (in terms of price and my profit, and ofc, quality). Now instead of just selling coffee mugs, you’re selling coffee machines, and are building a ‘coffee accessories’ brand. Next product can be disposable coffee mugs, or coffee pods, or maybe a little tray for the coffee mugs, or maybe one of these thermoses where you can carry the coffee with you. The opportunities are endless in each niche, but you want to make sure you’re picking product that compliment each other. The reason is not only because we're building a brand, but because the same people that are buying the coffee mugs, will see your coffee machine (either through the frequently bought together feature or on your sellers profile) and they are very likely to buy your machine as well. That's why when picking a store name you want it to be related to your niche as well, to attract these people to your profile so they can eventually see all of the products you're selling. I'm NOT a fan of general amazon stores like a lot of gurus will tell you to do, and that’s exactly why. You want to go deep, not wide, when picking products. Deep as in deep inside a niche, not wide, don’t try to be Walmart, try to be Apple in this case. Master your niche. Don’t get me wrong - Walmart is amazing, the thing is you don’t have millions of dollars to start private labeling general products in insane quantities at this point, so you're better off focusing on 1 brand first. Another way you can scale, is outside of amazon. \did that myself after | already sold 3 products on amazon, | went and created my shopify store, and I've recently started selling on, and of course theres ebay too. After | created a successful product on Amazon what do you think happened? People started googling. What do they google? My product names + reviews. My brand name + reviews. So then when you create your own website, post a review section on it, and NOW you can start selling your brand on your own website, after amazon gave you some ‘authority’ After all, a brand that's sell- ing on amazon gains some sort of reputation, if you think about that. By building that shopilfy store | got even more sales of people that went off amazon and googled. That resulted in another 1-2k a month, nothing crazy, but at least im growing my customer data base. Cam Here’s the beauty of building an actual brand- you can sell on whichever platform you want, after you've used Amazon to prove your concept and give your brand some authority. When you sacel to a shopify store, (lookup amazon to shopify on the shopify app store) there are apps that literally pull the listing from amazon, and when a customer buys from shopify, you can still use amazon to fulfil their order. So you don’t have to do fulfillment at all and with your shopify store, you're free to do whatever the F you want. You don’t have any restrictions, and | know what you're thinking ‘well why not start with a shopify store, then?’ well because if you go back to the beginning when | wrote ‘why sell on amazon’ there are plenty of reason for that. Scale to shopify, but only after you launched on amazon. Not before. Its way harder, and will be a lot easier because some people will see it on amazon and then google it, ifyou have your own shopify store then, with maybe even a little discount (so the price on your shopify store will be a littler cheaper for the same product you have on amazon) they might buy from your store. You'll then save the commission you have to pay to amazon, but that being said, most people will prefer buying from rather than your site EVEN if you give them a discount. Crazy right? Nope. People just trust amazon, that's all. They don’t know or trust your shopify site, but it’s a good way to scale. eBay is the same way, if you post on eBay you will get some sales from people that are looking for bargains. The problem is you will have to fulfil the orders yourself (meaning pack and ship the products) but you can also use fulfillment companies if you have a high enough volume of sales. That's why | would launch on eBay only after the brand is big and you just want to add a sales channel, don’t worry about it at first. At this point, you have your brand, you’re making good money, and are thinking about selling it and do a nice exit. Should you? Why? Why not? In the next chapter, we will cover exactly that. Cam STEP 6: TO SELL, OR NOT TO SELL, THAT’S THE QUESTION So your amazon brand is now making $3000-$4000 or maybe even 10k a month. Congrats! Are you selling it or keeping it for passive income? The question of all questions..... Well, it depends. Ifyou want a bunch of $$$, let's say for another business venture or you're buying real estate, selling can be an option. Also if you feel like your sales are declining and you've peaked, you should consider selling at the top. IF however, you're like me, and you have some money aside and prefer to keep the business, do so. $3000-$4000 a month consistently for 4-5 years, will be worth more than the 75-100k you'll get for the brand Especially if you can grow the brand and make even more money. In fact, if you picked the right niche, the brand can last 10-15-20 years, who knows? So that’s something you’ll have to decide. I'll tell you that, once you have an established brand, if you are interested in selling it, hit me up | might buy it myself. Lets say you’ve decided to sell it, here’s how to do so: @ Go to (not affiliated with them, but they are very trusted and known to be fair) e@ You'll need to give them access to your account, and some reports on your sales and numbers and stuff © ‘ov't start getting offers from buyers for your brand, Simple as that. Once you get the offers, you can decide whether to accept or decline. Same way | did with my brand ifyou remember me telling you that. | got an offer for | think $110,000? Can’t remember the exact number, but it was over 100K. See, | had a feeling that | shouldn't sell, and | didn’t, the brand is still making me awesome money and is very passive, and im expanding it as we speak. So it was a good decision. But | still wanted to see what | can get if| wanted to sell at the time, so no harm no foul. Didn’t cost me anything to put it on empire flippers. Cam PART 7: LETS MAKE MONEY - A STEP BY STEP ACTION PLAN Ive invested thousands of dollars or more on guides and courses throughout my years of intemet mar- keting career, and will continue to do so, knowledge is power. And the fact is, it was cheaper than a college degree, and my online businesses made me a lot more money. | get to work from wherever | want, whenever | want, because | work for myself. (honestly, | work harder than more ppl doing 9-5 but that’s because | love it and im so excited about building busi- nesses that | sometime cant fall asleep at night, literally). BUT | always had a problem with how these guides are written, they always give you all the informa- tion but not many have an action plan. So I’ve decided to create one in mine. Reading the guide without taking action won’t make you money, unless you just wanted to study, which is cool, but why not make money with that knowledge too? THE ACTION PLAN ‘STEP 1: FIND YOUR PRODUCT. Pick your product research method from this section in the guide, then do your research. Research until you’re comfortable that you've found a winner. Still not sure if your product is a winner? Email: lll help you out with it and give you my take. STEP 2: FIND YOUR SUPPLIER. Go read that section in the guide, then find a supplier on or if you can’t google “your product + private label” or “your product + manufacturer”. Get the product private labeled. | recommend getting a sample from a few facto- ries first if the product is complex, so there won't be quality issues. STEP 3: CREATE THE LISTING. Do this WHILE waiting for the supplier to produce your product / for the product to get to amazon warehouse. Save time, so once the product gets to amazon - you're ready to sell. STEP 4: LAUNCH YOUR PRODUCT. Get reviews and sales for your new product on amazon. You can buy them, or use friends. Be careful with using family members if you have the same last name. DO NOT buy it yourself / do NOT let your mom buy it if you live with her. Amazon will see it’s the same internet connection (and address) of your seller account. STEP 5: SCALE. Congrats, you've successfully launched the first product, and its making sales (1 like seeing at least $2,000 in sales before moving to the next product). Now find another product, read that section in the guide and scale. STEP 6: EXIT. This step is NOT mandatory, of course. If you don’t want to sell your brand, go back to step 5 and find more products to sell in that niche. Grow your brand instead. If you do want to sell, you have all the info there. Cam That’s pretty much it. This guide took me a ton of time to write, but im very happy with how it come out to be. Over 9,000 words of pure value, based on a PROVEN method that made, and still is making me a lot of money (and | hope you will take action so it'll make you money, too). | wanted to wish you endless success in your online ventures from the bottom of my heart and wanted to remind you that by purchasing my guide, you also get access to me and my years of knowledge. | will always help you with whatever it is you need when it comes to selling on amazon (or anything else that has to do with internet marketing, if you need it). Don’t be a stranger, reach out with any questions, feedback, or just to say hi, via email : Or you can pm me on BHW. | will reply to you within 24-48 hours, depends on how busy | am. | hope you loved reading the guide and more important - learned a new method to make money online with. The opportunity here is literally HUGE, | wouldn’t spend my time or yours if | didn’t 100% be- lieve in it. Don’t be one of the 99%, that will read the guide and do nothing with it. Take action, ‘fail for- ward’ as | like to say, and eventually, no one can stop you and you will succeed. Im waiting to hear your success story. Remember, if you put your mind to it, nothing can stop you. To your Success, Zionbar. Cam

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