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Alia : Chairman

Saniah : Secretary

Khalida : Leader Department

Alia : Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. I am glad to welcome all members to our company
meeting. Thank you for coming. Are there any apologies for absence for today’s meeting ?

Saniah : Yes, Mr Amir is away at meeting while Ms Sheila is on medical leave.

Alia : Thank you Ms saniah. Can we now proceed to the next item, minutes of previous meeting?

Everyone : Yes

Alia : Please read through the minutes of the last meeting which were distributed earlier. Are there any

Khalida : Yes Ms Alia. There is correction to the total budget for our expo last month. The exact value is
Rm 1850,00 not Rm 2000.000

Saniah : Thank you MS Khalida. I will make necessary action

Alia : Are there any amendments?

Everyone : No

Alia : Thank you. Can someone propose the minutes be passed as true record?

Khalida : I propose the minutes to be accepted.

Saniah : I second the motion.

Alia : Ok, now lets move on to the next item. Any matters arising? Anyone?

Everyone : No

Alia : if there is nothing else, lets proceed to our special business today, about …………………………….

I am taking this matter seriously because it will affect …………………

Khalida : Bagi cadangan untuk problem…I think we should

Saniah : i think ms khalida suggestion is good idea. Elaborate cadangan tadi….

Alia : ok great idea. So now we are going to any other business. Anyone?

Khalida : akan discuss based issues dr bagi

Saniah : agree / not agree

Alia : since all of us agree. I take it as a yes . so I will assign khalida for this issues.
Khalida : okay, sure

Alia : our next item is date, time and venue for the next meeting

Saniah : Ms alia, since there are many activities to be completed before that, can I send a notice about
the next meeting to the members later?

Everyone: yes, sure

Alia : That’s that then. I am glad that we manage to finish this meeting on time. Anything else?any
questions? Comments? No? well then, thank you for coming. This meeting is adjourned.


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