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If you are going to take an English or ESL class soon, it's best to go prepared.

By following these tips you'll

make sure that you understand your English learning strengths and weaknesses so you can get the most out of
your new class.

Why Take an ESL Class?

The English learning goals quiz takes a fun approach to understanding your English learning needs. Just
answer a few questions and you'll get feedback on what kind of a learning might be best for you. The
Important Questions article provides a deeper look at the questions you should ask yourself about your
learning goals before you begin the class. By understanding the answers to these questions, you will have a
better idea what type of exercises and topic areas will be important to you. This could make the difference
between taking an ESL course or an English for Specific Purposes (i.e., business or computer) course.
 English Learning Goals Quiz
 Important Questions to Ask Yourself

What Level am I?

It's a good idea to take a few level tests before you begin. The review tests listed cover all the major learning
points for each level. Begin with a test you think is right for your level and take note of the questions you
answer incorrectly. If the test is too easy, congratulations! Try to take the next most difficult test. If you pass
the advanced level test with more than 80%, you may want to consider taking an English course that
specializes in your English learning objective - for example a Business English Writing course.
 Beginner Level Test
 Intermediate Level Test
 Advanced Level Test

Understand Basic Skills

Now you understand why you want to learn English and have a good idea of your level. The next step is to
review some of the challenges you will have in your new class. I find the most challenging aspects for many
students include: listening skills, understanding native speakers, and the relationship between the various
tenses in English. These three articles should give you a good start towards improving these skills.
 Improve Your Listening Skills
 English Intonation and Stress
 Tense Chart

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