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St. John’s Lutheran Church Norfolk, Nebraska 7th Sunday after Pentecost July 24, 2022 8:30 AM Pastor Randy Rasmussen Sunday, July 24, 2022 - 8:30 AM Gathering Together Welcome to God’s grace - where the world’s labels don’t apply. Step into God’s time and presence. Hear God’s gentle whisper: “Be still and know that I am God.” Let your body and mind rest and open your heart to God in worship and prayer. Welcome each other in the love of Christ. Extend hospitality to those new in our midst. “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice in it!” GATHERING MUSIC & RINGING OF THE BELL PRAYER TREE TODAY’S WORSHIP THEME Persistence in prayer is encouraged by Jesus and wins the attention of God when Abraham intercedes for Sodom. The life of the baptized—to be rooted and built up in Christ Jesus—is to be nurtured with prayer. God hears and answers prayer and so strengthens God’s own. “When I called, you answered me; you increased my strength within me.” CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS Stand GATHERING HYMN “All Are Welcome” ELW #641, Verses 1, 3, and 5. GREETING: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And also with you. KYRIE Page 203 CANTICLE OF PRAISE Page 204 PRAYER OF THE DAY: Almighty and ever-living God, you are always more ready to hear than we are to pray, and you gladly give more than we either desire or deserve. Pour upon us your abundant mercy. Forgive us those things that weigh on our conscience, and give us those good things that come only through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. HEARING THE WORD God speaks to us in scriptures sung, read, and proclaimed. First Reading: Genesis 18:20-32 A reading from Genesis After the reading: Word of God, word of life. Thanks be to God. Second Reading: Colossians 2:6-19 A reading from Colossians After the reading: Word of God, word of life. Thanks be to God. Stand GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Page 205 HOLY GOSPEL: Gospel: Luke 11:1-13 A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke Glory to you, O Lord. The gospel of our Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. sit CHILDREN’S MESSAGE - SHELLI RASMUSSEN SERMON - PASTOR RANDY RASMUSSEN HYMN OF THE DAY “What a Friend we Have in Jesus” ELW #742 APOSTLES’ CREED PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION SHARING OF THE PEACE The peace of the Lord be with you always. C: And also with you. SHARING THE MEAL God feeds us with the presence of Jesus Christ. GATHERING OF THE OFFERING OFFERING PRAYER GREAT THANKSGIVING ‘The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. “Holy, Holy, Holy” WORDS OF INSTITUTION ACCLAMATION OF FAITH Together we acclaim our faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again! THE LORD’S PRAYER INVITATION TO COMMUNION Sit “O LAMB OF GOD” COMMUNION All are welcome to eat & drink at the Lord's Table. Jesus Christ is present in the bread & wine, Come and eat! Holy Communion is served below the altar. Following the usher’s direction, please proceed down the center aisle toward the altar. If you require a gluten-free wafer, please request one from the pastor during communion. Red wine and white grape juice are available in each tray of cups. After communing, you may return to your seat down the side aisle. If you would like to receive the Lord's Supper where you are seated, please tell the usher, who will ensure the gifts of God come to you. COMMUNION HYMN Lord Whose Love in Humble Service ELW#712 PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION SENT FORTH TO SERVE God blesses us and sends us in mission to the world, ANNOUNCEMENTS BLESSING ‘The God of peace, Father, ++ Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you, comfort you, and show you the path of life this day and always. Amen. SENDING HYMN “In Christ There is No East or West” ELW #650 SENDING Go in peace. Love your neighbor. ‘Thanks be to God. St. John’s Lutheran Church ELCA 1300 W. Benjamin Avenue Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 371-1985 ‘ Our Mission: Disciples Through God’s Love, Celebrating In Jesus’ name. PRAYER CONCERN! Shelli Rasmussen Brandon Matties JoAnn Berglund Jim Carter Cody Hoefer Carol Timperley Tami Darville Ken Wragge Kay & Ellen Curtis Jerry & Shirley Berney ‘Ann Schroeder Janet Farr Susan Skogstoe Dan Timperley Derek Johnson Lexi Rivera Stacie Schutte Wendell Fossum Richard Juracek Keagan Sullivan Roger Peters Merle Mead Jeff Frady Bob Frady Tyrone Uhlir Jesse Books Joann Moeller Charlotte Lich Gail Gubbels Beverly Schwede Everett Behrendt Sara Fegley Jerry Kramer Lisa Christensen Betty Elbracht Altar flowers on this 7 Weekend after Pentecost are given by: Larry Smalley & family in memory of Wanda Smalley AND Dave & Penny Pedersen in honor of their 32™ Wedding Anniversary Office Staff Pastor, Randy Rasmussen Youth & Family Ministries Coordinator, Shelli Rasmussen Office Assistant, Cindy Nelson Custodian, Ken Schillinger THE WEEK AHEAD MONDAY, JULY 25 1:15pm. hosen ChristCare 7:00pm. swSolid Rock WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 1:00pm... Searchers ChristCare 5:45pm Mid Week Dinner & Worship THURSDAY, JULY 28 1:30pm. ..Bel Air Worship 6:00pm. VBS Volunteers Meeting SATURDAY, JULY 3 5:00pm. sesuneGathering Worship SUNDAY, JULY 31 8:30am.. Festival Worship 10:15am. lebration Worship It’s almost time for VBS! Aug. 1-4 from 6- 7:30pm. We can’t wait to see you! Registration forms are on the back table, call to register, or register the first night of VBS. There will be a meeting for all VBS volunteers on Thurs. Aug. 28" @ 6pm in the Sanctuary. Family Fum Night Please join us @ AquaVenture Water Park on Sunday, July 24", 4-7:30pm. Tell them at the front that you are with St. John’s and we will pick up the tab. You can come/go anytime that works for your family. STATISTICS Mission Emphasis in July.....LWR School Supplies & Reverse Garage Sale §7,69,50=156 $8,213.56 $3,640.21 (4,457.21) -$(30,973.13) Attendance 7/17/22. Weekly offerings needed Offerings received 7/17/22 Weekly deficit. YTD deficit. WORSHIP ASSISTANTS FOR THIS WEEKEND. JULY 23" & 24TH Saturday, July 23" Reader-Pat Monson, Ushers-Rod & Shirley Hughes ‘Sunday, July 24", 8:30am Council/Reader-Carol Waggoner, ‘Communion-Susan Frank, Reader- Dan Melkus Coffee Hosts-Carhart’s Sunday, July 24", 10:15am Council/Reader-Carol Waggoner WORSHIP ASSISTANTS FOR NEXT WEEKEND JULY 30 & 317 Saturday, July 30" Council-Tony Uttecht, Reader-Carol Waggnoner, Ushers-Rod & Shirley Hughes Sunday, July 31", 8:30am, Couneil-Brenda Carhart, Reader-! iott Fullner Coffee Hosts- Sunday, July 31° 10:15am ‘Council/Reader-Carol Waggoner : #9*Reminderst##+# *Meals on Wheels will be delivered July 25-Aug 19", Please contact Carol Sorsen to sign up @ 371- 7482 or 992-3237 or by calling the office. *Benefaction Fund Requests need to be submitted by July 26" for consideration at their quarterly meeting in Aug. Forms can be picked up in the office. St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Bulletin Summary of Council Minutes July 13, 2022-7pm Bethany Room -Meeting called to order @ 7:05pm with quorum present -Devotions were given. -Agenda and minutes were unanimously approved. Expressions of Gratitude were specifically given to Ken Schillinger for all the efforts getting the new grass started, and to Adam Bloomquist for being council president in Carol Waggoner’s absence. Huge Thank you to Both of You! -Pastor’s Repot—Reported that as an Evangelical Church, St. John’s was been invited to Participate in the Norfolk L.G.B.T.Q.1.A. festival, September 10". We will staff a table about St. John’s, Council voted to support this. Portico (health insurance) will reduce about $1300 for family insurance starting next month. Service will change to 11am starting August 21th *August 28" after 11am worship we will host a tailgate barbeque. *Pastor also received the answer to the question about St. John’s enrolling in “Building a *Culture of Generosity” Stewardship Appeal. It is a new program offered to 20 congregations in NE Synod at a reduced cost of $250. The question was “since St. John’s tithe’s our benevolence gift to the Synod, was the obligation of 10% of the increased offerings over and above that first 10% amount. It is not, it will involve record keeping, Therefore council voted unanimously to support the program. Council members, finance team member, and others are encourage tO participate in at least a few of the 6 virtual sessions. -Youth & Family Coordinator—Shelli reported that with Ken's help some SS furniture and bulletin boards have been repurposed, moved, rebuilt. Some new bins have been purchased. Rally day for Sunday School is August 21, 2022. ‘VBS has a good list of people who have volunteered to teach/help. -Financial reports—treasurer, Tony. June’s financials were reviewed and were felt to be in order. We are seeing some of the results of inflation, and summer. Deficient for June was $14,599.12. Financial report was approved. *Cindy will be secretary for the Finance team. Huge Thank you to Mark Nelson for being secretary for many years. “Recommended by finance team that 3 credit cards for the office be applied for from Elkhorn Valley Bank, cancelling the one from First National. There would be a card for Pastor Randy, Shelli, and Cindy. Ken has. a Menard’s card. Motion was made and passed “Guidelines for the Contingency fund, after some discussion were accepted by motion and unanimous passage. Guidelines for St. John’s Contingency Fund are as follows— 1. Funds can only be used to keep the church solvent, (EMERGENCY) or to cover any year end deficit balance, 2. When all means of money raising have been exhausted, this fund may be studies as a consideration for use by the church council * Legacy Fund is now opened and “working.” *Venmo account for “Faith Fest” recommended to be opened, This will help nonmembers particularly to contribution to the event. tt will also let monies be tax exempt. After discussion motion passed unanimously. -Other committees reporting—Fellowship-Outreach—Terri—Will be helping with VBS, rally Sunday for the Sunday School, Tailgate meal, sponsor the “Field of Dreams” float, Sept 24" They will be needing other help and support, please step up. Faith Fest—Starting campaign to raise $2500 in funds for the Festival. (Benefaction will ‘match what Is raised up to $2500.) Lonnie will help be a spokesman for that. Concrete steps are also being currently constructed to the lower “bowl” in back of the church, Trevor is updating the church webpage. Mission Life—reverse garage sale going well. Many sympathy notes along with 373.69 was sent to Uvalde and Robb School Fund. School supplies are soon on sale so we will be collection school supplies for Lutheran World Relief. Property Team—Lon-Front Lawn looks wonderful. We are happy to have lawn again. Audit for 2021 is closed and complete. Thank you to the Audit Team. Future Dates Finance Team Meeting - August 9, 2022 @ 5:15 Library Executive Team Meeting -August 9, 2022, Library Council Meeting-August 17, 2022, Bethany Room Meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

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