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Claudia (A)
Mark (D)

Jane (B)

Paul (C)

2. - Listen again and write T (true) or F (false) for each statement.

A. Jane is watching a movie on tv. T

B. Paul is making a cake. F
C. Claudia is making a cup of coffee. F
D. Mark is working downtown. F

1. Before you watch, read the summary of the interview with jake.

Jake is very busy these days. He´s trying to start a company with his family. He´s
working hard. He begins each day with a cup of tea, and then he has breakfast he leaves
home in a hurry, and always arrives at work on time.

3. Watch again. Complete the missing information.

 It’s an Line based company.

 I don’t really have much time for your friends
 And family
 I am very tired.

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