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Research Paper Pre-Writing Exploring Problems

Crime, law, and justice

Police brutality and unlawful innocent convictions have proceeded to be one of the
largest faults in the police justice system. It needs to be solved because it doesn’t just affect the
individual, but a nation as a whole. Legislators and investigation agencies all have to ability to
teach and fix these wrongful practices. It would be interesting to see how our legal system has
developed over the years while researching the public perspective and change parallel with the
evolution of legislation.
Economy, Money, and Business
The economy’s growth is one of the largest contributing factors to our everyday lives
nationwide. When our countries in a recession, citizens are impacted throughout making the
solution under our immediate attention. In 2007 US officially entered a recession, giving reason
to many Americans financial struggles. One of the largest issues is that there is no single
contributor that can fix the issue, it is something that has to make a comeback in return to the
nations actions as a whole. Legislation have a large part and so do the wealthy but this is still
menial to the big picture. It would be a very interesting subject to research because our countries
financial standpoint effects everyone throughout and has a large control on our futures whether
we like it or not.
The public school systems in Chicago are on a slippery slope and with no near sight of
slowing down. As schools close due to improper funding others become over crowded which
inhibit performances on tests for funding and begins this seemingly never ending vicious cycle.
It needs to be solved because this doesn’t just effect our futures but our children’s future and the
wellness of our country as a whole. Legislation has the largest contributing factor and needs
revision in its funding system that is slowly deteriorating education facilities as a whole. It
would be a very interesting topic to explore, become fully informed on the issue and possible
Energy and Environment
The correlation between effectiveness of energy creation and pollution levels to the
environment. Our old fashioned techniques of simply burning coal to produce electricity is
extremely wasteful and hazardous to the environment. Not only is it a reckless technique but we
are also nearing the end of our supplies of these natural resources. This is an issue for the world
as a whole to start reducing our carbon footprint and begin to use safer practices. I would like to
learn all of the new technologies in efficiency of each energy sources utilized worldwide.
Becoming informed is the first step towards pushing society into the right direction.

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